How do you deal with Jamal taking your android phone?
How do you deal with Jamal taking your android phone?
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Jamal doesn't exist. You're afraid of nothing.
Is that open source?
oh no someone stole my 35 dollar ZTE phone fuck
>Jamal doesn't exist
What if WE don't exist either?
Jamal only steals iphones
It's a chinkphone.
I can juust buy another on when i need it.
I rigged my Samsung to explode to deter theft
t. Darnell
im not american and don't live in a multi-million person city
Don't those do that by default?
I think it's more about data than the phone itself
What data? My music and porn browsing history?
He can have it.
What about all the accounts logged on apps and websites
Clarissa stop defending your brother.
Don't use find my device. Instead, enable encryption with a long passphrase.
Is find my device botnet?
its easier just to enable find my device. That way you can remotely wipe the phone.
is their a foss implementation for lineageOS or on f-droid?
maybe a magisk/xposed module?
install locker
That's really scary if you've got dumb friends
What's being under 18 like?
Android will make typing a wrong password hell before 20 attempts. Also don't give others your phone.
>logging into apps and websites
If you're an American and you're not carrying a firearm on you at all times, then I can't have any sympathy for you.
It is your responsibility to put down wild animals that threaten your safety.
not having a phone
>how to spot a Texan.
>how to spot a non-american
Your containment board, is that way.
So, are you 100% botnet free?
I live in texas you fag, good job being a retard. go die in a fire, or better yet kill your self.
nice try sweden
I don't live in a third world city.
Go fuck off. I'm serious.
stop lying cuck
Pretty much all Europe is a third world city invaded by Africa as a whole
>Yeah fucking libKEK yuropoors... in their TURDworld shithole, America (Brought to you by Monsanto Company®) is first world
>most niggerlicious european countries
>85%+ white
>52% white
Talking about North Africa too, if not mainly. I don't know if your source counts them as white
>pic related
But that's the same ammo jamal and his homies are using. Get the g19
>niggers don't exist
You can't walk around ignoring the existence of niggers, user. That's racist.
>implying jamal won't just reset to factory defaults
That's literally the first thing they do with stolen phones.
>Glock 23
>Medium damage, short range, high accuracy
>Bonus attributes: Explosive, dead niggers drop ammo
You can if you live in a 100% white country
Do you think I'm scared of Jamal seeing that I browse Sup Forums and nothing else on my phone?
It doest wipe tho, it's easy to recover after the "wipe".
you're the lowlife scum who were shitposting jamal things into my iphone
Fucking where and where's my plane ticket
When is phone developers going to make it that it requires pin to turn off the phone? Find my device is useless because they can just turn the phone off for a month or two and wait for you to stop checking before turning it back on. Lets not do the most obvious fix for one of the greatest features made for phones.
I carry a knife with me and never leave my phone where it can be stolen. Fortunately there are less than 5 niggers in a 50km area from me so I don't have to worry.
The alarm mode for the Galaxy find my phone crap makes it so you can't shut off the phone. Only ways to stop the noise is to remotely disable it, enter pin, or wait for battery to die.
I rather my phone not obnoxiously go off constantly till i pick it up, if I left it in the mall or something stupid I don't want to bother poor people if they actually took it to security or something. Its something simple they could just code into the phone that "please enter your pin to turn off device". Just how it requires pin to turn it on.
Prey Project.
It's nice. Does laptops (with Linux!) too.
Tyrone doesn't want a pink sony
I always carry one of these two with me. I don't need to outrun a Kenyan, as a bullet will do it for me. Video related:
That said, even if he manages to get away with my iPhone, I have a 25 digit passcode on it, it's always freshly rebooted when in public, and it will delete everything after 10 incorrect guesses. Also, I made it to where you can't access the control panel to put it in airplane mode without unlocking it first. Oh, and I do have Find My iPhone active, so I can use any computer, or my wife's phone, to track it down.
I don't have an Android phone for Jamal to take
If my phone is not in my room, it is either in my pocket or in my hand. I do not leave it out of my sight. If someone tries to pickpocket me or grab a phone out of my hand, that person is going to get sucker punched before they make it out of the room.
iphone: turn it into a brick. jamal can only sell it on ebay for a few bucks
android: Help Jamal reset the phone. then let Jamal sell it on ebay for $400+
It's encrypted. It's basically useless if stolen anyway, but I'd just remote wipe it and get a new one through insurance.
It's only worthless if you restart it before going out into public. Once you unlock the phone once, the encryption is unlocked until you restart the phone.
i dont live where jamal lives
you are a black male
Not having to deal with this janky shit is one of the nice things about buying into the Apple ecosystem.
Every thief knows that stealing any Mac or iPhone/iPad isn't worth it because it'll be a paperweight.
Even if your Android phone is properly protected, a thief is still likely to take the chance since most aren't.
I have programmed a secret tracking software using the Nim language so I always know where my phone is.
Name I can move there.
>iS ThAt oPeN sOuRcE?
This. Praying no niggers ever steal my Clip Zip though.
nim is shit
prove me wrong
Don't live in a Jaman-enable country.
Same with my clip+
>I have one of the last 6 remaining clip+ that still work
>they're worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from nostalgic audiphiles
>some urban youth steals it and can't find anyone willing to buy it or exchange it for crack so he just throws it into a highway
Fuck off back to twitter.
Jasheelious only steals your iPhone cuz thats what real niggaz use.
thnx mate
>shooting people who steal something from you
Good luck proving that in court. Oh wait, you won't, because you're an edgy internet child who wouldn't have the balls to shoot anyone, you'd just cry and submit to the person stealing from you.
Fucking obnoxious internet role-playing children.
> Jamal goes to Mr. shekelstein's pawn shop
> Sells your clip
> Shekelstein aucitons off your shit since it is now presumably very expensive
Poland, only 99,8% white tho
I don't live in shootmerica.
Cerberus & Prey.
Using Cerberus but Prey is also good.
Just have to have some kind of "guessable" but not easy password so he misses it and gets his face pic taken BUT then he can continue using the phone while being trcaked.
I don't, neither my dumbphone or my N9 or my Lumia 635 will catch his attention.
fuck off we're full
How can you find your stolen phone if GPS and Internet are off?
Fuck Cerberus, cunts disabled my lifetime free license.
Upload cp to you phone and call the cops on him
Jamal pls
I don't live around niggers.
It compiles to C and still has C like performance.
Use a tracker and if stolen track it and beat jamal. That is what I do. No locks because then jamal flashes
lmao wanting free meal.
I already feel bad when I cannot pay for something or there is a "lifetime license". That shit is going down soon, son.
>implying Jamal will steal a phone that isn't an iPhone or a Samsung
you can't get robbed by Jamal if you never leave your secure house and shoot any basketball American who steps on your lawn.
Three words: Factory Reset Protection.
t. Billy bob who has never left his trailer park and gets his news from Sup Forums
So, you let some nigger to steal your phone? What a fucking cuck. And I'm a spic btw, pendejo cagon.
>pick pocket
How are you going to "sucker punch" them? You wont even know it's gone until it's too late.
t. Daquen
Yes, the most immigrant-filled European countries are 85% white and the average is more like 90-95%. It's the American statistics you have to be careful of because they like to include Mexicans as "white"