Why do they put the logo of a fucking operating system on keyboards?
Why do they put the logo of a fucking operating system on keyboards?
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that's a good point, mine has it too.
I guess it's because virtually every normie has windows OS, and Macfags have special Ikeyboards anyway
To trigger you
>Being this cucked
Because you touch yourself at night
>that wasted space
I'm not saying that a macro key itself is the problem, it's the logo. just put a key that serves the same purpose but has a generic symbol and it would be fine
nice meme
Iunno. Seeing as the start menu on Windows uses the same symbol you would think this makes sense.
That's a point, but why do manufacturers even bother with it? I'd guess they have to pay licensing costs to put the logo there.
If it flusters your buster so much, just get a custom key cap
how fuckign autistic to do you have to be care about this?
my keyboard has two
>paying extra to remove a logo
nah senpai
>he supports monopolies
my man
Remap caps lock to super and you're gucci
>still has a Microsoft mouse
Made me smile
but what if you want to use caps lock
My Nighthawk X8 has a spiral instead of the windows logo
Why not? I haven't given a fuck about this ever because it just doesn't matter. I can still use it as a special key for opening menus and stuff regardless of the OS I use.
I have three of them now >_>
>Model M
>Microsoft mouse
Livin' the meme
my gayming keyboard came with the company's logo instead, I think more manufacturers should do this.
You will never want to do that
Remap caps lock to scroll lock
why don't you just map windows key to scroll lock in the first place?
a-user y-you got anymore of them m-mouses
Caps lock is escape
I have a Cooler Master Devastator (shitty membrane one but it's only like $20 and comes with a mouse) but it has a windows logo
>gayming keyboard
it was just a joke desu
It's had a huge promotion and I think it looks good without rgb puke effects
The Cooler Master ones are actually decent
>press [Windows icon]
It most likely doesn't cost any extra, they already have a deal with them and Windows probably demands they have this key for their OS.
It's in a really awkward place
Because Darwin.
Stop using Windows.
>not mapping the left crtl to super, caps lock to ctrl
>inb4 muh cruise control key
Just bind it to having both shift keys pressed.
I did :^)
In all seriousness what do you use caps lock for besides shitposting?
let's all love lain
Because your Loonix OS is not relevant on desktop computers
Deal with it fat autist
as proven
Fuck yea Ikea meme lamp
>In all seriousness what do you use caps lock for besides shitposting?
I don't, but I just kept the relevant option in setxkbmap. I just posted it here as an counterargument for potential tards that have some use for it.
omg, amazing picture!!!
I use GNU/Linux and I'm fine with a Windows key. It doesn't do anything by default so I mapped it to showing and switching between windows. All OSes have program windows so it's not that silly. I guess it is a bit sad that nobody makes double shot Tux keycaps.
why didn't they put a key there?
everyone that's enlightened just calls it the 'super' key
It's there because Microsoft paid for it!
>keyboards from random brands have windows logs splattered all over them
>but mac keyboards, the ones specifically designed for a certain OS, don't even have a mac logo on them
what's the logic with this?
maybe having the picture of a apple on a keyboard looked weird
>I'd guess they have to pay licensing costs to put the logo there.
Don't think so, but they do have to put the trademark info onto the bottom of the keyboard
nice cactus
it just werks.
Can you even call the Masterkeys gaming keyboards?
Jesus you guys aren't very bright are ya?
The reason they put the Windows logo on keyboards is because Microsoft PAYS them to do it.
Because keyboards without it look like cheap Chinese knockoffs.
What is the windows key called in linux? cuck key?
eh, maybe only the RGB ones
Command key
It’s the meta key
Macro key
nvm I meant meta key. macro key is something else
>Not having keycaps to change it
>Not having a programmable keyboard to change it
The super (special) key
get on my level
I think this might be the case. I worked for a school and the district bought some sketchy chinkshit keyboards to pair with some old dogshit Compaqs dumped on us by a company offloading them (to avoid disposal fees I'm sure). They were absolute shit, PS/2, and no Windows logo on the key, but the key was there. Absolute no-name shit. The kind of people who would save a sheckel on licensing.
gee billy, how come your mom lets you have Two keyboards
They used to but changed it
When the Macintosh was introduced in 1984, the keyboard had a single command key with aLooped squaresymbol (⌘, U+2318), because Steve Jobs said that showing the Apple logo throughout the menus as a keyboard shortcut was "taking [it] in vain".
Branding. The key also activates the part of the taskbar that looks like the key.
One is a rubber dome, I took that one to work. Pic is just memes
>The key also activates the part of the taskbar that looks like the key.
But not everybody uses Windows
Here's another question why was it decided that PC case manufacturers should provide the standoff screws? I buy a motherboard, the motherboard itself should come with the screws.
>bandaid on the cam
Beautiful keyboard, but my god that Windows key makes me walk away everytime
You are still catering to 4/5ths of the market and macs have their own setup anyways.
So obviously it would win out in the branding being used.
I've since physically disconnected the webcam and microphone
I bought a Ducky keyboard, and immediately bought a novelty key cap for $5 just to replace the Windows key, and remapped it to a macro for muh botoshob.
Unironically never used a Windows key in my life.
Then why not just make it a generic symbol so it could cater to 100% of the market? What's the point of using branding at all?
How do I get an Intellimouse without being ripped off by a fucking jew?
I don't know, but I wish it didn't have this key at all, whatever's written on it.
You mad?
Those are WMO 1.1As
Best you can do for an intellimouse is eBay, probably cost you $20ish
no that's a good thing to have a blank key, it's the whole point I'm trying to make with this thread why would I be mad
CM makes some decent products but holy fuck their logo triggers me so much and they slap it on in the dumbest ways so I basically am boycotting them
>not being able to Win+D on both Win10 and Linux to show desktop
>not being able to push Super key and quickly type in the name of the program you want to run
>not able to do a lot of other shortcuts
>but I don't have le windows logo!!! im a hcx0r!!
Couldn't you just get a different keycap senpai?
Nice setup. Looks professional.
Because it's a Win key. You start your work with pressing this button because champions always start the day with winning.
>he doesn't use capslock to bind things
How does the basic optical mouse compare?
>keeping the Caps busy instead of using it for it's original function while also being able to perform the same operations with another key
memeing too hard
Why do you use caps lock? I always find it frustrating when I accidentally hit it while typing.
I got mine for $9 off ebay its great
I've got my hand that's fucking hurting on these manlet mice, even the Mionix Naos that was adviced for big hands is small for me performing a palm grip, I once tried a Microsoft WMO and it was like heaven, I don't know what I would do to have one too... or even better, three like user. Why doesn't Microsoft produce those anymore? Why?
It's great while typing, y'know, caps-locked text (for titles or stuff) or while entering promotional codes like for Steam cards.