Is there any reason why the Adobe Flash player has to be installed with an installer at the system level instead of it just being a browser add-on?
Is there any reason why the Adobe Flash player has to be installed with an installer at the system level instead of it...
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Because fuck you it's bytecode that's why
It's finally dead, don't talk about that shit.
Better than javashit though.
>has to be installed with an installer at the system level
you can just grab the tar.gz and unpack it in ~/.mozilla/plugins or any of the standard plugin search paths
Doesn't Twitch still require Flash for people to watch its streams?
I don't consider it dead of such a big thing still depends on it.
Not yet.
I think devs have until April 2019 to fix their shit and make their sites use something less shitty.
What about sites like Newgrounds? Javashit+HTML5 is in no way a replacement in any amount.
twitch has a HTML5 player
It doesn't? You simply install it as a browser extension. I only drag and dropped the "flash player" into my firefox folder and it works.
It's installed as part of the browser in Edge and Chrome because retards don't update their plugins and get hacked.
Because Edge is part of Windows, Flash is updated through it too.
no it isnt
Unless they figure out a way to have everything run HTML5 or somebody takes the bull by the horns and makes a better flash-based environment, I'd say it's fucked.
Same goes for anything like uses flash, like SDT that half of /h/ has a /h/ardon for.
And for the love of god Google need to stop with the slow-refresh reCAPTCHA.
superior ES6 which compiled to bytecode
>current year
you have to install loads of nodejs modules to translate your code to ES5
How are you going to be full botnet if you're limited to just the browser
So I can browse through my flash pr0n collection offline
>all those legacy websites are going to be just flat-out unusable eventually
Name 3 websites of importance that require Flash.
What exactly is it about the word "legacy" that you think implies importance?
Who cares about the legacy site if it's not important?
Most Flash games could be rewritten in C++ or Java, by any competent developer in a day.
That shit is my childhood, ok?
They switched to HTML5 a while ago.
You can still play streams in Flash but I think the current beta version actually completely gets rid of Flash support.
>And for the love of god Google need to stop with the slow-refresh reCAPTCHA.
That shit is literally taking over the interwebz. It's on, just about.
Whatever happened to that project by Mozilla that was supposed to emulate Flash applications?
I haven't heard anything new about that in years.
I hope Adobe will at least release the source code of Flash so that there can be an open implementation for those who want to use legacy sites.
When was the last time you actually played a game on Newground that wasn't Meet N Fuck
I tried a few weeks ago for some old games I used to play - Dad 'n me, specifically.
If it didn't require flash, I would probably be playing games on there more often, for the nostalgic value.
>muh games and old meme sites
We all do but you know just as much as everyone else that Adobe would rather take down everything with the death of Flash than actually giving people the code.
A good chunk of old Flash games are getting released on Steam right now.
Fancy Pants Adventure came out like a week ago and I think Dad N Me is currently in the works.
I mean, that's literally everything Flash was ever used for though
Uh you forgot porn
>t. a child that hasn't been through major changes yet
Wait until your xbox becomes dead tech, kid. You'll want to relive that shit.
Name one good porn site that is still only using flash.
They also use HTML5 for the most part already.
>horrendous performance
>latest commit 29 Mar 2016
I think the problem is that they have the same algorithms implemented in Flash that they also use in PS for text effects for example
I'm 37 and never owned a video game console.
Hey Sup Forums Lets start a project to datamine the bit code and create a free open source alternative
First we need a name and a logo
I call it Flush.
Logo is pic related.
Fucking great, you got it. Now where do we start?
Fund it.
What, you've never had the experience of needing some semi-obscure piece of information that turned out to only be on some website that hasn't been updated since 2005?
>tfw haven't played Madness Interactive in many years
Funniest thing happened in my one of my lectures on tuesday
>get to lecture 10 minutes early
>sitting watching teacher doing prep on his laptop
>tries to play yt on ie 9
>'you need to install flash player'
>googles flash player
>goes to some sketchy ass looking download site
>clicks accept on atleast 6 types of malware on the installer
>keked outloud like a madman
>wasting time to rewrite games
Why if the current ones JUST WORK
I'll just convert it to haxe and export as win32 app
>at the system level instead of it just being a browser add-on
you seem to think this is a meaningful distinction
Because the thing that makes it "JUST WORK" is terribly outdated, vulnerable, and has so many ways it can be exploited by malicious people.
My nigga
But I need my porn .swf games user~ and what about all those obscure sites with all the good shit that are stuck in 2010 and still use flash for the videos?
/f/. It's how I found Sup Forums after all (despite not going there for about 8 years now)