What does Sup Forums think of the Micca PB42Xs? Thinking about buying for my bedroom.
What does Sup Forums think of the Micca PB42Xs? Thinking about buying for my bedroom
That bass reflex port diameter is pretty small.
They have a 4" woofer so I'll probably be buying a sub down line. Once I have the funds
Too small ports can cause noises.
not going to be a problem with that tiny ass driver with no worthwhile excursion
absolutely wonderful as bookshelf speakers, own MB42x(same as PB) with SMSL amp and using them with my PC, clarity, sound-stage
but if you want something to hook up with your TV or DVD/BD player or some shit go with Fluance SX6, their just bigger
I've had a pair of mb42x's for three years or so now - they're great. Of course, they really only excel as bookshelf or desk speakers, I would not recommend them for a living room type of situation.
Why do people waste money on such shit speakers?
maybe cuz their not shit
they're tiny and therefore of course somewhat limited in what they can do, but they're some of the best bang/buck out there and the absolute best entry point to a desk speaker setup atm
They look like hs5 ripoffs
you'd be better off just upgrading the speakers at that point
>output to left
I have them and I love them. Not the best bass but still great speakers. Go for it!
I use them just in my bedroom and they're pretty nice. They're the best powered speakers in that price range.
Just buy the meme lsr 305s
too much money im a broke college student
A few days ago i started a speaker recommendation list, it still is a work in progress but it may help you
I just use some old Panasonic home theatre system
thanks user
what's your budget?
I got some scythe 1100.
$150ish. I know it's not much
Build some Overnight Sensations. Think the kit on Parts Express comes in under $150.
Overnight Sensations look a lot like scythe 1100.
Why do they come in a DIY kit? Are they higher quality than if it was just prebuilt
Yeah, you have to build them. DIY audio is a fun hobby, if not a bit frustrating.
I like the sound of them. I'd have to see the components in the Scythe 1100s. Generally what you build matches/exceeds what you purchase.
go take a look to the fostex site they give the dimensions of a good speaker in the spec manual
I recommend the M Audio AV32, active and no static noise. I got a pair as well in my bedroom
You still want a 5 or 6 inch minimum paired with a 10 inch woofer unless you're a cuck that thinks 8 inch is a woofer.
shut up, filthy size queen
No, its cheaper to sell flatpack. Labour and shipping coats decrease. Gives them a gimmick too
I own a set of the MB42X. Same thing, no internal amp. Great set, great clarity, work well underpowered and can come alive even at low volume. Subwoofer is a must. On the downside I wish the port was forward firing. If you listen to music or whatever at higher volume I'd recommend the Dayton B652 AIR instead - I own those two and they just handle high volume so much better.
buy the Monoprice 5-inch Powered Studio Multimedia Monitor Speakers, they're on sale now at $160
they're the exact same speaker that the M-Audio BX5 which are currently at $260
I have had a pair of MB42Xs for a few years. I started out with a Lepai LP-2020A+ and soon switched to a Topping TP22.
These are great computer speakers, which is what I use them for. I do not have a subwoofer. They sound great low volume, especially in a small room. If you want something you can crank, get something that's physically bigger. The Miccas only really make sense if you are wanting to se them somewhere where space is limited, like the top of a computer desk that also needs to fit two large monitors.
I would go with the MB42Xs and an external amplifier, because I'm not sure than 15 W per channel is enough and I think it's worth spending a little bit more money to be able to replace things separately.
>I'm not sure than 15 W per channel is enough
the topping TP22 is 30W at 4ohm, with the MB42X resistance it'll probably be about 20W max and about 15W without much distorion
with the MB42X 1W will get 85db, with10W it will be 95db and 15W won't be much more than that
the PB42X on the other hand has 15W of clean power into each, the woofer and the tweeter (30Wpc total) so it'll probably be louder than the MB42X with the TP22 amp
Maybe, but since I bought my topping a number of similarly sized and priced 50 W amps have hit the market. The real advantage of having separate devices is that is you decide to upgrade one thing (say, because something comes along that's better than what was originally available), you don't have to replace everything. If the next-gen class D amps put out 80 W per channel, you won't be stuck having to decide between living with what you've got and replacing a set of perfectly good speakers.
i agree that buying separate devices is better overall, but as an entry level system the PB42X are hard to beat
also for most bedroom settings you don't need that much power, going from 30W to 60W gets you about 3db more which is perceived as a small increase in volume, to double the perceived loudness you need to get a 10db increase which means 10 times the wattage
another thing to consider is that most amps stated power is going into a 4ohm resistance while most home speakers are around 8ohms so you get close to half that power and class-d amps distort heavily before reaching their max so you get even less than half the stated wattage in most cases
OP says he wants them for his bedroom so having a house shaking amount of power will probably be a waste, he'll hopefully move out to his own place before he feels the need for a big upgrade
I'd suggest the JBL 305, they are the best entry point monitors in the market.
$150 budget, 305s are almost twice that