/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is bib worth it if I'm on MAM?
shit op
Is HoT any good?
Is DeR a good tracker?
i didn't think it would be possible, but the last op was LEAGUES better than this one
what the fuck
cry more
Can I get an invite to Pxp?
Dong entering Rectum?
t. permavirgin weeb
t. permavirgin closet weeb
Mods this thread was made about 10 posts before bump limit, please delete this one to make room for a non-retarded op
If you read yes. Books are harder to get than shit like television.
Most trackers are run by 40 year old virgins.
Best tracker for 4K hentai?
imagine being THIS butthurt
That may be the point for you but not for me. I don't give a flying [redacted] about all this laughable, cringe-inducing "sharing is caring" bollocks. Until this site implements some kind of seeding requirement I'm free to hit-n-run as I choose while maintaining an acceptable ratio, and please get off your high horse with the "why am I using private trackers?" malarkey; obviously, I use it for the speed and the selection. You're free to disapprove, but drop this revolting superior attitude.
you know nothing of DeR. You have now been permabanned from DeR forever.
>permabanned from DeR forever
fine by me, didn't want a dong in my rectum anyways
Guess that spells the end of the cabal
Post the key.
No user. Only reason to join BiB is invite forums.
It has more content and active community
You can maintain your ratio without uploading a shit
Just download whatever you want - Ebooks, Audiobooks, Comics and other shit
Organisation and theme is shit by default
Getting bonus is comfy af
Friendly staff.
It has trumping rules and better organiation compared to MAM
Better invite forums
Cannot download whatever you want
Organisation is good, theme is just okay
No bonus, you cannot survive there without uploading shit
Moderate staff
name one faggot, except mam and kg
alamak is in his 30s desu, what are you even talking about?
If HDB shut down, activity would drop on all the curry, stepping-stone trackers - most notably AHD, and to a lesser extent BIB.
Semantics. He's still a nearly 40 year old virgin.
t. not on bib
>If HDB shut down, activity would drop on all the curry, stepping-stone trackers - most notably AHD, and to a lesser extent BIB.
Implying HDB will shut down
Implying AHD and BIB are used as stepping stones. Go back to plebbit nigga
what is this "t. " shit user?
t. neon
>Implying AHD and BIB are used as stepping stones
that's literally the only purpose of ahd, they are curry as fuck
Who uses AHD unironically? No one.
t. not-finnish
You shitty booty ops needs to fucking start posting news. There is a lot of stuff happening and you basic ass booty goons keep fucking your 1 job up.
>Now that TEH is gone, which private tracker has the most professional staff?
Friendly yet outdated- MAM
Badass developer- PTP
Idle yet asians- BTN
Curry yet decent- MTV
Common yet decent- RED
Friendly but strict- AHD
Professional yet naive- BiB
Competent but arrogant- HDB
Hardworking yet weebs- AB
Regular yet chill- KG, CG
>what about other trackers staff?
they are not worth mentioning
Oi, are you serious?
read their dev blog
KG staff is the best desu
>Friendly but strict
Hell no
They're more autistic than 312c
how come desu? btw 312c is legend, nobody comes near him
hi 312c,
how are you? when can we expect your resignation (termination) letter?
p.s. im gay. r u?
Alastor, LEAVE
kek, somebody have Alestor's TPS discussion? I want to see how he got cucked
Is it likely that Redacted will do a freeleech for their 1 year anniversary?
based on how many FL tokens they welfared out last event, No!
Go away beats.
They fuckin' better do something for Christmas, unless they want to be bullied.
When is it again
I'd imagine it's pretty soon. We're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of WCD's demise ( :( )
>RED is hemorrhaging users
>forums are a ghost town
>most torrents completely unseeded
>PTP requirements higher than Apollo
>RED staff caught faking stats again
What do you mean they're hemmorhaging users and were caught faking stats? Do you have anything to back this up? Or are you just memeing?
Guys go on the APL forums, download this tool and let's make APL great my stealing RED torrents!!! Or as the program itself would say, LET'S RIPPING!
>I'm not trolling, this is an actual tool made to steal RED torrents approved my APL staff
is there a thread on RED about this?
enjoy giving your account info in plaintext to random apollo users
Don't see why they'd care as long as no user or private data is being leaked. Most trackers don't give a shit if you reupload content elsewhere, more redundancy and backups is better for everyone.
no, because it is no different to the countless scripts available on both red and apl that allow you to cross-seed.
So what's the deal with ggn? Is it dead forever
APL's JSON import/export functionality is better than this program imo
Agreed, this seems prone to failure. At least with the JSON you have a chance to double-check.
ps hi cucks
This program might actually be a tiny bit faster than using JSON and making the .torrent files yourself. I haven't tried it though
Why is MAM so fucking comfy? Post more comfy private trackers
you do it
Alright, guys. I'm not from here, but you have to tell me if there's actually sauce on PTG-girl/trap/whatever.
No bullshit.
link me the forum thread. i dont have a pooploop account.
bring back maki, pls.
this better be right...
How to get into soitgo?
there is a thread on LL/ETI
Sir, plz do the needful and show path to desi porn
Yeah, there is a thread.
What does this acronym mean?
LUElinks/End of the Internet
Apollo is Master Race for music.
End of the Indians, the day the poos will no longer be a burden on the tracker world.
SiG is for yETI's, if you are not then kindly FUCK OFF
Only moderators can send invites at the moment?
>currently seeding zero ptp torrents
>tfw never have to seed PTP torrents again
> 648 PPH
Top fucking kek
paying a lot to pirate
lmao plebbit don't see a problem with this
as if it isnt alarming apl has turned to stealing in the lack of faith of their own users contributing
+1. Apollo is just a laughable site now, with the old staff of scc using it as a front for money milking.
hows hydra.zone
looking to steal from them too ravioli?
dead AF
Do you know why are my tehconnection torrents red?