How autistic is Sup Forums?

How autistic are you?

is it autistic that i'm afraid to know?

this used to be in OP's range last year

any of you truly worried oughta get checked by a proper psychiatrist

When I was in my mid teens I used to wish I had an autism diagnosis so I could have an explanation for my lack of interest in friends and my tendency to simply prefer being alone.

Eventually I just figured out that I'm introverted, accepted it and started feeling much less insecure about myself.

I think 20ish is the range of 'shit at socialising' but nothing really mentally wrong



ok this is proof that the test is inaccurate

Do explain.

Too easy to tell which questions give you a high Autism score

I saw a doctor once and he said I probably have autism
This test isn't that accurate


I got a 10. Not too bad desu

Bit hard to answer sometimes when you know how it'll end up tbqh

I've never had it checked out. Is it worth it? What is it like?


I feel like you would be more autistic if you weren't afraid.



What's the point? Gain a special sticker saying you're retarded?

Half of these questions I'm not even sure what they really mean or imply.

that because you're autistic

I'm just curious.


"I'm fascinated by numbers"

So what the fuck does this even mean. Do I look at a number, say, 78, and think WOW THATS MY FAVOURITE NUMBER! I wanna work as a doctor and make $78 an hour because I love 78! And I want to die at teh age of 78.

It could be something like having anything from a preference to an obsession over certain numbers like primes, powers of 2, the golden ratio etc

Guess I'm just an awkward normie

Not for some autists

I don't believe for a second you fuckers are scoring so low. I got a 38 and I'm a total normie ffs.

Your score was 14 out of a possible 50.

Scores in the 0-25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.


I'm sorry but you are not autistic, you are just really stupid.

desu at some point I was unsure if it applies to me but overall this test felt easy.

33. I already knew I was on the edge. It feels like there's no fixing myself but at this point I don't want to fix it, I just want to be happy and work on things I care about.

If you care about having autism you're limiting yourself, just go live.

Haha, shit.

Posting pics of text

They diagnosed me with schizoid personality, bipolar disorder, acute depression with psicosis... I just think I have Assburger's

Yep I'm an autist

Apparently I've got asburgers. Whatever that means.
I do have ADHD tho.

checkem and you'll see

are you me?

you are like a little baby
watch these digits

Actually am a diagnosed sperg here

Sugoi desu

I don't feel like I have autism though. I don't think this test is medically accurate lads.

No shet. Anything that's online diagnosis has a huge margin for error. When you go to a professional setting with a doctor to do this questionaire im sure they listen to your tone of voice, body language, etc. Although if,you score a certain way you might still be inclined to visit your doctor and get yourself checked out,


27... How fucked am I? I did the eye reading test and passed with flying colours. Does that mean I choose to be autistic? Fuck me...

Why am I not surprised most of this board is autistic?

didn't you watch Rain Man?