What are Sup Forums's opinions on jailbroken iPhones?

What are Sup Forums's opinions on jailbroken iPhones?

Just get an Android phone

Still less functional than Android devices

It's proof how fucking stupid people are.

>get locked shitty toddler fruit phone
>hack it to get incomplete android functions and features

Just sell your iPhone on ebay and buy a mid-ranger like the G5+ if you're poor.

I like the status symbol and muh magpul cases

Just buy an Android or pre order the librem 5

>status symbol
Son, you know it's a symbol of homosexuality these days right? If I was stupid enough to have an iPhone I would do everything I can to hide that fact from family and friends.

> getting everything out of the box instead of hacking your way through
You really aren't a tech enthusiast, are you?

I had a jailbroken iPhone and it pretty much voided my warranty and I couldn't get the latest updates or else I lose my jailbreak. So I was stuck with pretty much a watered down android.

What, you actually WANT to be tormented with an incomplete phone? Do you even have a job?

>buying an overpriced shitty product
>"hacking" it to function as it should in the first place
the absolute state of apple shills

I had my iphone 4 jailbreaken and it was great. Jailbreak is very good nowdays, iirc. If you have your iphone on a jailbreakable ios version, go for ity you can reflash the stock easily with lagtunes .

I do, though I don't have an Apple phone. I like my jailbroken iPad anyway.

Weirdo. I bet you were that fat guy with a toy car up your ass in my clinic yesterday.

G5+ or the Redmi Note 3 which is chinkphone but a good performance one

android can do anything a jailbroken iphone can with one less step

where the hell do you live that this is the case?

there's no point in jailbreaking anymore. apple added pretty much everything I cared about from previous jailbreaks.

i have one.
dont even use anything on it

>jailbreak iPhone
>still have to pay for custom shit
yeah, nah

I have an Android phone and an iPad, thank Google for abandoning Android tablets.

And yes, I have it jailbroken. Mainly for file system access and to be able to choose my own browser, map and mail apps


Actually android is a sign of homosexuality

>caring what others think
how can you be so dumb

In here, Sup Forums Probably

They all are gay. Fagpple and Fagdroid. Just use a dumb phonen

>Status symbol

Maybe if you live in the ghetto

I jailbreak, but the 6 is my last iPhone. Apple has a program where they pay for every exploit. The big jailbreak groups quit making jailbreaks just to exploit the phone and have apple buy their security flaws.
That's why the iPhone 7 had a single jailbreak. Some 19 year old kid stumbled upon on an exploit and spent a year learning how to make a real jailbreak, and that same jailbreak is arguably the worse in recent jailbreaks.
The entire community is dead at this point. All the devs either dropped dead or open-sourced their shit and then dropped dead.
There is a literal 0 percent of a new jailbreak since Apple has found the best way to prevent exploits to be released to the public.
Pirate Repos are seriously the only way to go. They were honestly the most trustworthy providers of "tweaks." One the moralfags that dominate Reddit were against it.

chinese/russian backdoors. jailbreaking hasn't been relevant since iOS6

I forgot it was a thing. I certainly never installed the Chinese jailbreak. Only a fucking complete idiot jackass would even consider it.

It used to be worth it back in the day. Now though, most of the features have been incorporated into the OS and so there's little reason to jailbreak any more.

Plus it's getting harder and harder to jailbreak that you can have to wait on a very old firmware. So not worth it.