Biggest tech cringes of your life

>"My boyfriend is a developer"
>"Cool. What kinda development?"
>"He specializes in E-S-6"
>"ES6? ECMAScript 6? ... So, he writes JavaScript?"

What's next... HTML "PROGRAMMERS" calling themselves "H5 experts" or something... fuck this planet.

What are your worst cringes when interacting with dumb normies?

Other urls found in this thread:

Big, if true.

>lol don't be that specific you autist
Where do you think you are?

>What are your worst cringes when interacting with dumb normies?
Posting in this thread.

Whats wrong with being an HTML programmer?
Someone has to program how the website looks.

I wish I was making this up.

It's like how someone has to place toilet paper onto the dispenser so I can wipe my ass with it. Tough job.

bet he makes more than you.

i bet he works as a web developer making $80k+ coding front end javascript.

and has a girlfriend.

so...all in all, he's doing better than you

He's... unemployed.

I don't get it... JavaScript is capable of pretty strong 2D games and shit... it at least takes more logic than HTML and CSS.

Is this a pride thingy? Egotism? Or is javascript easy AF? I know it's a shit language but if you can make an MMO with websockets and node, I don't get it...

>Biggest tech cringes of your life

Boss sends you an email
Says hello how are things going
End of email conversation

>W-what did he mean by this?

Javascript is a programming language.
Its not the coolest one but it still is.

Grow out of your autism OP

He wantss the D:/.


Salary does not dictate occupational superiority. You can sell your soul doing webdev and make six figs or you can work in research and make way less. Which man gets more respect?

The one with more money.

I work in research. I barely get paid.
But the work is fun.


>girl tries to get out of the situation by saying she has a boyfriend
>makes up some letter-number combination to sound more convincing with her story
>which then happened to actually mean something

If it wasn't for people like this, you'd probably wipe it with your tongue, so have some respect for other fellow humans doing the dirty job for you.

I'll never understand this particular flavour of Sup Forumsays autism. You can go out now and find people paying you to develop shit in Javascript. There are even front-ends entirely written in in. For better or for worse, Javascript is basically a programming language now.

>learning that a guy gets paid for programming in a language you don't like
wow I'm cringing so hard right now!!!!!! someone post it on reddit I'll gladly upboat

lmao !!!

It's because most people on Sup Forums probably still think PHP is cutting edge and JS is still the "toy language" from the 90s and early 2000s.

>shit in Javascript
on point
t. Javascript "developer"

Javascript is a regular, even elegant, programming language, like any other.

The guy who doesn’t give up his livelihood just so he can feel superior to people with “lesser” jobs

es6 is the proper name, but javascript is pretty much the most powerful and concise language with actual jobs


>virgin likes girl
>girl is with chad JavaScript expert
>virgin makes fun of Chad on an anonymous finger painting forum
>is still a virgin

is this thread a pretty good indication of what Sup Forums is these days or is it an outlier?

the one with the bigger dick

good indication.
the majority of this board are now Sup Forums crossposters and windows users.

I dont get it. Whats up with all the javascript circle jerks lately.

the webstack is a giant sack of shit

>What's next... HTML "PROGRAMMERS" calling themselves "H5 experts" or something...

That would be stupid, HTML is more of a craft or an art. I consider myself more of an HTML artisian or journeyman. Or H5 composer if you will... Describing me as an mere expert overlooks the finesse and fingerspitzengefühl involved in what I humbly call a virtuoso performance when I craft a finely crafted HTML document.

Calling me a HTML expert like some mere code-monkey and not as an artist would be an insult. I don't merely code a HTML document, I GIVE BIRTH to it. There is pain! There is love! There is passion! I sweat, I cry, I scream with pain and pleasure when I create. It's not source code, it's soulful and sublime.

Its easy and as an average Javascript webdev you will never touch actual programming, i.e. patterns, paradigms, algorithms and data structures.

also theres a new Framework or Library every other week made by some limp wristed hipster thats "in" and you totally HAVE to know it.

Fuck Javascript.

>I'm a computer hacker bro
>oh yeah? What did you hack?
>I hacked MTV 5 years ago
>what method did you use to hack them?
>I opened up a wormhole *changes subject*

>sour grapes

the one with a girlfriend and no neckbeard

>that pic
hello there reddit.
How are le epic maymays XDDDDD

The one that earns more money while working less
Remember that big companies always win

Good one


Eh, 6/10, my man.

nobody develops applications native on os anymore faggot
everything is now done in the web

"as an average Javascript webdev you will never touch actual programming, i.e. patterns, paradigms, algorithms and data structures."

impossible to quantify an average of something non-numerical. anyway, you will find patterns, paradigms, algorithms and data structures in javascript if you look farther than the tip of your dick YOU FUCKING IDIOTTTTTT

j/k kinda but seriously though, i don't think you know a whole lot about this topic

>Yeah dude hacking is all about firewalls

Daily reminder that JS coders has no limits now, they can even write embeded code >
and IOT gonna turn web developers into firmware engineers.

>Its easy and as an average Javascript webdev you will never touch actual programming, i.e. patterns, paradigms, algorithms and data structures.

Dude your comment place in evidence that you know shit about computer sciences

Lisp is even more high level than JS and is perfectly used to explain algorithms and data structures.

Do you even fucking now what a computer, algorithm or data structure is ?

wasted desu

>he doesnt program toilet paper into roll holders
>he doesnt program the garbage bags into the cans
>he isnt the chief janitorial programmer
sucks 2 b u

suck my clith.

someone has to program the paper towels, joblet.

but i don't like haskell they know how to do it.


>implying is not you.

>I work to gain peoples respect instead on making money

i code respect.