ITT: fictional laptops you want

ITT: fictional laptops you want.

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cheap Macbook in the style of the iPhone 5c as that was a cheap phone

16:10 T420 with modern specs

>nonfictional laptops that are impossible to find that you want


It's so beautiful
If I were to actually get my hands on one I would probably turn it into an orangepi or raspberrypi

That's just a GPD pocket
>tfw you'll never have a PC 110


Why would you destroy such a beautiful product for a shitty raspi build?
Just put a *nix on it and SSH or VNC into the raspi if you really need it.

Tell me a *nix distro that can run on 20mb of RAM

>weeb subs

Damn Small Linux, menuetos

Damn small linux.

Yes, feel the cringiness as I relive my childhood promises of esports, embedded computing, social networks, and AI chatbots.

mmbn is great I just hate subs like that

Oh, yeah the subs were always shit, but the dub of the anime was much worse so...

I ran DSL perfectly fine on a laptop with a 486DX4 and 8MB of RAM.

>Tell me a *nix distro that can run on 20mb of RAM
Thing thing has better specs then what *NIX ran on for 30 years before that laptop came along and several years for Linux.
GTFO tech illiterate.

A laptop running Linux with no problems

I didnt realize I wanted one of these in my life until now.

How hard would it be to build one of these out of hobbiest electronic materials like raspi/orangepi or arduino?

Or should I just do what



that actually does look pretty good.

apparently they made these things with different case covers.
If I saw this in public I wouldn't think it wasn't a Nintendo ds

Fuck off, your bait is shit.

It's old as shit, unfortunately. I bought a similar model back in like 2004. It was awesome at the time, but it's not very useful anymore.

You're a faggot dude
bring your b8 somewhere else

Came here to post this. Almost bought one back in the day. Couldn’t justify the price, though.

Turns out it was about 10 feet away from me, it would've been faster to get it than find that picture.

>it's so a e s t h e t i c XDDDDDDDD but it wont watch youtube so I have to destroy it!
fuck I hate vaporwave hipsters
run OS/2 or 95 on it, you'll get actual software too and not just bottom of the barrel "lightweight" garbage

stop projecting.
a computer is meant to be used and I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my money gayhead.
What the hell would you use it for? looking at? You retard

i dunno, maybe with mpv outputting to libcaca

6/10 you had me

to be real though if you had a good network setup you could probably install an X server and just forward that kind of stuff over

fucking baiters
kys nerd

you didn't really answer what you would use it for
If anything keeping the stupid windows95 theme would be more "vaporwave" as you put it. And fuck ricers.



will you kill yourself please i already gave you attention

would make a kick ass serial console/mobile office/games system nonetheless

durr hurr retard baiter kys my man

Dennou Coil, VR glasses
Dirty Pair, holographic laptop interface

Ghost in the Shell, those cybernetic fingers

There's more, but that's a good start.

oh god that keyboard, it looks disgusting. Fuck is that thing bending? That would be super inconvenient unless it had a 'viagra' mode.

>>wanting cybernetic fingers instead of a neural interface
Damn man, out of all the stuff from GITS you picked the least cool one

Not fictional per se, but this with modern hardware and a HUD or other display system

I think you are onto something senpai. I've always wanted to do the same thing with the cpc 464

windows 10?

Not fictional though

menuet isn't *nix


thats just an x60

>you remember a movie where there was a computer with a giant as radio block + antenna on the back of the screen for wifi in a convertible .

>those keys

Those look so unpleasant to type on. Is it a fucking kids toy?