Reminder that this is actually happening and I can't fucking wait to get one

Reminder that this is actually happening and I can't fucking wait to get one.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's going to be different

Dead platform 3-5 months after release

Just make your own apps lmao

Reminder that they won't reach their goal so their pre alpha software will never be developed.

There is no such thing as a privacy and security focused cell phone, the basic technology used by cell phones prevents that.

81% funded with 17 days to go. I think it'll make it

This is the closest you can possibly get to that though. Running GNU/Linux instead of Jewgle Android. Fully Libre in every way that be feasibly done with a cell phone

*that could be

>Doesn't support android apps

>using apps that don't respect your freedom
Ew. Though I suppose you could just flash an android custom ROM

>uses desktop linux software
>"dead platform"

modem and cpu are free bro, that was all that was required for a free phone.
on top of that the modem doesn't even have DMA, it's a complete win for privacy.

>install one out of 10 android runtime emulators
>run your fartapps from it

I'd rather buy google pixel 2 and install lineage as custom os

>2% market share

Fine, dying platform

This. It's not like they're making a whole new phone OS for this. The OS will be essentially Debian with a bunch of customizations to make it work for a phone. Afaik, it will come with either GNOME 3, or KDE plasma mobile, a matrix client for decentralized chat, basic programs that would make sense on a phone, and a TOR browser fork. There would also be pretty much nothing stopping your from installing your own autistic distro on to it (Sup Forumsentoo phone?)

>NSA modem + botnet

Dude, I'd rather the Linux + Android ecosystem than just Android alone.

Tell me the battery capacity

>virt-manager to emulate Windows to play muh VNs
>or just go through Wine

I think I'm gonna like this.


>Literally releasing a 2011 processor in 2019

nothing to hide
are you terrorist? do you watch child porn? what's the problem? current administration is ruled by fucking trump, who is your god-emperor.

troll or tard?

Wouldn't be freetard hardware otherwise

>NSA modem + botnet
>implying this isn't
If only you knew how bad things really are. Enjoy your false sense of security.

My Xiaomi phone works perfectly well, I don't see the need to change it.

A53 isn't from 2011

But I've ran Linux from way weaker hardware without sweat, I see no problem for unified hardware platform.

2% of all users of computers is still how many millions?

>VNs that dont run on linux natively

He's trying to say that the carrier can track your movements across the location areas, you fucking brainlet

You are giving your private information to literal communists.

What's wrong with with giving away my private information to them?
And China stopped attempting communism since Mao's death.

In May 2016 the i.MX8 became available as a multisensory enablement kit (MEK) based on i.MX 8.[7][8][9] Slides from NXP FTF found on the web [10] indicated an initial total of 5 variants (with a main level of categorization into "Dual" and "Quad") with varying the CPU and GPU capabilities. The CPU was suggested to include varying counts of Cortex-A72, Cortex-A53 and Cortex-M4, while the GPU is either 1 or 2 units of the Vivante GC7000VX. Other publications supported this general image, some even including photos of an evaluation kit that is named "Multisensory Enablement Kit" (MEK) that got later promoted as a development support product by NXP.[9][11]

Free graphic driver and firmware.
+ usb modem with free firmware


>implying this hasn't been tried before

Can't wait to see the butthurt when this fails.

>China stopped attempting communism since Mao's death
Communists still theoretically own 100% of lands of China.
It's just 50-years lease.

The government, but they stopped attempting communism decades ago. Now they are friendly capitalist allies.

I can just keep it updated since it's Linux, the only thing that this can fail is in sales, tell me why should I care after I got the phone in my hands?

>Battery capacity

Damn it must be wonderful being this autistic

>I can just keep it updated since it's Linux

>Implying you'll ever get Android+Linux on a phone without botbrew or connecting to a local install with vnc

Librem 'may' support 'certain' Android apps 'later'

-600 mAh

Hopefully they fail just so you dont get one

lol, like that's a massive privacy impact compared to your phone literally wiretapping you

>>implying this hasn't been tried before
Yeah, well, that was Ubuntu's special snowflake rendition.And, it may have been successful if they had made any sort of attempt to sell it on decent hardware

Right. Just like the last attempt. The openmoko freerunner neo had a shit cpu, shit RAM, looked ugly as fuck, and had a fucking resistive display when capacitive displays were already the norm.

They'll defend it by saying "it's Linux, it'll run fine", but it won't. I fell for this shit with the freerunner neo. Never again. If this thing gets a second or third generation of handsets then I'll consider buying in.

How the fuck did they get 1.5 million donates for such a stupid idea? Can I go there and start a project too?

Who's going to make apps for this?

I hope they won't focus on running full-sized desktop applications on a 5" phone will they? Many of those apps are made for 12"+ displays, and look unusable when shrunk down to smartphone size.

If they tried responsive design like Windows 10's Fluent Design apps that properly scale to be usable at any size (desktop, tablet or phone), it could work, but I don't think a lot of Linux apps do that and would look terrible scaled down to that size.

Hope someone shoots them so they're physically unable to make units, I think you're outta luck here.

If you can make about 3000~5000 ''''people''''' to pre-order your dumb product

What are you talking about? Librem 5 is literally a STANDARD LINUX KERNEL + USERSPACE

You can do everything you can do on a standard desktop with it, including run Android or Windows fartapps.

Tell that to my openmoko freerunner neo. I mean, sure, all of the packages are up to date on the gentoo install on it... But EDGE data, resistive touch screen, shit for RAM, etc etc... Can't do much about that.

So whatcha gonna do when network standards change and render the device obsolete? At least you'll have the newest kernel and packages on your several hundred dollar paperweight.

>freerunner neo
>Release date July 3, 2008

Jesus fuck, you're complaining that your DECADE OLD smart phone is too slow? Get a fucking grip dude.

Reminder that it'll get funded and they'll 'run out of money' and noone will get a phone.

Network standards change every decade if that, I have 3G speeds close to 100MBit, and the most I do on my phone is run my banking app and shitpost on Sup Forums, I doubt I'll ever need 4G

This will have okay cores and 4GB of RAM, which will be more than enough on phones considering I can do with 4GB on my desktop

According to KDE's website, they've been preparing for "convergence" for quite some time.

No, retard. I'm explaining how being able to update the software won't magically make the hardware better. Notice it's been a decade before anyone even tried this shit again. And just like last time it's underpowered compared to budget phones, but "oh it runs Linux so it'll be fine" is the excuse. It'll be shit, just like last time.

Pixel 2 is hot garbage. Nexus 5 was their last good device.

>market security and privacy
>only criminals buy it
nice honeypot phone

The baseband isn't tied to the CPU and they've said this on removable batteries:
> Yes, like all Purism products, the case itself will allow you to access the insides, and the battery will be modular and can be replaced with ease.

Does that imply that you could probably DIY replace the radio? I think it does...

Either way though, people here seem to be willfullying ignoring the fact that if the hybrid mobile/desktop GNU/Linux pitch doesn't pan out, you can just straight up install Android on it. It isn't going to be limited and locked like almost every single phone you'd buy today.

Budget phones run A72?

Checked. Still better than ibotnet.

>I'm explaining how being able to update the software won't magically make the hardware better.
wow yeah, there's totally people in this thread arguing that.

>Notice it's been a decade before anyone even tried this shit again.
pic rel

>And just like last time it's underpowered compared to budget phones, but "oh it runs Linux so it'll be fine" is the excuse.
my current android phone cost me literally $40 and does everything I need. And it's way snappier than my previous Galaxy S4 that cost me $500 in 2012. Hell, if I got performance equal to my FORTY DOLLAR PHONE in a package that didn't spy on me, I would be happy.

go home shill

Hardware progress so far:

ARM processors have improved in the last 10 years, and also > if the hybrid mobile/desktop GNU/Linux pitch doesn't pan out, you can just straight up install Android

Pick one, faggot.

People still run GNU/Linux on ancient thinkpads and Raspberry Pis with no issue. Don't give me this "Underpowered" bullshit

>Desktop Linux
Sign me the fuck up.

Sign you to die with android.

I have a Casio watch too.

> plug into USBC monitor
> completely full desktop linux distro running on proven-to-be-competent ARM processors

I'm still running a fucking Htc one M7, the CPU is by all new standards obsolete and I have no problem browsing or opening shitty apps.

What's the point of a powerful phone CPU besides benchmarks?

The point is that you can install an OS like a regular computer.

Well yeah, that's a good incentive for me to try out the phone in the OP

im not criminal
i just use i2p, freenet, ipsfs, tor and other networks because I CAN + i enjoy writing and using crypto programs

so yea i am going to buy this phone so i can do that on my fucking phone if i want to !

>A53 isn't from 2011
They haven't approved A53. They haven't even gotten their hands on an MX 8M board yet. If they don't go with it for some reason, it's right back to the MX6 board that's old as balls.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was 2500mAh

He says they're pretty sure they're gonna get the MX8 boards, no reason to not believe them.

Why? This shit isn't even fully free and it even still has the baseband processor backdoor.

Again, they haven't held an x8 in their hands yet. If they find anything that doesn't meet their specific freedom/hardware requirements it's out, and they've only got a few months to finalize their specs. With these kinds of projects nothing is guaranteed until it happens.

[citation needed]

Userland baseband code is open and it's hanging off USB, so no DMA

The biggest danger of the botnet would be some chip on the board.

I'm being cautiously optimistic on this, the launch is still far away.

It won't get FCC approval. Take my bet.

My dick can get FCC approval, dude.

Then it will become the first black market phone

No, not "all users." All DESKTOP users. So, basically eliminate every Asian country that mainly uses Android mobile devices exclusively.

Fair enough. For the people who aren't putting their cash on the line now there's no harm in optimism.

Indeed. If you count mobile cucks, Linux only has like .1% of the market share.

>runs android
>runs android
are they even trying?

Context for people who haven't seen it:

> i.mx8 is showing advancements that we are proud to say we will likely be able to use i.mx8 for the Librem 5 phone, primarily because 1) will be able to evaluate a i.MX8M pre-production board November 2017; 2) Our extended community can evaluate a handful of i.MX8M sample chips in November 2017; 3) More evaluation boards should be available before year-end 2017; and 4) in Q1 of 2018 we can get i.MX8M into production. This is well ahead of our required hardware selection date of April 2018, so we will very likely be using the i.MX8M in the Librem 5.

I'm also optimistic about it, but I don't see any real reason it wouldn't work. It's also not a deal breaker for me though-- being able to run whatever I want is enough.

1,5mill is not enough to make a phone

What is the problem?



Except it doesn't run android.

Actually way less is enough for chinktrash.

Where is the android in librem whatever?

d-did you even check out the OP before replying:

It's to run PureOS, which is a debian-based distro, alongside upstream changes to Gnome/KDE to make them more mobile friendly. It will run true GNU/Linux applications and can connect to a USBC monitor for a full desktop environment.

The whole bootloader will be "unlocked" and open source so you can put whatever operating system you want on it, and there's no reason not to assume that you couldn't dual boot it with more than one OS either.