How do I avoid having a chain of nested if and else if?
I'm new to coding and I'm working on a project and found myself falling into
If Code If Code Elseif Code
There has to be something better that I'm not aware of right ?
I just don't want to be like that yandere dev
Jackson Stewart
Blake Rivera
/thread also, most times you can reduce the level of nesting ifs just coding in another way.
Brandon Martinez
Does not work in all languages. Python does not have switch statements (worst thing about the language), but there you can use a dictionary of functions.
Daniel Fisher
yo estoy trabajando en lua tambien
Jack Brooks
>How do I avoid having a chain of nested if and else if? You don't. Why would you even want that?
Aiden Roberts
functions, hundreds of them
each one simple enough to debug, but with a specific task assigned to it.
then code like this:
try: foo1() except e: foo2() finally: foo3()
in foo1() you can do an if-else, or try if else except , etc.
break everything into simple functions that call each other and which you can check/debug easily.
Xavier Nguyen
You could replace: if x < y: z = True else: z = False
With: z = False
if x < y: z = True
But the first option is generally considered better practice and neater imo.
If you're dealing with lots of elseif blocks, you'll just want to use a switch statement.
Aiden Phillips
if (condition&&condition) { do; }
Henry Cruz
Why are a bunch of ifs even bad? It's like goto where if someone sees one instance of it ever they have a heart attack