Sup Forumsuys, is this show another hacking meme or does it have some truth to it?

Sup Forumsuys, is this show another hacking meme or does it have some truth to it?

one episode he is working migration of some site inspired by silk road
and in some moment he need to hack fbi
he opens console
type sudo apt-get update


It is inspired by real attacks but carried out in an unrealisticy way. so basically what he is doing can(ish) be done. Never watched it, only heard about it from my infosec colleagues who love it.

you won't see any guis written in vb to track ips but don't expect anything more than cs grad with a specialisation in linux, the hacking plot is usually secondary to the characters and overarching american psycho story like fucking men in the ass and beating up hobos

If you are unable to suspend disbelief this show is unwatchable

Season 1 is weak sauce, Season 2 is pretty strong but overly drawn-out. Season 3 is set to start next month and should hopefully find a good balance between pace and style.

A tread died for this

The writers find real-world skiddie tools (lol SET? fr?) and make them do magical impossible hollywood shit.

sage in every field

>It is inspired by real attacks
>basically what he is doing can(ish) be done

Holy fuck I swear it's everyday with this shitty show. LURK MORE YOU SUMMERFAGS AND YOU'LL KNOW. Fukken saged

Show reminds me of what I hate TV. Its unrealistic and it panders to the rick and morty fan base.

>talks like a child instead of giving examples to back up his point
you picked the perfect mascot for this

if you seriously think Mr Robot is a realistic look at how real world hackers work, i don't know what to tell you. What are you even doing on Sup Forums

I guess it's somewhat closer to reality then you'd expect from a TV show. But it's not really realistic.

It's also shamelesly rips off fight club and american psycho.

Im sorry what? You have no idea what you are talking about.

He uses real frameworks (granted most of the exploits aren't real). Social engineering is one of the biggest infection vectors, also pretty prevalent. Furthermore all the windows hacking stuff with the NTLM hashes and grabbing the plaintext password from csrss is completley real. Ontop of that USB drops are also real.

Like I said, it is inspired by real attacks, I never said they are exactly real. Have you ever been to Defcon? Because let me tell you a little secret, most of the community love it and in a huge amount of talks this year, people kept on likening Mr Robot to stuff they had done in the past (the veteran talkers), because the writers of Mr Robot do some research.

In the bts they say they have a hacking team. The writers and hacking team work together to make it legit. They didnt want to become a hacking meme. So yes, its mostly legit.

mc is fight club and his rival is american psycho

In one scene two characters are making fun of Hackers(1995) so it's reasonably self-aware.

The hacking is alright but the show is filled with shitty wanna be attempt of a psychthriller drama

But did he exit vim successfully?


I guessed what Mister Robot was within an episode of him being introduced. It was pretty obvious that he was a Tyler Durden. Still, the first season was pretty entertaining. Second season was pretty meh.