
What went wrong?

it's a feature


women koders

The entire website is a graphical clusterfuck right now. Performance is down on all actions. Theather mode takes longer, fullscreen takes longer, subscribing takes longer, clicking on another video takes longer. It's a lagfest from the homepage to your profile page. The default while color is blindly bright; thank God they added a dark mode. The red in the logo is too bright. At this point, any faggot with half a brain could make a faster website.

Trending, verified channels, merchant tricks


b-b-but muh anonymous functions and deeply nested enclosures!

Pajeets and women.

People were talking too much sense in the comments

All of this is to hide the comments


Saw him live a couple months ago. God tier music

> Com Truise

Nice taste.

(((jewgle))) bought it

Came to say this
His last couple releases have been great.

nothing. edgy idiots need something to complain about though.

Brain drain
Google's corporate culture sjw infected
Muh algorithms

Honestly I hope vidme and others get more popular YouTube has been shit since 20xx

>nothing wrong with youtube
>reddit spacing

>Jet Set Radio Future
Nice taste

>browsing Sup Forums
Nice taste


nigger youre bitching about the 2nd most bandwidth consuming webservice that has millions of manhours behind it that you've literally used everyday of your life for free for the past 10 years

it's unfortunate that so many people who contribute nothing to the productive world are allowed to have opinions on the internet. earnestly hope you die :-)

>Not just sticking to modded YouTube on your Android devices

Fucking idiots you deserve it hahahaha

>multibillion $ company
>cant program a fucking website
lol, I'm getting adnauseam lol.. this piece of shit company definately has to die so we can get something better

>it's unfortunate that so many people who contribute nothing to the productive world are allowed to have opinions on the internet
and who are you? the gay black trans-abled diversity hire who just finished koding the new youtube layout and has come to Sup Forums to silence anyone who doesn't like it or finds bugs in it?

>used everyday of your life for free for the past 10 years
and I've never seen a bug in it like in the OP till this new layout was rolled out. it's a glitchy piece of shit now and the only reason why anyone still uses it is because it's impossible to make a profitable alternative. YouTube is running at a deficit funded by the government as a data mining operation.

well, I see people stopped creating content on there too since ((( jewtube ))) demonetizes everything.

the only thing I watch on it nowadays is JewRoganExperience and some 80's, 90's music...

And its not even good for music anymore.

RIP jewtube

also, if anyone is wondering, this is why jewtube is shit. It has a woman as CEO lol

it will be YAHOO all over again

How to turn on dark mode pls

ever since people started making it their job it ruined YouTube. it was only ever good when you just made stuff to entertain people. low production quality, high entertainment quality. it was a good time. now everyone is just doing it for the money and every channel is the same shit just giving you the bare minimum to make you watch the video so they get money.


R.I.P. in peace Flash Player

I love it that when you want a timed link you either have to pause or copy immediately because timer keeps updating even after you selected to have a time stamp


Good one! How did that escape my mind?

Brainlet that can't into closures.
You'd find that feature great if you actually coded something beyond alert("hello world").

>What went wrong?
Dunno really, I'm using scripts to make it look and work as I like it.
However, whenever they ""update"" the layout and whatnot, it gets fucked too.

Is that Com Truise?

Make Youtube Great Again!

20-30 year old "product managers" and it being unaccountable to its user base, who drive ad revenue, but are constantly cucked out of it.

>active userbase of a billion
>biggest complaint you can find is some 1/9999999 rendering bug
>"its a glitchy piece of shit!"


>and I've never seen a bug in it like in the OP till this new layout was rolled out. it's a glitchy piece of shit now and the only reason why anyone still uses it is because it's impossible to make a profitable alternative. YouTube is running at a deficit funded by the government as a data mining operation.


I'm not bashing on closures, you dumb cunt.
I am bashing deeply nested closures, a thing no JavaScript engine handles well.
Every layer deeper the whole fucking engine gets noticeably slower.
JS simply cannot handle it. Not the way the spec works. That's the problem.
Closures are perfectly fucking fine. The handling of them is not.

Likewise the DOM and its nested event handling system, unlike closures, THAT shit is forced on everyone.
Simply placing an event handler 50 elements deep compared to 20 slows things down. That's fucking retarded and whoever thought that was a create idea needs a good punch. Out a plane. In to a supernova.
I think there might be a way to disable it, though.
I've been meaning to get around to experimenting with it and wrapping it in to a userScript. But busy, cannot be bothered, lazy, wishing for a train from outerspace to smash my existence in to null, etc. You know how it is on Monday.

I like that on the YouTube app you can search for other videos and access certain features while you can keep a video running on the side in a small thumbnail. It's stupid that you can't do the same on the desktop