Perfect keyboards don't exi...
Perfect keyboards don't exi
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>no Windows button
>mfw everyone in this thread gets dubs
So I see you're running single digits.
This is a thing of beauty. Companies love catering to our sense of nostalgia, why don't they just release modern Model M's and M13's?
(and no, not Unicomp)
> No i3 meta button
Nice to look at, not much else
> djole@nessus
hacking your host rn fäm
>even has a clit
>shit taste
>implying an Untermensch like you can hack anyone
there isn't a better keyboard
prove me wrong
I need one, but 60% :(
>TrackPoint II with speed curve designed for 640x480 displays and no center button for scrolling
I wanted to believe, but it turned out to be useless for these reasons.
>Tfw these go for like 1000 bucks
why do you need a windows button?
There are 2 kinds of model m users.
Those who found theirs in garbage bin.
And losers who overpaid for old, inferior shit just to get their Sup Forums creed.
Just get the unicomp version
for windows
>buying full sized keyboards
That's what I have. Good taste OP.
>still no mechanical keyboard that is both ergonomic and wireless
Literally only complaint is the keycap font. Replacing the caps as soon as I find a set I like though
do something funny with this IP
That reminds me... I have an old 286 in my father's attic. That has one of these IBM keyboards.
for use as a meta key
Do Unicomp make TKL models?
>Just get the unicomp version
Unicomp isn't even close to any actual IBM keyboard.
Please sauce me your theme pls
>no penguin key
That's super sexy looking and all, but how does one middle click with it? Also, a Windows key (or some sort of similar option key if the word Windows triggers you) is actually useful.
Right click+left click. It's ridiculously uncomfortable and basically invalidates entire point of clit mouse.
If only they actually produced it...
I have the unicomp version, there is no middle mouse button only right and left. Also it sucks dragging that nub across multiple monitors if you have them.
I have one and the Trackpoint isn't a real Trackpoint. It's a fucking joystick and it sucks.
Now get on my level:
Look into an RT3200, rubber dome but very good, not all rubber dome are created equal, feels much like a T420 with middle click
Unicomp actually produced many of the IBM keyboards. IBM did not manufacture their own actual keyboards.
oops forgot pic
Mmm love my leo660m only mistake was getting reds and not browns. Is the top one a 750
Already had one. Not sure if my example was just defective or what, but most of the keys were hard to push. Strangely, the function keys worked better than the rest. I got it brand new, so it didn't have anything to do with previous owner abuse or anything.
Anyway, it was absolute shit to type on, sadly. The TrackPoint was glorious, being a true IV just like that of a modern ThinkPad, but I could not enjoy those keys. Even the ones that worked better were still shit rubber domes. I honestly prefer scissor switches to rubber domes.
>no middle button
Shame, I may be tricking myself into thinking they're better because I just love the trackpoint so much, definitely wouldn't say hard to push though, might be worth giving it a full cleaning or even buying another, definitely SEEMS like a very high quality rubber dome to me, but yeah if you hate rubber dome there's not much to redeem it. I'm sure you already know but the Tex Yoda is a good (albeit expensive as fuck) option
not the best board out there but perfect enough for 10$
Eh, I sold it a long time ago. I doubt cleaning would've helped anything since it was almost all the keys that felt that way and it was brand new. May have just been part of a bad batch of keycaps or something. I believe the keycaps just fit too tightly and kind of bound up on the way down rather than pushing smoothly.
The Tex looks interesting, but I'm not sure about the click buttons being comfortable. Also, I'm having trouble finding info about the technology used for the pointing stick, and how it compares to a genuine TrackPoint. As far as I know, no non-IBM/Lenovo pointing sticks have ever been quite the same as a genuine TrackPoint.
>empty space instead of win key or at least fn
>meme caps lock
>F row that far away
Into the trash it goes.
Man, there's almost enough room to use your mouse on the top part of that keyboard...
I would like to link to this keyboard pl0x
all sold out, new ones coming soon though
tex yoda
This. I have 5x Model M. My first was a free find at the office 12 years ago, the rest were about $50-60 each on eBay, and have all been in great shape.
My friend spilled a beer on one, and ruined it (they really dont like water) and was freaking out cause he thought they were like $250+ each, but nah. Found one for like $50 shipped.
What are you smoking...
I've spilled things on my M and it worked fine
>No middle scroll button
Only if it didn't have the shitty T40-era trackpad
>current year
>still not using an ergonomic Alien orb keyboard yet!
however my choice of best keyboard will always be the IBM Model M Battleship version (well for typing anyway)
you can still pick up the terminal versions for cheap... for when 12 function keys just isn't enough anymore
>tfw you spilled coffee on yours and it won't work anymore
Oh well, only got it for $20.
At least this one doesn't have a fucking empty space between the keys. Seriously what were they thinking
Where are the Super and Compose keys?
Buckling springs?
>non-Apple scissor switches
I spilled beer on two models, and they stopped working.
First one I took apart, cleaned with pure water, never worked again.
Second one doenst work right after, many keys dont work, some register twice, other register other keys.
Took of them apart to see what's up, found that the membrane was all fucked.
>using the trackpad
That is a fair and accurate review. I have a May 2016 Unicomp USB Ultra Classic 103 key and, other than the wobbly keys & gap ( warped faceplayer), everything mentioned is present.
The wear and tear must have been exceptionally great in the last year. I would gladly pay twice the price for one if it meant the materials were of higher quality and the build was more solid.
Hipster keyboard
what's up senpai?
Accesing OS shortcuts
Whether it's Windows or Linux it's handy
Why not a detachable foot pedal for the enter key?
Yeah, exactly. So it should be fucking gone entirely.
feels good senpai.
But honestly, this trackpad is dicks.
the top left unmarked key is mapped to windows key on mine.
Is it mechanical?
Is the mouse nub a real trackpoint or a joystick like says?
Pretty shitty, literally the entire convenience of the Thinkpad trackpoint is that it sits on home row
As a separate item off the keyboard you may as well be using a mouse
Thinking about getting the unicomp classic trackball
Should I go for it lads?
Or should I just get the classic and go for a kensington ball instead?
Why the fuck are you going to spend money on something you almost never look at?
The latter seems the most versatile choice, but the decision is of course based on your aesthetic tastes.
the fuck even, I paid $2 for my first and my second one was free with a PS/2 model 30 I paid $20 for
mechanical keycucks are retarded
keyboards you say?
Why doesn't anyone make this anymore?
Knuckle draggers prefer swirling their fingers on slabs.
There's a Psion remake on Indiegogo right now.
I wisv there were more keyboard-extensioncases like these
Shit man, I got one of these in my closet
>no mouse buttons
Moto Z Keyboard Mod hopefully will come out and be good
Mouse buttons are on the case, look harder
Window button or Meta key is central for full use of desktop computer. Lots of critical functions rely upon it. Win, Win+R, L, D, E, Tab, etc
>Using Windows
did you get this in the bargain bin? lemme guess, first mech keyboard.
RT3200 is the closest
>No trackpoint
There, I did