Has anyone had any success trying to install Windows Vista on on modern Intel chipsets? Anything from Haswell and up

Has anyone had any success trying to install Windows Vista on on modern Intel chipsets? Anything from Haswell and up.

It only works with Linux atm. You can do that and then switch over.

what do you mean

Why would you want to? Anyways, to better answer your question you can try it yourself and see if it works. It you really want Vista then install Linux and run Vista in QEMU with a GPU passthrough. It's not hard to set up.

you should use windows ME instead, it's so much better

literally no reason to use vista other than fapping to the aero design

it's better than 7

anyways since i couldn't get it to run stably on haswell and the only known method is to emulate it, i'm going to invest in an ivy bridge 4960x

>it's better than 7

You're full of shit.

nah, vista has better ram management/allocation than 7, has more built in software, and is a much snappier and prettier os. also the last windows to have a classic ui plus start menu

i am on 7 right now but i really dont like it, the next gaming setup i make will be a vista machine with hopefully a gtx 1080

>it's better than 7
Oh there are so mach reason it is!
>no W+arrows hotkeys
>no Ctrl+Shift+N hotken in explorer
>Windows Update breaks constantly after updates making installing all updates barely possible without BDSM
>start menu search box results are shit compared to W7, particularly with control panel applets
Oh and finally
>no up to date browser
>Qt dropped support for it (personal nitpick tho)
That's just from the top of my head, I've been using Vista SP2 this whole summer. And on top of that it does not have smaller enough memory footprint compared to 7 to justify all of that.
>vista has better ram management/allocation than 7
And you can support that with scientific data. Or can't you?
>also the last windows to have a classic ui plus start menu
Classic theme - present in 7.
Classic menu - total piece of shit, I do most of program launches with typing into search bar, it's magnitude faster than cascading menu.

install gentoo

Oh and this one:
>connect MTP device, Explorer lists 1/20 of files inside large folder, Total Commander lists all files.

you clearly don';t know what that word means.
but at least you're intelligent enough to recognize vista > winblows 7

>all the poojeets ITT assblasted because they don't even realize microshit hasn't released a good OS since vista

>And you can support that with scientific data. Or can't you?
no i cant but i did not come here to argue about windows.

if you cannot help me with i stated in the op then im sorry but you should stop posting in this thread. thank you

>you clearly don';t know what that word means.
well clearly i do since i used it properly

nice semicolon douche

Vista isn’t officially supported since April, 2017.
Use a virtual machine if you want to use that crap.

>at least you're intelligent enough to recognize vista > winblows 7
Because Drivers and legacy support should be absolutely missing

So much fucking bait.

you can install windows server 2008 security updates on vista and extend its support till 2020

bait? if you dont like vista then dont post, simple.

Gotta point out the lies so that other anons won't fall into the trap.

i do not think they are lies

I have a better version of this post:
if you cannot present scientific data (you are not even trying) you should stop posting your half assed opinions.

nah, fuck off

oh i think i know why you're doing this
you just dont like the telemetry MS forced into 7
enjoy not having a botnet! i hope the performance is worth it...

> Install Windows 7
> Rice it Windows Vista icons and theme
> Profit