Blurry pdf font rendering in Mac OS

>Mac OS
>I paid 2000$ for overpriced hardware but at least it just werks


Other urls found in this thread:

>Making an arguement with an old version of MacOS
Seems legit


Literally all the text on the screen except the Safari tabs is blurry.

Just get a Retina Display, user.

NO! Not PDF previews! I view PDFs in QuickLook ALL the time!

t. No one, ever

this, don't know why people have such a hardon for macOS font rendering

I like how Apples response to their shit font rendering is just to have 4k screens on everything instead of fixing it.

>blurry font rendering
I never noticed this exists until I stopped using windows for over a year, and then installed it on my second HDD to try a few games I pirated. Holy fuck windows is so blurry I'm impressed I'm not blind seeing how I used it for almost 2 decades. Linux does font rendering right and I'll never use anything else.

>5k iMac
>integrated graphics

5k iMacs only have dedicated graphics. You can’t even enable the integrated one. You’re probably lying.

>retina will somehow unblur your pdfs

you're supposed to read it on a Retina(r) screen stuid goy

no seriousl, I prefer the font rendering on OSX. its probably the best out there

I don't find it that blurry, in fact I find it quite readable on a non-retina screen. Probably has to do something with font spacing.

Nevermind, it's preview being shit with PDFs.

The fuck, windows fonts are sharp, no bold shit

They aren't if you use a resolution different than your monitor's native resolution.

>use a resolution different than your monitor's native resolution
why would anyone do that

Fedora with freetype-freeworld does not have this problem.

When it comes to low DPI setup since that's what you're using, Apple designs their font subpixel antialising system to accurately resemble the way the fonts were originally designed to look, while Windows' font subpixel rendering system is designed for maximum readability at a low DPI if at the cost of not staying true to the fonts' original design. The reason they look "blurry" to you is probably because you're used to the way Windows renders fonts.

High DPI (Retina) scaling will make this issue irrelevant, no longer will font rendering systems have to choose between readability and staying true to the original design when they can have both at the same time.

You are just holding it wrong Sempai.
Mac OS is qt and safe have you even listened our lord Jobs said so?

Because I'm using a TV and don't like scaling. The larger resolution is driver compatible on both Linux and Windows, so it should work fine on both systems.
There are a few other reasons for this, but that's mine.

but non native resolutions look like trash not because of windows, that's the cause of how lcds work

Works fine on Linux.

There's literally nothing wrong. You're using a funky zoom level or something.

I even downloaded the same PDF as you.

Your bait failed

He fucked it up on purpose to make a shitty bait thread. There's a option that smooths PDFs.
He's acting like options are a bad things and that this is default behavior.

You on Sierra or High Sierra? It's happening to me too.

Obviously he is lying.
The resolution of the first picture is 1080p.
The About This Mac window is only 600x372 too.

That screenshot is from my Hackintosh on Sierra (1080p). This screenshot is my rMBP on High Sierra (2560x1600)

Both use zoom-to-fit.

Why the fuck are Pleble Fags here anyway?
Fuck off >>/lgbt/

Weird as shit.

I don't even have the option to disable this smoothing thing.

Why does that screenshot look all kinds of fucked. Macfags, everyone.

what are you guys even bitching about, the text in the pdf looks perfectly fine

Dunno bub. You using any scaling in System Prefs?

If you don't view that image at 100%, it'll look fucked up. It just doesn't shrink down well because of the resolution. The display is 2560x1600, but I'm using 1440x900 scaling so it renders everything at 2880x1800 and just 2x downscales. See pic related; Apple does some funky shit.

>downsampling by non-integer number
I wonder how this went unnoticed.

> I don't like scaling

you are an idort.

It's a non-problem unless you post screenshots about it for low-res faggots to look at.
Feel ashamed and fuck off for having a pleb monitor.

>ITT: People who unironically think pictures of different resolutions being scaled are a fault of the system the picture if from and people who don't know how LCDs work and what native resolutions are
Neo-Sup Forums everyone, and I though Mac fags themselves are shitheads, people in this thread make the macfag posters seem like doctorates.

It's you fuck off, I don't post any screenshots here.

Dumb thread.

So, macOS has always had shitty font rendering in anything that isn't retina display (read: downscaled on a high dpi screen). Consequently, yeah, it looks like shit on most external monitors.

pic related. external 4k monitor downsampled to 1440p.

>dese network monitoring graphs make me look 1337 xD
>wow user you must be really good at computers huh

lol triggered much? nobody is, or should be anyway, looking at my screen, so why would I do this for anyone but myself?


>not buying mac for the hardware and using it to run winxp/win7
fagets the lot of you

The zoom excuse is stupid, fonts are vectors and should be super sharp even at really big zoom.

But it is. If you use zoom-to-fit and size the window to a wacky ratio, you can sometimes jank Preview into blurry font rendering. Or, you enable PDF smoothing and make shitty Sup Forums bait. Pic related.

>Go in Action
HAHAHAHA, use Rust you retard

I used to have the same problem in Yosemite where pdf would be blurry in the lower left part of a page and become sharper the more you looked to the upper right part, it made me downgrade and stay with Mavericks. A couple days ago I tested Sierra in as dual boot from an external hdd on my iMac (non retina) and was glad to see that the issue had dissolved. It would be a shame if the bug would reoccur in High Sierra, tell me OP, is there a blur transition from upper right to lower left where the latter looks worse?

Does the WebExtension version of Tree Style Tab support "Auto Hide Tab Bar"?

>5K iMac
>1080p screen
Somethin's not right here

It's a hackintosh

>install a modified version of the OS
>use one screen while telling the OS it's running on a machine with an entirely different screen
>why isn't the scaling doing what I want

Have you looked at the google page? A lot of people have this issue

lol that denial
What you're doing is dumb. Get a CRT if you wanna do dumb shit.

>all these retards using non-native resolutions

Lucia Grande was fine. It's all the thin ass fonts that are a bitch.


No downsides.

>I don't have this issue, but I'll pretend as if I do so to bitch about MacOS.
How sad are you?