Purism is Crowdfunding an Encrypted Linux Phone

Will you buy a free as in freedom phone Sup Forums?


Literally botnet

Those who fall for scams deserve to be scammed

Linux is less secure than any OS

Linux is less secure than Operating System..

Whar did you said nigger

librem has already shown they have no ability to free hardware so I doubt they'll be making it even if they get their money.

That's okay, as long as the modem is audited and I can use standard linux I'm fine.

NT is less secure than any OS

That would still require drivers for things though.

I'd buy one once it exists and is being sold, but I'd never preorder it or back it on a crowdfunding site. I want detailed information and reviews about what its made from and what software it runs before I put any money down.

I have yet to preorder anything on a crowd funding website. I do not feel any regret about this, as it has saved me a lot of money overall, and would only save me very little on the things that actually launch successfully. I mean, I had to spend a whopping 100 dollars more on the Purple mattress, but I also had 6 months to pay it off with 0% interest, AND had the ability to return it, no questions asked, for 100 days if I didn't like it.

ive made that mistake too many times, never again

If this gets made by the time my Galaxy S3 Mini dies, I'll get one.
It would be nice to have a phone running Arch and KDE instead of fucking Android.

horse shit projects, i don't want a phone with open source distros in it, I WANT EVERY PHONE TO FUCKING BE ABLE TO INSTALL LINUX OMG

>Linux is less secure than any OS


Does it have Open Source Radios yet?
No? I diden't think so.

>linux on my phone
haha no!

It'd be fucking awesome if you could legitimately use it as a linux desktop with your DE/WM of choice, running normal linux programs.

That's part of the point of this thing. By default it will ship with either KDE Plasma Mobile, or GNOME, but there would be nothing stopping you from trying to make something else work

>control center has a HAL 9000 icon

I wouldn't trust this thing.

That's the goal. And you can connect it to a monitor and keyboard and turn your phone into a desktop

Finally, they're using Gnome for it's proper purpose

But aosp is free as in free already, just dont flash google

Niggers don't know about muh Linux Deploy on Android.

Yes I will buy one.