So.. What are you learning Sup Forums?

So.. What are you learning Sup Forums?

Started over with opengl after I realized fixed pipeline has been obsolete for decades and isn't portable anymore.

digital audio

Running a debian server, I'm sorry I'm a retard but I've never done this before.

pad your matrix outputs pleb

nim. it's a big language

Neat. I'm playing with the idea of getting into graphics. Just because the research side of it looks really cool. I've watched one or two lectures on Youtube and I'm reading Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. I haven't started learning OpenGL yet, though.


Never finished CS50X, just joined a Meetup group to work through it. Also doing a Udemy course on progressive web applications, planning on building a geolocation-based chat app for my final project

for you

>So.. What are you learning Sup Forums?

haskell !

I'm learning how to download a version of Windows 7, since I'm about done with Microsuck and Winblows 10.


some node video compositing stuff

dual boot ubuntu with windows 10

>how to use linux
>that working in IT support was a mistake
inb4pajeet, just outsource my job to india and let me die


studying the ccna

this site makes it super easy:


What level u at broski

The main reason I can't stick to the curriculum is that I can't find a practical use for it.