Have multiple monitors (displayport and hdmi)

>have multiple monitors (displayport and hdmi)
>lock computer and monitors go to sleep
>come back and unlock
>all my windows are now on different monitors
>all games that have exlusive fullscreen dedicated monitor placement is now launching on different monitors

Whose problem is this? Microsoft? DisplayPort foundation? HDMI foundation? AMD?

>multiple monitors

Sorry that you fell for that meme.

t. single 45" 4k monitor owner

>Whose problem is this?

when your pc wakes up it detects them one by one. it detects the first one and assumes it's the first and only monitor. once the other monitor goes online, your OS doesn't care about checking for monitors anymore.

is your DP monitor your main monitor? i think it's to do with how DP is initialised. i had a similar thing where i couldn't make BIOS show up on my DP monitor, so i was forced to look at it on my 90 degrees rotated HDMI.


Enjoy your latency.

>the year 2017
>still can't run dual monitors with independent full screen applications without having to alt tab one or the other


>le funnay (((((((""""""""maymay"""""""((((()))))))
kill yourself

fucking thisssssssssss

>have multiple monitors (one 144Hz and two 60Hz)
>must play games in exlusive fullscreen mode to get 144hz enabled, otherwise Windows 10 just hard locks my gaming monitor to 60Hz if I use borderless windowed (Like Raid 1 where the lowest size is used for every drive).
>all monitors have simultaneous strokes and flickers like crazy for 10 seconds and everything starts lagging up when alt+tabbing

Fuck this bullshit, I'm on the verge of building a dedicated gayman system with my 144hz monitor as the only connected display because borderless windowed works fine there (since there is no 60Hz monitors connected)

5ms/global elite

Wisdom has it that the VBIOS prefers the most primitive interfaces first and foremost. I.e., if you have a VGA, a DMI, an HDMI, and a DP monitor all plugged in to a compy, and you start the compy, the VBIOS will put to the VGA monitor. If you start it with the VGA unplugged, it will put to the DMI. And so on up the tiers of advancement.

However, once I got a 1080 Ti, this changed. I have two DP and one HDMI monitor. When I start the compy, it prefers one of the two DP monitors instead of the HDMI, but here's the catch: none of the DP monitors work. It must be outputting to them, but they don't get a signal. If I unplug them both and start, the BIOS is put to the HDMI panel successfully. So, every time I start my compy, I have to unplug my two DP monitors.

Does anyone else have this experience or something similar?

i'm an expert on that feel

pro tip, get a power outlet extender with an on/off switch for slight quality of life improvement (not having to manually pull out every time compy starts)

Happens on OSX as well

>2 monitors
>enable freesync on one
>both monitors turn black, and then everything I had open is on the left monitor
>have to rearrange it
>after playing turn freesync off
>same thing happens again

try set scale from gpu or display for that 60hz monitor, see if that works

>Windows 10 settings app gives my monitors identification numbers (1,2,3,4)
>games has different number system so if I choose to use Display 2 in the game, it uses the display labeled 4 in the Windows 10 monitor settings/control panel app

>he thinks response time is latency
>he thinks manufacturer claims are accurate

So you have experienced this too?
>get a power outlet extender with an on/off switch for slight quality of life improvement (not having to manually pull out every time compy starts)
Not that easy, user. Don't you think I've tried just shutting them off? The problem seems to be controlled by the display cables being physically plugged in to the GPU. I guess it tries to send signal over the DPs even when their output devices are off. Unless they're not *really* off and just pretending, in which case a "man in the middle" power interface like the extender would make sure. But Iunno.

Don't know, I'm just the highest rank on an online fps game. Should mean the monitor's good. Also, IPS.

TN panel is faster tho. You want speed, not color accuracy fit for a professional furry porn artist.

I like pretty colors m8

Are you also by chance 12 years old? Because only a 12 year old is retarded enough to brag about their rank in a video game on a chinese cartoon image board.

They're very pretty on a Rog Swift, but you also have 144 Hz, you 78 IQ CS:GO monkey.

Since some fag was saying bullshit about latency, the fact that I rank higher than asus rog memers with 144 memehertz and 0.1ms might be relevant.

Just suck my dick already.

>144 Hz is a meme
>My CS:GO rank determines what is best

Multi-monitor support in Windows has always been extremely poor
Windows doesn't even have an API to uniquely identify a monitor
[spoiler]And I'm sure Linux is just as bad[/spoiler]

71% Adobe gamut isn't good mate.

just leave freesync on

This syncs both my screens to 48 Hz.
One is 144, the other is 60.

Can't fucking find a way to change the identity of the screens, I had to change the ports on the rear of the card.