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Technology #627
Buy the iphone X
How do you deal with Jamal taking your android phone?
Firefox vs. Chrome
What are the ultimate nostalgia technologies for those born in 1997-2001?
This software has been uninstalled. You need to restart your computer to apply changes
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I've got a 2 story home, about 2000 square feet. The wi-fi is fucking god-awful. Got an Archer C7...
/BST/ - Battlestation Thread
Apple reinvented the PC, making it much easier to use and introducing graphics. Apple reinvented the music industry...
4k OLED, freesync at least 100hz display when?
C++ Consensus
Comfy thread
Switching to Linux but I can't decide which version of Ubuntu to use
What social networks does Sup Forums use besides Sup Forums?
Can a website take a screenshot of your computer???
Why do people still buy this deprecated technology ?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Can't boot Lubuntu
His time isn't exact
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Fire isn't botnet
So will we get the new design? is it confirmed?
Are SSD prices going down anytime soon?
Debian vs Ubuntu
What's the Dark Souls of programming languages?
What is the point of having Lubuntu (or similar) as a lightweight distribution for weak and old computers
Perfect keyboards don't exi
Every few minutes my computer hangs for half a second with an audio buzzing noises when torrenting...
Worst Windows OS
Buying into the SSD meme
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
New Pixels still come with a headphone jack if you count the USB-C port
Why are windows, macos, linux the only popular operating systems?
What's the oldest gadget you still use every day?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Best web browser and why
I need help Sup Forums i bought an iphone 4s16gb for 30$ on ebay (i'm poor yes)...
Where is the 8700k instock
*heavy breathing*
it's happening
Linux is the best OS
I have an iPhone 7, iPad Pro 2017, and Apple Watch series 2, but no Mac. Should I get an iMac...
Looking strictly at Firefox and other gecko based browsers, what's my best bet? is it the 64 bit dev version...
What backpack does Sup Forums use for carying it's /tech/?
Innovation of Jeurig
What other programming languages do this?
What is the best free anti-virus program?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Is he the greatest?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Computer science prof has been in the industry for 50 years and is highly accomplished
Computer for engineering student
Is there a more perfect phone?
Firefox alternatives
Tfw no forum communities like there was in 2000-2007
ITT: obsolete technology
Who Is Snowden? Hero or Villain?
Holy shit firefox 56 is fucking garbage, what did they do to it? it's more unstable than nightly
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Where were you when firefox turned into a literal botnet?
Is it possible to write a script that can predict dubs?
He hasn't optimised his wireless network yet
Is it worth learning C when we have Rust?
What should I expect?
New advertising on Yotube?
Let's discuss what botnet we still depend on and anons give us advice on how to fix it
What Linux distro "just werks"?
WebKit Nightly
TempleOS appreciation thread
ITT: You give me sufficient reason not to buy a MacBook Pro
Did I mess up?
*kills apple*
Why don't you have at least 4k yet?
Comfy Apple General
Your interviewer asks you what this piece of code does and why it's a good thing to run on CPUs and RAM...
I'm looking for a minimalist wallet
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Gnome 3.26 issues
How come you are still using a nearly 10 year old OS?
"b-but the notch on the iphone X is terrible UI design!"
Not keeping all your braces in one tab
Friendly reminder that if you have a 4 core Intel CPU for gaming and are not a Twitch streamer you don't need to...
Essential Macintosh Software
Opinions on XCode?
128 vCPU
Mi Mix 2 vs IphopneX
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Red Alert
Desktop Thread
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread Into Which Keyboards Are Posted
Upload encrypted video to youtube
How to test whether a guy really knows about C++?
What is best linux? no gentoo plz
Literally perfect
IPhone X release delayed into 2018
What is the most indestructible smart phone
How do i make Windows 10 wake from sleep on a schedule...
Why do Japan still insist on using stuff that the rest of the world deemed as "obsolete"?
/sqt/ - Silly Queries Thread
I honestly dont get the autistic developer humor & banter at my workplace
My water bottle spilled open in my bag and now my 2015 Macbook Pro is fucked. It’s was on sleep mode while in my bag...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Curious: what makes Sup Forums think a post is spam?
Best IDE overall
Cuckfox, by default collect your data!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is the whole 'ugly nerd' stereotype of tech fading?
I'm too much of a piece of shit to research this by myself, but, what are the flaws of python?
Why is this fucking HDD worth $7k??
Wouldn't it make sense for all "super capital" ships in sci-fi to be cubes?
Use firefox
"I would switch to Linux but I need Windows for muh games"
/EE/ Electrical Engineering General
Hey Sup Forums so my gf just handed me this and idk how I can improve it or do anything...
Post one (1) thing Winblows can do better than any Linux, GNU/Linux distribution
/hpg/ Headphone General
Better water proofing than iphone and pixel
3 small bug fixes
Why is technology so goddamn expensive...
Wow, looks like the Intel 8700K is the absolute best gaming chip around, look at how it destroys the competition!
This triggers the autist
Is this the best laptop available right now from a hardware perspective?
Very powerful. Wow
Why are we sending binary into the universe if alien's may not even use our form of binary
Whenever someone tells me they use vim, I can tell they are a pretentious faglord
Design your dream smartphone
How can they make amazing CPUs but then make horrible GPUs?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I am not a soldering expert myself, but how effective do you think that contraption is?
Sup Sup Forums
This is one of the proudest pictures I've ever taken - more than a cute shot of a girlfriend, whatever
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Which terminal emu does Sup Forums recommend?
Mfw python is too hard
24-core Arm64 mobo with ram and sata/pci dual gigabit inc
Screenfetch thread "warm my laps" edition
What was the point of using a double instead of an integer?
ON the weekends
What is your preferred indent size?
Where are t video gayme benchmarks
Be me at work
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So this is the power of VR:
You have 10 seconds to find a worse product failure
Why did Commodore lose? What did they do wrong that Apple got right?
Is this the 2500k killer? Intel actually released a decently priced and featured cpu. Thank you AMD
I want to buy a pc, and I don't really have much idea. Do you think thats a good pc for 670€?
How autistic is Sup Forums?
Waterfox VS Firefox ?
Speccy / Specs thread, post and rate them
/bsd/ BSD General
Sup Forums using Google reCaptcha
Post your homescreen and device
What are some must have programs for Mac?
Why use these over Vim/Emacs?
Post your color scheme, fonts and editor
Is there any reason why the Adobe Flash player has to be installed with an installer at the system level instead of it...
This triggers the jacklets
Is IRC a dead cyberpunk meme or do any of you actually use it?
What is the most pleasant looking font?
You have 180 seconds to write a program that will identify the duplicate element (there's only 1 such repeating...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Essential Windows software
Why am I so fucking shit at coding
Any FREE vpn for linux?
What kinda stuff do you have in your taskbar?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What are the practical differences between VMware and Virtualbox? Which is better?
Linux Mint or Ubuntu?
What do you put into your 1TB drives?
Reminder that this is actually happening and I can't fucking wait to get one
Yet another superior smartphone. Wish they'd put a better CPU in this one tho
How do I hack a facebook account?
Revolutionizes the Ph0ne industry
How long does it take load windows explorer for you when you press the icon?
Saying goodbye to an old friend
6000 BC: man invents hieroglyphics
Purchase thinkpad
Torrent clients
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Mfw I'm programming a game engine in C++14 and OpenGL and I'm going to be millionaire after I'm done programming my...
Chrome Is Your OS Now, Even If You Use Windows
/general speaker thread/
This might sound autistic but does anyone else hate how nowadays when you change a setting on some OS...
Temple os thread
Why the fuck are mice so expensive?
Why haven't you funded the Librem 5 yet?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/pcbg/ PC Building General - Brazil Edition
Firefox now collecting your browsing history for a marketing firm
What's actually wrong with it?
Will there ever be a better adblocker? is there even any competition?
Comfy OS Thread
The iPad Pro is simply brilliant
Do you think the backlash against SJWism will make its way into silicon valley and open source...
All right Sup Forums
Are there any music players out there besides foobar2000 that can handle (very) large music libraries...
Apps to avoid
No one on Sup Forums need a six core
/wt/ - Watch Thread
You have to define methods outside of objects
What office chair should I get
I built my own PC (mainly for gaming) two years ago. My GPU is the Radeon R9 390...
How the FUCK do I disable this from my laptop??
Is there a way to ONLY install the Libre Office Writer?
How bad did I fukt up
Ive got an old computer i got a couple of months ago in a bulk lot for really cheap using parts from other computers i...
Reveal your free space to me
When will 3:2 computer monitors become mainstream? 16:9 is shit
He uses a web browser with a camera as a logo
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Flat design
This fucking abortion holy shit
Who the fuck sad yes to this design?
What's the new nexus 5 Sup Forums? I've had mine for years but it's really starting to run of steam...
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android
Why shouldn't I use
Why is translation so difficult?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Android custom roms
The notch is a brilliant design choice. Prove me wrong
Ywn be good enough at programming to have this be your professional work profile
Living in Australia fucking sucks. it costs me $2400 to buy a PC that would cost me $1700 in America
C ___ C++
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Old ass phone thread
Mods: Can I ask why you are deleting Terry/TempleOS threads?
So.. What are you learning Sup Forums?
CPUs can be shrunken down
Coffee Lake Edition
Tfw running ububtu 14.07 for the first time in my life
Anyone buy one of these already...
Which one do you hate more?
Realistic future predictions thread
How would I get started using it?
Discord now has video chat and screenshare
Hmm, I wonder how many Nazis there are on Sup Forums
Would this make a good server?
Tell me Sup Forums what do you think about this hackthon?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
5G Internet is On Its Way
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Whats the best mouse for gaming/browsing the internet?. wouldn't spend more than a hundred
Hey Sup Forums. What can I replace this god-tier phone with...
What microphone does Sup Forums have? Did you fall for the snowball meme?
Asked about this on uhm... that board, and was told to ask here
Don't know if any of you remember me from a couple years back, but I suspected that I was going to lose my job...
Jewtube replacement
Sup Forums browser
Is there anything new on cpu cooling? I've been using Noctua NH D15 for years now and there isn't even NH D16 yet
Computer science class
Since CCCP is getting outdated, I decided to try something different. So far I have two options:
Why can't I watch no programmer write code live on youtube? I WANT TO SEE LIVE PROGRAMMING
Say something nice about pic-related
Hey everyone!
Just gt my first Pi. What are some useful things i can do with it?
Why do numpads exist in 1990+18? Barely anyone uses them and they just interfere with the mouse
ITT: times you were an anonymous hacker
Thinkpad Anniversary Edition
Japan laptop general
Why aren't removable chipsets a thing...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
That pajeet in your class writing code in Visual Studio
How big is your windows 10 installation? Mine's 12GB. You can check under system-reserved at settings/system/storage...
Holy. Fucking. Shit
I fucking hate that Jewgle teams up with these stupid candy companys for android names
Where does Sup Forums get their news?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - when will corelets ever learn
Best Browser?
There should be a browser addon that syncs your Sup Forums tabs with Clover. Someone make this. Thanks
What's the best color scheme for your GNU slash Linux terminal?
/clg/ - Coffee Lake General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why do they put the logo of a fucking operating system on keyboards?
6 GHz overclock
What is best laser you ever had?
Van eck phreaking
/hpg/ Headphone General
Specs / Speccy thread, post them, rate them. I think this will last me a few years...
I am PNG Smaller. Post your png and I will losslessly make it smaller
How much did Google pay them for this review?
Tell me about your Fry's Electronics Sup Forums
Whats the best way to apply thermal paste, i've been using the cross method and never had a problem
Tfw when you will never again experience the golden age of internet
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Find obscure soundtrack I saved 10 years ago as mp3
Tfw when you will never again experience the golden age of smartphones
What's the best VPN
I'm poor and I think gaming pc's are expensive. Paying $3000 to play with 3D characters I think is ridiculous...
How can Apple and Windows even compete?
Is Firefox 57 the death of Firefox?
Steve Jobs passed away six years ago today
Taking breaks from my computer and leaving my room aren't options because I don't care about my long-term health
What's harder to learn, c++ or japanese?
Why are people so scared of Sup Forums?
What word processing software does Sup Forums use?
Paranoid my computer is compromised
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Cofefe edition
Why do iPhones slow down after 2 years?
What did he change exactly?
How do I make Manjaro KDE faster on my old notebook?
Who is the king of lightweight Linux distros?
/dwht/ - Daily Water Heater Thread
What programming language should one learn?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Has this been confirmed as a Botnet?
Is there even a usable alternative to systemd?
Favorite Desktop Environment
How can Linux even compete?
*blocks your T420*
I'm studying the x86 architeture for an exam and I want to cry, what a giant clusterfuck, holy shit
I don't need it
one of these devices has been on sale for almost 6 months
What plugins, extensions, addons does Sup Forums use at this point in time?
/bsd/ BSD General
ThinkPad Retro LAUNCH
UBlock Origin sucks
You got to be kidding me, this is not funny anymore
Why do you people voluntarily use this antiquated trash?
Just got Win10, what do?
Can we talk SBCs...
What technology is this girl using here?
I've been using Defender for 3 months now and ran Malwarebytes today. No virus found...
Second best thing to ever happen to computers after the internet
What is good used server for home? I want to run nas, firewall and various VM for testing and development
What the fuck?
I'd like to start learning skills for pentesting in my spare time since I can't afford college and I don't want to work...
What's Sup Forums's media player of choice and why isn't it MPC BLACKED edition?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Does anyone here use Ting? It seems to be all the rage right now, and I feel like I'm missing out
Curved screen edges
Tfw just downloaded a shitload of malware by accident
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Poor single core performance
/mkg/ mechanical keyboard general
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Only new features are AR stickers and animated emoji
Google clips
Do your part to support the peoples liberation army Navy and buy a xiiamo phone with a headphones Jack's and a Qualcomm...
Using software made by a leftwing extremist political organisation
Waterfox update
Post your language of choice and your favorite program developed with it ill start
Have you been to the deep web? What did you find?
What do we use for torrenting anime now that nyaa is down...
Why are all iPhone users such massive faggots
Why are all these tech companies
Why aren't you using Nightly as your daily driver?
I'm on a tight budget for a laptop. What's a better compromise?
Ask a guy who uses github to store his favourite music anything
Is it still worth learning?
/ylyl/ - notch edition
Windows does everything Linux can do. What's the point of using Linux...
Google's Tracking More Than You May Know
Energy Density
Code finally works
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Seriously, what the fuck. How do i fix this
Has anyone adopted Nim? I'm curious about learning it
"use Palemoon, is the best there is out there"
Android vs IOS
I just realized that I can't use android pay on my rooted OnePlus 5. Is there any way around this at the moment or no?
Time to install ubuntu
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
The iPhone X will release in a few days. How does it feel Sup Forums...
It really makes you think
Excuse me, sir, as an added security measure, we're going to need you to decrypt your laptop for us
When did you realise that discord is just skype for nu-males made by nu-males?
Buy refurbished amoled smartphone
Let me guess,
Startup life/death
/BST/ Sick edition
Brace yourself for weeks of nonstop fanboy flamewar and wojak-with-hats spamming once coffee lake launches
Nigger buds
Blue Screen of Death
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Note 8
ios11 is fucking garbage and makes my 6s feel like a fucking 4s with constant bugs
IPhone can block bullets, how can lagdroid even compete?
Noobuntu, how do you guys feel about it being the posterboy of linux for normies
What's the next breakthrough technology?
Look at that subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it... oh my god, it even has a watermark
Pixel Buds
$430 with discount from student email
Gigabit Internet - Symmetrical?
What allows ios to beat flagship Android phones at speed tests with less ram and a weaker cpu and why does Sup Forums...
Literally perfect
Mozilla donates $100k to Antifa aligned "open-source group" Riseup
$20 Google Audio Jack
The VR meme is getting bigger
Just fuck my shit up famalamayan
open web page
Have you pre-ordered your Google Clips body camera yet, user?
Intel i7 8700k literally worse than Ryzen 5 1600x
It''s perfect
Please help me
What are some good portfolio projects for programmers?
What happened with Nvidia and Linux?
Mobile browsers
Is "stock" Android the biggest fucking meme ever...
Power bank
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Google is LITERALLY feeding us false information
Let me hear your thoughts about chromebooks. Not really looking to buy one right now, but come future one never knows...
Use android
Why is education so reliant on botnet?
Emacs or vim?
ITT: We are on XDA
Well boys, looks like I'm graduating with a 2.3 GPA - Software Engineering. No internship experience...
Who /foreverunemployed/ here?
Damn, where are the LG V30 threads all I see is normie-teir tech being discussed on this board
Digits names my new computer's hostname
Did you know that 1984 was a documentary?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Tinder launches "Manprovement Initiative"
Tfw the only true way to avoid the botnet is to be completely offline
/pcbg/ PC Building General - Oy Vey Edition
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Starting C
IToddlers BTFO
Say it with me:
This is the correct way to write a while loop
Can I get a Windows 10/7 version of this?
Be a student in binland
ITT: Sup Forums related, degenerate things
Android manufacturers following Apple's dumb steps again
Why do people hate touchwizz so much on modern samsung phones?
Is there a single color printer on the market, that isn't a huge ripoff?
Rate my desktop
Same price as Apple's AirPods ($160)
Why haven't you installed Linux on top of your android yet?
Google Event - Pixel 2
Is this the bloat/cancer free version of ubuntu? worth the switch?
Residual Data - How to not fuck your life up
No headphone jack
Linux projects
Does anyone here Home Cinema?
AdNauseam, De-Googling, and Privacy on the Internet Thread
Sup Forums Humor/gore/wtf thread
A few days ago while i was playing Overwatch i got some weird 'Rendering device has been lost' error a couple of times...
NPM CEO calls for murder of "Nazis", after criticism for it creates blocklist for "a safer Twitter"
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Where can I find data of assigned IP range of Catalonia?
White girl = Apple
How does Ubuntu MATE get that shitpile of a DE to look so fucking good?
Mozilla donates $100,000 to
Google Pixel 2017 Unveiling
/tos/ - Sleep Terry Edition
Never listen to Sup Forums
I took my laptop in class and people behind me started to laugh at me for having a band aid over the webcam
Sup Forums will defend this
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums's favourite vlogger made a fap vid
ITT - Sup Forums approved aesthetics
Is it worth learning how to properly touch type if I can already this this fast?
Antec is irreleva-
Macs aren't all that. I have one and still prefer Thinkpads
ITT we plan for C 2017 standard, what would you like added to the one above all programming language?
C vs C++ what's best?
What are Sup Forums's opinions on jailbroken iPhones?
Best price/perf GPU
This is Java. Say something nice about it
Your turn, android fags!
Does anyone here have a job?
Some Ryzen 1600(X) owners are getting 2 free extra cores
It's nice that Terry has started streaming again, but I do miss the live chat in the sidebar
Everyone shits on it
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Music streaming
Answer the survey
Your Fav Browser
Anybody notice their shift to linux?
Tfw fell for the 8gb ram meme...usage doesnt peak above 3gb no matter what...wasted money
Honest thoughts on HEVC / h.265
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is there a botnet free dropbox alternative that doesn't require a subscription?
Thoughts about sex bots?
Are you a virgin?
Be a lincucks
Best FurryFucks fork?
Purism is Crowdfunding an Encrypted Linux Phone
Can one of you nerds combine Mumble and IRC into a bloated electron app so the normies can stop using Discord?
Would having protonmail or disroot or something in my contact info on my CV look great or would I look like a tryhard...
ITT: meme OS's
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw your name yields zero relevant results on Google
(USD 1K)
Anyone have Books on computer architecture andor hardware?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Out of sick curiosity, has anyone tried this?
Older PC's
Goto is good for you
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do I avoid having a chain of nested if and else if?
I'm switching to iOS from Android after 3 years
Where to sell a laptop?
Any cool app ideas?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Are you part of the 3 space master race?
IOS and macOS are Open Source
/hpg/ Headphone General Thread
Who is ready for the Sony takeover?
Who will be the first couple to have sex in space Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk + Cybersecurity General
No Speaker thread?
Tfw brainlet manager won't approve any commits that have recursion
How can lincucks ever compete?
Is it bad to turn off my PC by making it overheat by removing the cpu cooler...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Chromebooks BTFO
NTFS instability???
Why is goto bad?
He pirates with torrents
Post your favorite shell aliases
How are compilers compiled
Nim programming language
Is screen warming software like night shift/flux a meme or does it actually provide any tangible benefit?
Why is it so ugly?
Who's the best tech youtuber and why is it Linus Tech Tips
Thoughts on the new youtube layout?
Groove Music Pass dies
Why haven't you deleted your Yahoo! account yet?
Sup Forums memes you fell for
So, Sup Forums, why aren't you an anarchist (or at the very least a communist)?
Buy new phone
Bought the Linux meme and installed myself Manjaro KDE
Bye Bye Internet
What's with this gay-ass captcha that some of the Kiss sites use?
Unironically running Linux as a primary and only OS
Which finger does Sup Forums use to press the Alt key?
Are you excited for the Pixel XL 2?
How do I make myself secure and unhackable on Windows 10
Ok so like, I have my adblocker off on YouTube because I like to support my favorite YouTubers. However...
Which language to get stuff done?
What is the purpose of this language?
Monitor Calibration
I have a Galaxy S8 all my friends have an iPhone. Why do people still care so much what phones people use?
/tosg/ Terry Davis, Temple OS general discussion
How bad is it for your computer to turn it off via power supply switch...
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Python is a scripting language, not a programming language
Women in STEM general
Wow! firefox quantum is looking great!
What's the catch with this one?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
File Converter
"HP and Dell shit go make your own thread" Edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Correct C++ Hello World fails to compile with GCC
Is 26 too old to transition to mtf Sup Forums?
Ios 11
I've been thinking of switching over to Vivaldi, but I don't know if it's worth it. I have tried it...
Edge browser coming to android and iphone
Tech stories thread?
Tesla: World's biggest battery half-built
You have ten (10) seconds to show me your desktop
Daily reminder C is a literal cuck language with no modules. Everything has to be written from scratch...
Terry's live
Rounded corners
Where's my memewide bros at?
So my friend 'found' an iPhone 6s plus
Need a new phone because I've been using a shitty Galaxy J3 since Feb 2016, leaning towards the s8 while it's $100 off...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
T-Mobile to merge with Sprint
MatLab help
Answer me quick: Firefox nightly or beta
Wake up one morning after sleeping on couch instead of bed because of drunk dad
Buy a 60 cent url from namecheap
Best KDE integration
Voting open for LibreOffice Mascot
ITT: code you've masturbated to
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/tosg/ - Temple OS
Holy shit, these are amazing. Once again Sup Forums was wrong
Salary: competitive
I don't understand the hype. It's just an IDE. Sometimes it takes a while to do things
Talk me out of it
Ate corn at my comp desk
If android isn't shit... then why is google replacing it?
Linux vs windows
Essencial tools for free software development
Should Microsoft switch to making customized Android phones?
We need more outliers for Vega
/bsd/ BSD General
Sup Forumsuts
Blurry pdf font rendering in Mac OS
Every day he types: 'sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y'
How's your uptime, Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Have multiple monitors (displayport and hdmi)
Why are Big Data tools like Apache Kafka and Apache Spark bot written in C#/.Net?
ITT: 90's Sup Forums
Xbox one X will have water cooling
What mail clients does Sup Forums use?
Is Python the most /comfort/ language?
Inb4 windowsfag
Talk me out of it Sup Forums
This is the current state of Google HW design
*block your path*
Linux Gaming on AMD
What do you use encryption for, Sup Forums ?
Why is it so god damn fast?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
ITT Sup Forumsapproved YouTubers
Why have neither Japan nor Europe successfully created a
New PC build
How do I solve traveling salesman in O(n)? Pls help. Asking for a fren
Linux Users Group
Tfw a career in programming is largely just fixing pajeet's bugs in enterprise java codebases
Why hasn't any contries stepped up and made 3.5mm jack mandatory on all smart phones
Software transition is almost fully complete, and I can switch to Linux fulltime
Why do normies feel the need to buy a new iPhone every fucking release? It's like they feel it's completely necessary...
Moto G5 Plus
Why is the info-sec community on Twitter filled with so many sjw's and women?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
*pulls the trigger on Samsung*
Terry's live
Post the last image you saved from google image search
What exactly was your favorite era of the Internet?
JOiN uS bItCh
OSX + GNU/Linux will never ever be this comfy
Gaming keyboard
Why is learning a real world language so much harder than a programming language?
Windows/gnu+linux will never be this comfy
Media player/youtube sound at 50%
Is this the future of wearable tech?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Honest question here: is chromium botnet ?
Where does Sup Forums get their tech news?
Interview at Lenovo for a software engineering position
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this show?
What are some useful bash aliases/functions you have, Sup Forums?
Whats wrong with Windows 10? If you just ignore the updates, telemetry, Cortana, botnet, notifications, bloatware...
Pointing Devices General
ITT describe (realistically) what you want in your dreamphone
Why is this shit allowed?
No cortana
How You Got Rich ?
What does Sup Forums think of the Micca PB42Xs? Thinking about buying for my bedroom
Open Source Alternative
Why on earth would anyone buy a laptop instead of a surface pro or a galaxy book?
Windows: Normal people and gamers
Can I download this specific Facebook game?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do you guys hate Java so much?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Computer Garments
What the fuck happened to lectures?
Would Sup Forums buy a lightly used pair of klipsch rf-7 for $500?
Google Pixel 2/XL
Firefox Quantum
Ok Sup Forums, redpill me on duckduckgo
Decentralized internet
Should I learn pure php?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Alright Sup Forums, I need a new phone that:
Why are you still using systemd?
Groove Music is kill
Post battery graphs and methods you use to preserve charge
At college
What are some must-have Android apps?
Just got a macbook pro and wondering what are some recommended apps I can get to help with my programming...
Why retards say watercooling is better than aircooling for overclocking?
Give me a reason not to use it
Librem 5 Thread
Does anyone know what the fuck this is?
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
External hdd taped to the back of the laptop, is he our Sup Forumsuy?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Name one thing [programming languge] can do that C++ can't
/bst/ Battlestation thread - Comfy edition
Do you read EULAs?
Youtube and DRM
No speccy thread
Are dual cpu builds a meme or are they actually useful for something?
Xiaomi phones in the USA
ITT things iPoors can't do
Does every single nexus 5x device bootloops at some point...
Will 32gb of ram my computer run smoother ? I have 16 right now...
I have a windows machine for games that I keep offline at all times...
Switch and networking thread
Desktop Linux marketshare hit an all-time high of 6.91% in September 2017
Why is it 16:10 and not 8:5?
When will there be a good gaming alternative to windows 10?
Which and why?
$150 3GB/32GB, 1080p, snapdragon 625 phones when?
Any particular reason why you're running Gnome and not KDE?
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
Since the majority (74.75%) of our userbase is now on Windows 10...
Finally, first world internet service (and without the Google Network Box of Ass-Fi and lack of $20 router options)
In the future, gpu will replace cpu
Firefox 57
I have a technical phone interview with pic related later today
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/kg/ keyboard general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What I'd the best smartphone I can buy for $200-300?
University Laptop
See sexy webm of black girl on Sup Forums
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
It doesn't get much better than this
What the hell Sup Forums. Why did nobody tell me
What is objectively the best unix shell?
Cyber security minister is not a cyber security professional
Fresh install on a new SSD
Still watching movies in 24fps
Nokia 5
The iPad Pro revolution is here. By far faster than all
Richard Matthew Stallman
How do we kill all Indian "programmers" and their shitty tutorials on YouTube?
Considering a switch from Ubuntu because muh botnet.. Is void the solution...
When it's not too late to start
Elon Musk suggests using rockets for high-speed world travel
If Linus truly did create Linux, why does he now waste his time making youtube videos aimed at gaymers...
Code critique. Post your code and I'll tell you how to do it better
Ryzen + tight subtimings owns Intel it's the year of the AMD desktop
Brutalism PC Cases and Architecture
Let me borrow your phone for a second i need to make a call
Is this a meme or solid ?
Should I sell my piece of shit mac to buy a thinkpad x1 carbon 5th gen?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...