What kinda stuff do you have in your taskbar?

What kinda stuff do you have in your taskbar?

I don't have a taskbar



windows explorer, chrome, notepad++, winamp, VLC, procexp64, NFSU2 and an electron webapp for a jet set radio fansite i frequent because its actually slimmer than a single tab in chrome with the site open.

On my host machine (MacOS) I have Thunderbird, Notes, Slack, Photo Booth, System Preferences, VirtualBox, TORBrowser, Steam, Terminal, and Brave.

On this GNU/Linux VM, I use Tint2, which only shows the apps I have open, which for right now is Palememe, and sometimes GIMP


lock the taskbar

oh Lightroom, Premiere or After Effects is usually open too.

the essentials

do you actually use Cortana and the virtual desktops?

>show desktop
>home folder

Which is ironic, since I always open those with applications with keyboard shortcuts.

Yeah. Although I don't think my use of VD is the most efficient, but it's a comfy way to focus without actually having to close other programs that for example aren't work/study related.

Just browser.

same, either that, or my start menu is pruned and organized to be efficient

>Mozilla Firefox
use Firefox Quantum, it's the future, baby!!!





>Firefox Beta
>Explorer (File Manager)


Finally someone here playing Paladins

>windows explorer
>sticky notes
>task manager


I know mipony's a botnet, don't care tbqh.

No wonder. Your entire OS is a botnet, goy.