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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
LTS or regular Ubuntu minimal + XFCE? I kinda want newer kernel versions.
Caleb Gutierrez
>I kinda want newer kernel versions. Usually not an issue for ubuntu, new versions are added as backports/"hardware enablement kernels" to versions.
Ryan Watson
Jace Rivera
I mostly want to install never Ubuntu version than 16.04 because it doesn't have firmware for some of my hardware. Never kernel out of the box is just a bonus.
Colton Reed
>operating system >firmware w-what?
Parker Butler
How do i get never kernels on Ubuntu 16.04? I'm on 4.10.35 right now.
Mason Wilson
It didn't have necessary firmware out of the box and the hardware still works weird even after i installed it manually. Thats why i want to try Ubuntu version that have that firmware out of the box.
Andrew Parker
on ubuntu ffmpeg won't capture desktop audio, i have tried messing with alsamixer and making sure all volumes were up, as well as pulseaudio. i cant figure out what is blocking it recording loopback or internal audio.
Noah Foster
I've installed i3 as my wm but how do you get to change keyboard layouts?
Chase Reyes
you mean drivers?
Lincoln Ortiz
literally firmware files.
Camden Gomez
kernal blobs my friend
Gabriel Cook
What kind of problems should I fix on a new Manjaro install before even encountering them? (not sure if stating it would mean something on the post)
Also, is plugging a monitor/projector will instantly work out of the box? I can't test it out except on the actual day I will use it and I won't bother plugging my flash drive on their shit computers.
Luis Myers
for some reason on all the current manjaro installs, after install I get no bootable device and kicked into grub rescue
Ryan Hill
I use i3 in arch, would consider switching to a non systemd distro but my current setup relies on what i think is system d stuff to operate (udev rules and systemctl services to lock at suspend, switch monitors etc). how easy is it to get this going without system d?
Not sure about udev rules, but without systemd you'd probably have the fork named "eudev". As for lock at suspend, you're referring to locking the screen? This might be of interest:
Andrew Thomas
"user you replied to" here, also happened on my case, fixed mine by switching from disabling Legacy Boot / UEFI to BIOS.
Ryan Peterson
the livig meme
Nathaniel Allen
b-but firmware is located inside hardware...
Jaxson Ortiz
Jayden Morgan
n-no p-please redpill me
Ryan Turner
technically he's right firmware is located at the hardware drivers are located in kernel modules
Angel Hernandez
Logan Moore
are you fucking stupid? firmware *IS* in the hardware you stupid cunt. how do you think hardware works without connecting to the internet or to external storage. dumb reddit motherfuckers i swear.
i know im right, but is OS even able to modify firmware? i mean PC (bios) architecture
Isaiah Flores
s-so firmware rootkit is possible?
Matthew Gomez
it can livepatch it, yes, which doesn't overwrite whats on the ROM.
Parker White
The kernel (Linux) consists of several modules, you can see them as hardware-software-language traslators. Some hardware doesn't tell the language it speaks, but it provides a driver in binary form (blobs), which allow the kernel to communicate with the hardware.
Brody Edwards
>kernel to communicate with the hardware its driver definition
Eli Baker
Ofc there is hardware which contains microcode, but this code aren't drivers which are needed to communicate with the OS.
Ryder Watson
>current state of Sup Forums
Jonathan Moore
Henry Wright
Let me rephrase because I suck on English, and bump my question because this thread is a fucking disaster.
Are there any problem I should fix on a new GNU/Linux installation, before even encountering the said problem?
Jason Anderson
4.11 is in the main repos 4.12 is not available 4.13 is currently in ubuntus testing area
also there is this fucking goldmine for both legacy and current kernel versions, compiled for Ubuntu by the official kernel team:
Brody Bell
Has anyone installed Linux, the kernel, on GuixSD yet?
Jaxson Young
Why don't you just install the needed drivers if you really want them?
Daniel Jenkins
You mean any drivers pertaining to missing blobs in the libre kernel? Is it really that easy?
Camden Harris
Sure, just check the versions.
Isaac Jones
Nice botnet.
Joshua Thompson
Sure, just check the triples.
Julian Gonzalez
Does anyone know a good feeds reader with blacklist? I'm using Liferea at the moment.
Had a look at GuixSD. Maybe i'm just a brainlet, but I can't figure out that fucking config file. It includes a mention of the root file system, but am I supposed to also include the other ones like a separate boot partition or my swap? If so, where do I put those? The parentheses placement doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Kevin Turner
What do? Trying to do a net install of tumbleweed and this is the first thing that pops up. Ive never had it done this before
Xavier Rogers
happy 34th, GNU
James Young
Take a look at NixOS first then. Guix uses the Scheme language which is fairly confusing itself because everything is done with lists. E.g. instead of functions being "f(x)" they are "(f x)" and instead of "1+1" it's "(+ 1 1)"
But nix uses its own language that it made solely for the purpose of using it with the package manager so it's a lot more intuitive. I still like the idea of guix better though even if it is less intuitive
Once you get used to it, everything makes sense and parentheses vanish (you just regonize them as "start" and "end" of a sentence).
Parker Butler
>Windows 10 the best development environment
>minecraft ads in menu 'start'
Carson Mitchell
Matthew Sanders
Is there a utility which can generate bash autocompletitions of manpages?
John Ramirez
Who cares anyway. The popularity of GNU/Linux pretty much only matters to me insofar as muh gaymen goes. And it's probably only a matter of time until Microsoft absorbs the Linux kernel or some other relatively open source alternative, and Vulkan is pretty much set to overtake DX12. So probably in a decade or so it won't even matter if devs make games for GNU/Linux, they'll "just work" So plebs can keep their walled gardens for all I care.
Luke Perry
Don't know, but it would be pretty useful.
Cooper Taylor
I think fish does this automatially.
Owen Jackson
Last thread I asked about a problem, but I found myself a good solution; I'm posting it here in the hopes it helps someone else.
The problem: too many country-specific dictionary entries you don't care about, cluttering programs like Firefox. The solution: open /usr/share/hunspell as root and delete the ones you don't want. Most of them are symlinks anyway. (You can also rename them if you want to remove country codes.)
Before: After: see pic.
As a side note, why do people have such a retarded association between countries and languages? It's not like languages give a flying fuck about the government you pay taxes to.
Nolan Jenkins
They sometimes fuck with the repositories. Try it again later and it should be fixed.
Henry Smith
Same thing with timezones isn't it? I hate when you get a timezone selector that doesn't just do UTC+X but is just a list of cities and you have to pick the one closest to you
Liam Brown
For timezones it's understandable though, due to daylight saving times.
Matthew Rivera
Wich one I should install ?
Joseph Ross
Ethan Flores
but I don't have gentoo iso :C
Henry Gutierrez
Because there are some local differences. Removing files installed by your package manager like that is bad.
where the asterisks are either a random number or a random letter. is there a way to write a script that will test every combo of numbers/letters and wget them?
Joshua Wright
Xubuntu or Artful.
Parker Young
i personally $ wget $(curl | grep -e http.*\.jpg) but when i wrote it here sme user show me that its possible with wget only, but now i cant find snippet
Thomas Hughes
>Because there are some local differences. There are local differences, but they don't give a flying fuck about country borders - you'll often find more relevant differences inside countries than between them, trying to shoehorn governments:dictionaries like that is dumb.
For Spanish it's even worse. ALL OF THEM were symlinks to es_ES files. (It makes sense, since there's a single organ behind them.)
>Removing files installed by your package manager like that is bad. It's just hunspell, not a critical package. At most the system update will override my changes.
Juan Wilson
I'm using Ubuntu MATE Artful at the moment. It's fairly stable for a pre-release, so I guess Artful?
Jonathan Lewis
>so I guess Artful? Yeah. I decided to install it too. Will wait for full release and mini.iso + Xubuntu core it.
Andrew Myers
WRONG, my bad should be $ wget $(curl | grep -Eo http.*\.jpg) (wrong grep flags)
Josiah Fisher
Can't wget do all this by itself?
Justin Diaz
alright i found anons snippet wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD
Isaac Green
How to make terminal experience #comfy? I use centos minimal for server. Tmux, zsh/fish shell, what else? Also, cannot make it true color, even though I did install ncurse library or whatever it's called + TERM=xterm, does not work.
Tyler Morris
man wget
- check if you want span hosts or full recursive -A which file formats should be accepted -R which file formate should be rejected
Michael Cox
>robots=off you monster
Andrew Powell
Leo Gomez
>TERM=xterm Why not xterm-256color?
Nathaniel Martin
What are some cool terminal commands?
Camden Wood
Logan Foster
$ cheat(){ curl "$1"; } $ cheat wget
Jack Hall
Christian Richardson
qrencode wgetpaste
Aiden Walker
kill -9 62645797
Luis Martin
Theres something simliar which prints stackoverflow answers.
$ howdoi convert unix time to date in bash date -d @1267619929