See sexy webm of black girl on Sup Forums

>see sexy webm of black girl on Sup Forums
>right-click to save it
>accidentally press "cast video"
>chromecast is in the living room
>family fucking freaks
>it even said my google account was the one who sent it on the TV
>have to carefully explain I was just black curious to avoid getting grounded
I thought you guys said Chromium wasn't botnet.
That was the most botnet thing I have experienced in my life, I'm fucking humiliated.

>I thought you guys said Chromium wasn't botnet.
Nobody said that ever.

Your family has every right to be concerned. You're dabbling in dark arts you know nothing about.

>living with family
>getting grounded
I am become too old for this place.

feel you man... but old enough to go on wizardchan

I'm 23 and a college graduate.
I just don't work much.
Getting grounded is my parents right as my landlords.

I just pretend they're a 25 year old neet and it helps me feel better.

my landlord doesn't ground me, he just asks me to shut up if I make too much noise

You're supposed to disable those things.
I've had Email image disabled in firefox for years.

I never said I wasn't.