I've made RegEx filter rule on Sup Forums that freezes this poorly made pece of sh--software.
Now it will freeze everytime I open Sup Forums, even though I've deleted cookies. Does anyone know how can I edit/delete or find those filter rules? They must be stored somewhere, still?

If you are smart enough to know and create a RegEx filter, then you should be smart enough to figure this out.
Not your tech support, fuck off.

I asked other anons, not you, faggot.

you cant make this shit up

>make shit code
>waaaah it broke this software

Other anons here

Fuck off

Fuck off op

Only thing stupider than the bullshit regex you wrote is thinking we'd tech support for you with that attitude.

Fuck off.

ok you can all just fuck off, i don't give a shit about Sup Forums anyways.
you're a bunch of retards that knows fuckall

It's LocalStorage or some shit

Have you tried FedEx?

Never mind, I've found it, thanks for believeng in me faggots
don't put this line in your catalog filters
>/^(.+ ){1,20}$/i
it will fuck your firefox

gonna try that

this, all Sup Forums settings are stored under LocalStorage, not in cookies. The cookies only store whether your unique ID and whether you clicked the "I am over 18" box (that is only checked on the main page, not if you go to the boards directly...).

this thread is amusing me

It's stored in webappsstore.sqlite file, in profile folder, in case firefox makes someone cry again.
You need e.g. DB Browser for SQLite to edit it.

>some text on a chinese website crashes firefox 100% of the times
its like sjwzilla wants to be applel

fucking mobile posters

>/^(.+ ){1,20}$/i
Do you want to filter threads, starting with a space. Maybe it crashed, because it couldn't show at least 1 result.

Not really, I was trying to filter low effort threads, like less than x words.
I'm not even remotely good at reg exp.

Jesus Christ what a fucking pussy. Are you one of those betalords constantly scared of Sup Forums, too?

what about replacing it with still shitty bu maybe less version
/(.*\ +){4,}/
replace 4 with number of desired number of words minus one
Okay, I stop spoonfeeding

>/(.*\ +){4,}/
Thanks, I'll try that one.