What is Sup Forums's opinion on this? Seems like a good alternative to irc. And it isn't Discord, so.

Other urls found in this thread:

If it's SAAS it's a SHIT

the only way it could get gayer is if you add an L between the G and the I.

How about you tell me why it's any good before I waste my time checking it out

Gitter means cage in german. What are they caging? Negro slaves?

Now just the cages on German cocks for their negro masters

Dumb name, why bother

Cool branding lol.
Could have named it GIND as in Gind Is Not Discord


probably made by indian

Also could have named it literally anything else

>look at website
>thefuk has joined some channel.
I really like how it blasts what channel your joining on the front page of its website, seems like a good private place to discuss things.

Somebody remind me why we hate Discord, please. Was it the alt-right censorship thing?

the it constantly scans and reports back your running programs thing has a lot to do with it. although the censorship doesn't help either, probably.

It's just another SJW censorship piece of shit centralized honeypot.

Just use the IRC. It's free, decentralized and no one can completely ban you for stating your opinion.

The TOS is a joke. No privacy. Also, the UI is awful and takes too much space and on top of that, there was no linux client back when I heard about it.

>it isn't discord

It seems like its almost the exact same thing. Are you even intelligent enough to come up with a reason for hating discord or are you just following the memes and hating it because other people on the internet do too?

I dont even like or use discord, but at least come up with your own reasons for hating stuff

it's a SaaS business that operates on the commodification of its users

any kind of networked communication should be 100% under the control of the people who establish it




just use mumble desu

Why not just use RIOT. Chances are your normie friends will be more incline to switch to something that's a discord clone with more privacy, no SJW nonsense (yet) and no electron.

its fine i'm not sending dick picks to my straight friends

>the app was made by the person who made a literal malware
>it's fine because I need it to be fine since I have no friends outside of discord