Why is technology so goddamn expensive...

Why is technology so goddamn expensive? Like if you're living in america it's fine but if you're living anywhere else you're getting literally cucked beyond words, the US dollar's value is so high everywhere in the world to the point that i gotta pay ten times the original price if i want to get a shitty mid-range 900$ laptop. It's fucking ridiculous, isn't technology supposed to get cheaper with time?

Have you considered buying used products?

Buy it in bitcoins

>not living in the US
Are you like retarded or something?

>living in the US in 2017
LMAO no thanks

Indeed the US is the cheapest place to buy electronics. Canada is usually just slightly more expensive.

You'd think electronics would be cheap in Asia (where this shit all comes from) but weirdly not, not even in China. Europe is also weirdly expensive (for developed countries).

But you don't know pain until you've seen what electronics cost in Latin America.

> the US dollar's value is so high everywhere in the world to the point that i gotta pay ten times the original price

well that's not really related to technology then is it?

your country's currency is just bad


market factors don't look logical at first glance

because you live in countries that have high VAT taxes so you can import muslims and give them welfare. enjoy your freedoms dumb fucks

almost every piece of technology gets manufactured in china and compiled in america so if you're living anywhere else you're getting cucked, even in the UK which is better economically than almost every country in asia/africa

I wonder if it would be profitable to buy and sell to other customers elsewhere

Do you have the resources, equipment, and know-how to make thing? Then guess why thing costs so much. Anybody can make a barstool but can you make a recliner? One that you'd be comfortable in and wouldn't fall apart? That's why Dania can charge you $500 for a chair, and that's why HP can charge you $700 for a laptop

>He's never seen Australian prices

Don't buy US products then.

>having to deal with identity politics, hip-hop culture, weird shit in the water, soy in literally everything, MAGA neckbeards and neo-Marxist SJW numales on the daily
not worth it

Canadian prices are like 2x US prices. It's literally cheaper to never, ever buy within canada and instead to import from the US, by a ridiculously huge margin. The problem of course is that less and less people shit to canada for some reason.

You still have to live with that crap, except you also end up having to pay a premium for the privilege.

My last laptop was 7 years ago and it was a mid-range business-class dual core.
Today's laptops are STILL dual-core except in $5000+ offerings and other bullshit.
Come to think of it, the same applies to every single feature of the laptop except weight and size. And in some cases (trackpad, keyboard), shit's gone down the shitter. Plus, to get the tech-adjusted version of the same laptop I got 7 years ago, I must now pay up 3 times what I paid for the one I got back then.
What the fuck happened? Tech is both worse and more expensive. Literally how?

I hate living in Canada.


Fuck, take these "woe is me, i live in a shitpit of a country" posts elsewhere.

Granted, I'm Canadian so this applies to me in part, but I can easily walk across the border and buy all my computer parts for a fair and American price.

This desu. The benefits of having a virtual open-border policy with the Yanks become very clear every time I itch for a new computer part. I live in Welland, ON though so this must be far easier for than for you leafs who live far from a major American city.

just stop living in a third world country. america is 1# in everything not just electronic prices


Chink shit general.
Also, why the sudden influx of fucking normies?
>tech support requests
>stupid points everyone knows
>obvious bait
Are we being raided by plebbit?

>Tech is both worse


Fuck me, you're delusional. I know that we indulge in rose-eyed nostalgia session every so often, but if there is one thing is that OBJECTIVELY false, it's that implication of yours that there has been a worsening of tech over the last few years.

>be American
>get shot
You should check immigrants statistics. No one really wants to go to America. We just watch it turn to shit from afar

Woah, for a second your opinion almost mattered.

>Why is technology so goddamn expensive?
Because the cost of development is expensive. It takes first world money to make a core i7, and so it takes first world money to buy one. The cost of research doesn't become cheaper just because you're also selling it in the third world.

>the US dollar's value is so high everywhere in the world to the point that i gotta pay ten times the original price if i want to get a shitty mid-range 900$ laptop
You're not paying ten times the original price. $900 is $900 regardless of whether you're in the US or Brazil. It's just that $900 is a larger portion of your paycheck.

>It's fucking ridiculous, isn't technology supposed to get cheaper with time?
Old technology does. New technology stays the same because it requires continuous research to improve. You could probably buy a Core 2 Duo for dirt cheap. But a brand new Coffee Lake core i7? Well, Intel spends $11.5 billion a year on research and development. If we assume 2 billion of that went towards developing the Core i7 8700K, which sells for $379, then they have to sell close to 5.3 million units at that high price just to break even on that technology.

Dude, the thing is that many foreign countries, South American ones especially, slap a pretty hefty import tariff on our tech products. In many cases many of the third worlders here are actually paying a far higher price than we Americans pay for the same exact product.

> The problem of course is that less and less people shit to canada for some reason.
People won't even shit your way.... You can always just ask them to organize a delivery.
Please don't get all butthurt bub.

I don't understand why this shitskin orc keeps talking to me. Is it really this desperate for American opinion to validate it's existence?

Most foreigners are inexplicably insecure for whatever reason. Just let them be desu.

> US or Brazil
What we pay 70% more than they pay in the US because of import tax. That would be fine if you lived in europe or canada but here you pay that much and don't see any improvement around you.


Retailers at our countries tack on there own price. Things are typically $100-$200 more for me here in South Africa
Best option is actually just ordering on eBay or something and paying for like under $20-50 for delivery

I'm trying to educate you. You don't seem to know much other than what in your back garden

>me here in South Africa

The only way to get cheaper tech here is to buy things from the US and use a Paraguayan parcel forwarding company to ship the stuff to Paraguay (they pay only 6% tax) and then pay someone to go there and bring it to niggerzil

>this bootybombarded 5th word retard still autistically looking for validation

Holy shit!

Blame the politicians of your country.

I live in Brazil and technology here is inaccessible to 90% of brazilians.

A used thinkpad T430 cost a minimum wage, a used T60 cost half a minimum wage.
iPhone 6 cost at least 3~4 minimum wage.

If I decided to import, I have to pay 77% of tax.
So, the product cost almost twice because of tax.

And of course, we have a SOCIALIST government, so, you can imagine how shit the things are.

>iPhone 6 cost at least 3~4 minimum wage

.............................................................................................H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T !

I wish America would just annex us already.

We tried but you went and burned the White House down

No, the Brits did that. We just like taking credit for it for memery's sake.

I don't think Canadians were involved that was the british keeping Canada hostage.

With the east/west split happening with these current pipeline decisions by the federal government, you might be getting another chance.

Same here, senpai. Funnier that way.

>if you're living anywhere else
No you'd be fine in western Europe too.
>the USDs value is so high everywhere that I gotta pay ten times the original price
Whatever the reason you pay that much it's not because of the value of the USD directly. It's probably your currency that's in the dump or some other local reason.
I pay taxes for electronics that does bump the prices above US prices. But it's no more than 25%. I don't remember what it is exactly.
>isn't technology supposed to get cheaper
It does. All the time. People waste their cycles all the time though for no good reason. They do it under the pretense of rapid development but they're just fooling themselves.
It is more work. But the value you could provide to the user is definitively worth it.
China has a different expense proposition. You can't buy a western brand in China without it being heavily taxed which might bring it up above the western price even. For local brands you get it quite cheap.
OT:the tariffs Trump proposed weren't that extreme really. I'm surprised that the way China treats foreign goods wasn't even brought up as an argument by him. I kinda assumed that's where the idea came from.
This is one of the oldest trades in the world and yes it can be profitable. You're directly competing on price though. Which is not easy to do well.

>a minimum wage
Like a month's work at minimum wage?
I should consider hiring from Brazil then.

What's so funny whyte boi

>Why is technology so goddamn expensive?
Electronics and computers and smartphones and so on are RIDICULOUSLY cheap for how complex they are.

Of course you still will feel income inequality or whatever, but they are cheap as hell overall.

A lot of other things cost more for less.

With all these referendums you should form a group of people and tell them how much better things will be if they let the American police state take over. With the right connections it would be relatively easy

Our own police state is even worse than America's at this point.

The radio is entirely government propaganda about socialism and social justice, giant billboards promoting minorities and such.

It's a nightmare.

I've noticed the prices. South African here. The currency differences are actually pretty balance if you see the conversion rates. So I guess that applies for everyone else. The added cost is the import tarriffs on with storage and transport. It actually seem pretty reasonable if you take that into consideration. Also store vendors in countries that don't move technology to much try to up their profit margins because of slow business. Stocks are typically shit aswell(limited variation). But they get/sell the best products in terms of value for money

Are you white?

What is it like being trapped there?

Trump doesn't want to be to hard on China. He still wants good trade.

Buy in bulk and store at your house if you've got space and sell on eBay. I've heard of a few people that do this and they actually get away with a pretty decent living. You can cut a lot of cost by doing the business at home.
I'm half and half raised by whites though. It's not so bad here in the suburbs. All my schools had only like under %10 black population. The ones from relatively wealthy families are pretty clever. I'm far away from the wild only been robbed once. Cause the middle class is mainly white its practically still a kind of an apartheid. But the blacks are catching up and the country is going down. I plan on getting out of here in the future though. Just waiting for the fall. It's actually pretty cool here no jokes.
Even here socialism is rife. Atleast we don't get sent to jail for free speech here. I heard the created from bestgore had is right to use the internet taken away from him because of it. Absolutely disgusting.

> technology supposed to get cheaper with time
That's why I got three thinkpads for me and my family.

>he still wants good trade
You're not allowed to use awful words such as 'good' when talking politics.
And I never said he aimed to be 'hard on china'. Its just that he seems the kind of person that'd glance at the situation and make a bad call like that.

Ah the american ignorance. They actually think the entire world is jelaous of them, when infact everybodies laughing at them. Its very sad to say the least.

You think a man that turn 100 million into 5 billion makes a lot of bad decisions? Perhaps. But he's made a few good ones. Nothing extremely brilliant to be honest. But he's a successful business man nontheless
Looking now I read you wrong though. What OT:?
Also I trust Trump more than myself and many others. He's brought up issues that others would rather ignore. Like Chinas currency fixing.

Keep in mind American prices never include tax and mandatory tipping. You also have to pay extra to get 2 years warranty, which is standard in Yurop.

Displays are literally identical: still 1366xwhatever garbage default and the same kind of markup to get a 1080 screen. Tech-adjusted ram is the same (basically half what I'd get for a desktop being a marked up option, 1/4 being default), ssd is actually a con. There is no way to get an HDD with good space anymore, you must contend to having as much space as before, but as an ssd (10x the cost) or the same price ssd (1/10th the sapce).
Ports are infinitely worse than before. You get half as many if you're lucky. In most cases, you have no choice but to buy a dock to get enough ports to do anything.

Enjoy your absolute garbage keyboards, trackpads, build quality, port availability, lack of disk drive, spyware in bios, uefi fiasco, and tripled price.

>Be brit/german/swede/frenchie
>Get blown up/ran over
See, I can play this game too

Not true. They're insanely cheap to build, but the markup is like 250000%.

Euro and pound are worth more but Euros still pay out the ass for everything

>Calling anyone retarded
Boi, I have bad news for you

Paying 10 times more for everything is still better than living there desu

Because you don't know enough about hardware to get good deals. I got haswell 4/8 i7 laptop off ebay for $300 last year. US has great selection and availability both used and retail compared to the rest of the world.

The magic of VAT. Euro's bash our prices being listed without tax all the time, but they have no idea how much they're paying in tax and no way to audit it at the counter

We tried to send delegates to the other north american colonies but no one else wanted to rebel.

>wages 1/10th of USA
>have to pay 10x for tech on top of that
Not worth it desu senpai.

It'll break down any minute now, don't you worry about a thing.

Yurapist here. All the things I need seem to be pretty cheap. Look harder and you shall find,

Also don't buy new.
Never feed the machine.

Well seeing as my part of the country never existed at the time of the rebellion, I would like another chance at that please.

>Like a month's work at minimum wage?
Yes, exactly.

A minimum wage here is R$ 937 ($ 297).

>I should consider hiring from Brazil then.
You'll not have difficult for that
You can offer less than the average wage in US that some Brazilian will accept.
There's a lot of people with a degree looking for a opportunity to get out of country.

>that brain damaged attempt at speaking English


>Also don't buy new.

This is poorfag advice. Please discard it promptly.

Bullshit. VAT is between 15 to 25%, depending where you are at, usually listed on the receipt.

Anyway, we get a little something for it back as well, so i don't mind. I'm not talking about constant war for cheap oil, but healthcare or free schooling.

When you make 3k€ after tax/social security, 200€ for a used or 1000€ for a new TP isn't that wild.

>Bullshit. VAT is between 15 to 25%
>15 - 25%

Yikes. These are the sorts of numbers you thought you'd only see in the 3rd world.

Nah, it's like that in the first world. Name three first world countrys where it isn't.

Isn't it literally impossible to fire anyone for any reason ever in Brazil?

Here is a free tip: don't work minimum wage, get (usually free in socialist countrys) education or learn a trade.

If you think you can come to europe, forget it, you'll be just another welfare sucker amongs a bunch of Syrian shitskins.

>come to Europe

You saying that as if all of Europe is paradise. The only worthwhile European countries are in Western and Northern Europe. The rest may as well be South American shitholes full of white people

user it's not that simple. Education isn't some universal solution. A degree from Brazil may not (I'm not sure of this specific country) have the same value as an equivalent degree elsewhere. And even then high-skill work isn't rewarded as much or desired as much everywhere.
Better than having no-skill naturally.
>if you think you can come to Europe
>you'll be on welfare
It doesn't work like that. The reason we're in this situation is because of amnesty laws. A person with a work visa is in an entirely different situation.
And I'm almost certain that people here are morally bankrupt enough to take someone with a work visa and mark them down as a
That's a bit extreme. It's true that migrants aim to come to Germany/UK/Scandinavia because they'd have the best lives there but it's not like the rest of Europe is as bad as SA.

You are out of your area of expertise, burgerman. You never where in Southamerica or Europe.

Look, Southamericanignog, Germany is full. Go elsewhere you fucking scum. We have 6 million arabs to feed that fuck like rabbits. Piss off to USA.

I'm from Chile you insecure retard.

We don't want you either, Llamanignog.

again, there are only a handful of livable countries in Europe. The rest are just skin-bleached African states.

No, it's not. You can be fired tomorrow for any reason but people who are fired receive salary for 6 months from government until they find another job.

You completely right.
I did my university "for free". (It's not free because we pay tax for that but we don't need pay monthly/annually.)
Now I'm a mechanical engineer, I don't work for minimum wage, my life is ok, of course a enginner in USA or Europe have a much better life.

>If you think you can come to europe, forget it, you'll be just another welfare sucker

Europe is awesome, The only problems are liberalism and refugees.
I'm thinking of going to Europe to do a master's degree but I definitely would not be a welfare sucker.
I'm not a parasite, my values do not allow me to do this. I like to work, be productive and make my own money.