Is there a single color printer on the market, that isn't a huge ripoff?
Or to use some Sup Forums slang: What is the ThinkPad of printers?
Is there a single color printer on the market, that isn't a huge ripoff?
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If your case
dot matrix printer > laser printer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manual screenprinting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inkjet printer
Used business laser printer
= cheap toner
= network support
= duplex printing
Don't buy "consumer" printers.
Are the ecotank printers legit? I like the idea of having ink bottles for economy reasons, but heard dubious things about their text quality..
Why do people need printers?
I need to print shit maybe once every three months, so I'd rather pay the UPS store $1.25 to do it
Don't really care for laser printers... They have shiny flecks in their output, and colour rendering of pictures aint that great.
Inkjets that can print a good line without feathering are where it's at IMO. Especially now there are inkjets where the head is as wide as a page.
I have an Epson L100, no idea how that system is called, but basically you buy a bottle of ink and fill the ink tank. One of pros - when there still is ink, but printer is crying about it being "empty", just use a piece of software that someone wrote and reset it. I never had a ink printer that uses cartridges, but I'd imagine ink delivery system is similar. The quality is good. The only thing you have to do is when the "overflow" sponge (or whatever it's called) fills up, you have to take the printer apart and take it out for washing, then reset with the same software.
>shitting on inkjets
the comfort of being able to print/copy immediately and on the spot, instead of having to go somewhere else
saves time. time is money
Buy the cheapest color printer from your favorite brand
Check if there is a continuos ink system for it
Return to step 2 if not cis for it
That or get epson L series printers
>Why people have different needs than mine reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Shipping labels.
Paper copies of invoices for the IRS.
Construction plans. I'm not taking my ThinkPad to the woodworking shop.
I just got a Brother HL-L2380W, it's B&W only but it's the best printer I've ever had. Fuck using anything other than laser again.
> Color Printer
you are fucked my friend
if you can refrain from color the buy some hp laserjet from the early nineties. 0-30 bucks, original cartridges are cheap and spare parts are still beeing produced.
>dot matrix
You don't have to go back that far.
I scored an HP from the mid-2000s for 30 Euros
It has duplex printing, Ethernet and 20€ toner lasts for thousands of pages
Oh well, it's real, sorry.
i posted about this a few years ago and a bunch of cucked faggots cried about how its not muh printing companies fault. if you do a little research you will see that the big cartridge makers underfill and have software that gives low ink warnings based off nothing more than the company wanting more money from you. i returned my piece of shit ink printer and bought a good old fashioned laser one. the drums of toner last for years and i constantly find unopened packs at thrift stores and on ebay. ink printing is a fucking scam. there are only like 3 printers on the market that are designed to allow universal ink refills, the rest are proprietary trash and companies like HP have even DMCA'd websites with tutorials for converting ink printers to be able to reuse ink. what does that tell you?
Give CISS a google m8!
true story but aint got no
a e s t h e t i c s
Colour printing is a meme
Unless you are a child you don't need it
It's good when you want to print a few pictures (not that you do it very often anyways though)
But I'm a manchild and need a constant stream of waifu prints
> Not using monitors on walls and instead printing all of his waifus
das rite
>you have to take the printer apart and take it out for washing
I have one of those. What do you mean wash it? You take the part out and you wash it with water, just like that?
Well, it's like a sponge - it's not hard to wash it with just water, all you need is to leave it out for a few days to dry it. Keep in mind that if you don't wear gloves, your hands will be black for a few days.
>your hands will be black for a few days
I'm used to that, if you catch my drift.
Thanks, man. I'll try it with an Epson I have.
My grandmother has a brother printer that tells her shes out of yellow all the time even when shes barely used. We tried buying generic printing cartridges but they wouldnt work because they dont have the authentic brother chip.
I cant think of anything more jew than the ink printing industry. Its fucking crazy people are so stupid they dont even question why they are paying $50 for a cartridge of ink. Are you serious its fucking ink why is it $50?
>your hands will be black for a few days.
how dare you assume my race. for all you know my hands are always black. bigoted jerk.
Your dick has to be a few kilometers long if your skin color is as black as inkjet ink
the official explanation for the disappearing colors is that the machine "has" to use small amounts from all cartridges every time or it will cause damage to the printer.
>i-its not a scam, its just a design (((coincidence))) that happens to increase our profits x1000 fold goy
aka it will dry out and clog up. At least my printer has a nozzle cleaning function.
This is AFAIK the only printer that is even trying to be more fair about costs.
The Rest of the market basically runs on a "jew everyone off with running costs using tiny ink tanks" business model.
To legit "fill up" software ink levels, you have to enter ink bottle serial number. Though resetting this thing with "other" software is easier that resetting ink cartridges.
>My grandmother has a brother printer that tells her shes out of yellow all the time even when shes barely used.
It dries out / gets emptied during "cleaning" processes that happen all the time and so on.
Yea, they wouldn't want users that only go through a set of ink every 4 years to threaten their business model, right?
We have an Epson L355 and the ink lasts quite a bit with some heavy use
just buy a $10,000 xeron color laser printer
printers have been a common household item since the late 1980s and there is no proof any of these companies has even tried to make an efficient, honest ink printer. what there is plenty of evidence for however is those same companies actively trying to silence people from recycling ink, lying about the fullness of their cartridges and having lying software that says they need replaced. when VW got caught with liar software they were fined billions of dollars, when printer companies got caught they used the excuse "running out early is a safety precaution" and were crowned heroes. a board room full of kikes came up with this for the sole purpose of sucking shekels off the public, to say anything else is ignorant.
Well, you wasted 5+ minutes of your life, since I completely agree with you
>a board room full of kikes came up with this for the sole purpose of sucking shekels off the public
Jesus, can we please tone down the racism?
>>a board room full of capitalists came up with this for the sole purpose of sucking pennies off the public
there you go, is the class war more to your liking comrade?
>there are no races, everybody is equal
>omg, that's racist, kill the fascists.
You are using arguments, against idiots.
It doesn't work
Kikes are white. Its impossible to be racist against a privileged race.
Any small-buisness grade inkjet printer will do... as long as you buy counterfeit cartridges.
Pic related is HP Officejet 6500a, I only feed it Chinese cartridges, I've had it for years and it prints pretty fast.
Checking their documentation, I don't see anything about having to type in any serial numbers from any bottle. I'm calling troll on this post.
i received a warning for this post lololololololol. what a fucking crybaby little faggot. mods can all fucking die. Sup Forums is full of fat disgusting virgins who jack off to trannies and wanted bernie to win. ban me faggots i hate this board anyways.
Is speaking out against racism somehow against rules? What the fuck, mods. I thought you were on the LEFTY side!?
they warned everyone...yet they have no problem letting pedos post loli pics nor do they mind the same recycled threads day after day. if you aren't moderating to improve content why the fuck do it at all?
I have an old Epson Stylus CX5600.
What to do, Sup Forums? I haven't used it in ages. The ink is probably all dried up in there.
Color laser with 3rd party toners.
25 cents a page adds up real fast.
>Error: You were warned.
so are the mods finally going to do something about the incessant shill threads? will Sup Forums finally have a period where amd vs intel, amd vs nvidia, android vs iphone, linux vs windows doesn't fill the board?
til, too bad they're pretty costly
no surprise that it costs 6x what a regular epson printer would cost, fucking printer manufactures subsidising the cost of cheap printer/scanner combos with outrageously expensive ink cartridges
i miss the good old days of the turn of the millennium where schools,offices, libraries, etc didn't give a fuck about wasting printer paper and let you print off as much as you fucking wanted. as the recession approached they started guarding that shit like a precious commodity
>so are the mods finally going to do something about the incessant shill threads? will Sup Forums finally have a period where amd vs intel, amd vs nvidia, android vs iphone, linux vs windows doesn't fill the board?
nope. they never do shit about those problems. they are just trannies and white knight gentlesirs that hate seeing Sup Forums gain popularity
yep pretty much. or the printer companies noticed this thread and used shills to report it. i once posted "why does vivaldi have so many hired shills around here?" and got a warning for it, thus proving my point.
Bumping for this. A workcentre 6027 with third party toner enabled through CWIS is the shiznit. Also actually works with gahnoo loonix because scan to file and actual drivers.
let's genocide all the printers
Sounds like a good idea.
Did not know that existed. Post a demo, please
If start, Lexmark stopped making em.
OP if you can afford it, brother black and white lasers are good if you want new. Sometimes offices literally give away teir old copiers, when they move/close/think it's broken. If it has a replacable part or works, those are worth thousands.
Filling the tank is a little annoying but they really do give the yields posted.
Refills are a scam too. On the older HP, some Lexmark, and some Canon cartidges, you can refill it and reset the tank circutry to read full.
Some can be overridden but not marked as full, so you override each time you print.
Some, you can reset but will read as remactured. A lot of the printers from the past 4 or so years can't be refilled or reset easily, if at all.
Remanufactured cartridges also give diminishing returns with each refill.
No rep ever gave me a real reason why it needs magenta to print BW copies.
Pretty much all color printers require the color to print.
I worked retail for five years and my knowledge of office supplies is like an autistic HUD that I wish I could delete.
If serious, not start
Ink or laser faggot ??
If you print photography or graphic stuff get the epson stylus
If laser...get anything you want
Which kind of printer is best for printing photographs?
You either get an old laser printer or you get scammed.
A color laser printer
Mono laser printers (FujiXerox etc) are around the same price as Canon's cheapest color inkjets.
Cheaper to run and last for ever.
>No rep ever gave me a real reason why it needs magenta to print BW copies.
pretty sure it's because of aliasing and such or something
if you print in plain B&W only it shouldn't need anything but black
Anyone tried an inkjet printer with CISS (continuous ink supply system)? I'd like to know how are your experiences with it. Is it prone to some sort of failures? How messy is it?
My gf is a teacher and she needs to print a lot in colour, which disqualifies laser printers.
>Unless you are a child you don't need it
...or you're a teacher and are teaching children
Brother 985DW. $150 off amazon. Best bang for your buck, guaranteed. Never breaks, easy to disassemble and maintain, cheap ink, Linux support, and nice features, fast printer.
source: own one
Sometimes you need to clean the print head, it cause lines/white lines/streak or faded prints out. Or clean inkpad, or reseting inkpad with software.
Colour print will degrade badly if using glossy paper for 2 years i hang the picture on wall i have like full 5x3 metre wall with bunch of a4 photos, but the one not hanged or framed are okay/plain paper/matte. I own the printer for almost 5 years now epson l series. Sorry my english so shitty.
I have a cheap B&W Brother hl-1112e laser printer and it works fine under Linux. I mean I had some issues at first but after installing CUPS it all ok.
It's an USB only printer which turned out to be unexpectedly annoying for me. It would be convenient to have some networking, preferably wireless or at least an eth port. You can share it over the network if you plug it into some computer, but I'd prefer to connect it directly to my network.
>it cause lines/white lines/streak or faded prints out
This is what I hated about inkjet printers. I could never clean the heads so they'd print how they were supposed to. Prints were always full of those frigging lines. That's why I personally use laser printers, but I need just the B&W.
>Colour print will degrade badly if using glossy paper for 2 years i hang the picture on wall
Shouldn't be an issue for her, as she wants it mainly for printouts for her students.
You'd think the school would cover something as basic as that, wouldn't you? She is given a silly 100 (!) A4 sheets of paper per month and she has to cover all the printing costs by herself. I don't fucking know what was the principal thinking.
Basically, what I want to know is if I buy a CISS are there any issues to be expected like ink clogging or some sort of failures that will make me throw it away after a few uses.
Which is a good printer that doesn't include identifying information on all printouts? Is that exclusive to laser printers or do inkjets do the same?
Do any run free firmware?
i'm currently using the dell e525w, it's a solid color laster printer for a low price. linux support is good except for whatever dumbfuck reason it doesn't support scanning to your computer, but you can scan to a network folder or to email/usb drive as a workaround
I refuse to purchase printers these days. I can just drive the 2 miles to work if its an emergency, and use the printer that relies on toner.
That said, I got the cheapest printer I could get at Wal-mart when I was abusing the coupon shit that was all over Sup Forums a few years ago.
>prints out a coupon to buy a printer
I didn't do that, but I printed off coupons to get free ink carts. Those 20-30 dollar printers make their money off the carts, and most of them don't support refilling from Office Max or wherever.
If I actually were to buy a printer, it would be one that used toner.
It's not that hard to edit the header and footer of your word documents, moron.
what about refilling toners? anyone done that? opinions?
>It's not that hard to edit the header and footer of your word documents, moron.
You can get a printer that burns the letters on the paper.
Used to have an Epson colour dot matrix in the deep 90's. I'd print labels for floppies with vidya on it (Another World, Wolfenstein, Gunship 2000, Doom and such). Shit was cash.
I dumped it during the big cleaning last year, together with the floppies once I backed them up. Felt kinda bad, but that shit was just catching dust for the last 2 decades. Don't have any pics of printouts, sorry.
Nobody cares about your shitty opensource MS Word ripoff with shitty fonts and disgusting UI.
The 2000s were really a period of decline for quality HP printers. There were some good printers, but the '90s models are still the best IMO, especially the LJ4.
>mfw $40 toner cart can last 4000 pages
That's not what they are talking about, you literal retard. They are talking about printing shit on "invisible ink" so that they can track everything that you print back to your device.
That's actually a myth. The reason why people assume it printed more pages than the printers of today is because people used larger fonts back then. This was when scanners weren't cheap and had only low resolution capabilities so it difficult to scan and store digitized documents.
Also manufacturers got away with making smaller A3 sizes so it gives you the illusion that you printed more pages.
>pretty sure it's because of aliasing and such or something
Steganography my dude