Poor single core performance

> Poor single core performance
> Poor gaming performance
> Can never beat Intel in price per performance
> Going to get BTFOED by coffee lake

Is there a more JUST processor?

>Is there a more JUST processor?
intel's attempts at responses to it

>Is there a more JUST processor?

This, Intel is clearly shaken, making 6 core i5 chips is something that was never on the agenda, because it might just give you a little bit for the dollar, but they have to do it because AMD has got 6 cores that perform well.

Intel's fucking retarded and so are their shills.

>poor gaming performance
>Can never beat Intel in price per performance

>3.9Ghz just by moving 2 sliders in BIOS
>5Ghz by delidding,voiding you warrenty, buying expensive mobo chipsets, high end aircooling or AIO-meme
>can't beat it
there isn't any company more JUST than Intelaviv. now get to work JUSTnich. It would be a shame if someone spills the beans on your yields, eh?

>AMDrones can't even delid for sick gains
>somehow think their product is better

>sub 80C load temps on air when overclocked
Who needs deliding that?


>AMDrones are too stupid to even understand delidding


Why would you shoot a man, before hanging him?


>too smart to buy AMD products

I legit thought you were talking about intel cpu's at first

the hair didn't help, I've just come to associate it with intel naturally

>heat up IHS to 170C to melt solder
>IHS just pops off
What's the benefit of doing that if you're not gonna cool it with LN2?

Damn. How hot is that?

without delidd ~100-105°C, will throttle like hell
with delidd ~85-90°C

>muh gayming

You need to be over the age of 18 to post.

Is it the opposite day where you live?

just your daily portion sopa de macaco :DDDDDD

cause you're a big guy

JUST let us pretend for once alright???

we need this


So hypothetically, there is a way to decrease Ghz but still gain better performance right?

>there is a way to decrease Ghz but still gain better performance right?
yes, buy Ryzen.

So Ghz is basically Intels way of bruteforcing better performance?

Got a 1200 JUST werks for me :^)

The NetBurst is back.

Basically. They've been using the same architecture for so long that they've already done pretty much everything possible to improve it already, they're not getting significant IPC improvements without starting from scratch.

It's like amd and intel swapped positions they've had for more than decade.

2019: Introducing i7 9700k
6 cores! 12 threads!
220W TDP

yes, their architecture is old af, more niggahurzt is the only way they can/try squeezing out performance without increasing IPC for some generations. resulting in inferno-tier heat output, insane powerdraw for 4 fucking cores and mayo TIM under the IHS.

im looking forward to build one too, hopefully a small factor pc, is rr viable on desktop?

Bait used to mean something.

Literally this, r3 1200 plus 1050 or 1050 ti is a solid budget machine, versatile af too

go fuck yourself intel fag!

Go de-lid your cum chip Chaim

But user, Ryzen beats Intel's portfolio in pretty much all price points in every task, even gaming, since it has less stutter.
What do you mean?



Coffee Lake is a paper launch.

There is no real stock anywhere and will continue to be produced only in limited quantities until January, when it was originally supposed to come out.

Not to mention the guzzle up jizz like a porn actress getting paid six figures

>price per performance
Proofs? All I saw is the exact opposite.

No. Thermal throttling means the CPU is downclocking itself to protect itself from overheating.

I purchased one and I still can't view the image

> Poor multi thread core performance
> Poor multi tasking performance + stuttering in games
> Can never beat AMD in price per performance
> Going to get BTFO by Ryzen refresh


>Thinking you can delid AMD chips
Pretty sure this is bait though

What's with the Intel shilling today?

>reading comprehension


They just paper launched their newest overpriced spaceheater.

You don't need to delid when the IHS is already soldered, there's just no gain meaning it's already at it's best

I know you can't delid, that's why Intel is so much better.

I wonder how many people are serious in these threads lol


But it's not even great gains Ryzen still is on par with a delidded intel chip and even better when you get your mind out of Sup Forums

>Built a few months ago with a 1600.... did I fuck up?


Do you really not get it? Delidded chips are better, period. You can't delid AMD, which makes then automatically shit.

Who are you quoting?


Worst case scenario your 1600 will perform like shit compared to a 8700k but at least your motherboard is intact for the next 3-4 years

This is a good culture for Sup Forums, having someone shitposting and someone else replying to said shitpost to keep this shitty website alive


Nope, AM4+ has room for upgrade by the time 12nm/7nm comes out before 2020. You're good to go, bud.

repeat it after me:
65W for an 8 cores/16 threads desktop CPU.

that's 8W per core or 16W for a dual core.

Where are the better binned mobile processors, AMD?

You failed to get memed into waiting for Covfefe Lake. Congratulations.

Fuck intel

>d-delid this

Coffee Lake is legit JUST skylake with two extra cores and more switching between power states.

Despite this, it still sucks down power like nothing and runs hot as the seven hells.

To top it all off, CL hasn't even really launched; it's a paper launch with real product availability not present till January.

I'd actually say Intel is more JUST'd than AMD atm.

>muh gayming

>muh productivity

99% of the faggot NEETs on this board use their CPU for gay men, no matter how much they protest and tell people to go to Sup Forums.

actaully, ryzen is a huge housefire compared to skylake

Show us a picture of your coffee lake rig user.
Hint: you can't

delid dis

Ryzen runs pretty warm on a stock cooler, but it's sustainable. 8700k on the other hand...

bitch, every liezen burns up to 90+c on even the most expensive clc kits.

look it up

>92% of performance
>50% of the price
>100% more availability


Well that's a new one