Best web browser and why


Firefox nightly.
Just werks without any hassle

it's not fuckin firefox i can tell you that

Firefox Quantum

Sorry, these guys say otherwise.

I like Opera and FF best, chrome is nice but apparently a botnet. Opera and chrome feel extremely similar and apparently opera is also a botnet.

But the new FF is is awesome, FF was lagging behind in speed and stability, so it is great to see them bring it up to the level of other browsers again.


Except it makes Tweetdeck look like ass. Ugh, those scroll bars.

Custom tinfoil-tier Waterfox for optimal privacy
If you don't care about that, then Nightly

surf. no bloat
with bloat chromium is the best, fast and best web features support.

I used waterfox like 2 years ago when firefox didn't have x64 and multi-process and people bullied me for it.
This is LITERALLY not fair.

netscape navigator



Google Chrome
>Muh botnet

Waterfox. Literally just unpozzed FF.


Any FF.

SJWfox nightly

Safari due to Octane 2.0 dominance and best address and tab bar design.

Shit, peope, everyone of you says a different answer.

Iron browser.

waterfox, just werx, firefox addons still work, sjw-botnet bullshit removed

Address bar is sorta' annoying since it will move things around as it loads in results, so half the time I go to click something it moved a microsecond before and I end up clicking on something else.

Old Apple never would have allowed this sort of shit.

Chrome because it is the fastest and all major browsers are botnet in this day and age.

These answers to kinds of threads are almost always just "The one I use". I'll try to explain what you should use in what cases.
If you are running Windows/don't give a shit about Botnet, use Chrome.
If you do care about Botnet and want a bleeding edge, get Firefox Nightly
If you do care about Botnet but want something stable, or you want the least Botnet you can get, or you just can't put up with Mozilla's recent antics, get Icecat

>updating every time I start it

Chromium or Firefox ESR




Firefox was imperative to combat the shortcomings of Internet Explorer, but it seems that Microsoft has overcome and Mozilla lost it's valor just like Netscape and Opera.

Chrome is the gold standard at this moment with only one caveat; you cannot automatically delete browing history. Edge is also very good, but has serious a customization problem (new tab homepage), making it unusable for many.

That picture includes neither brave or Yandex. You fail at life as always OP

This, gotta make sure users don't get their hands on any unfair add-ons!


do you realize how easy it is to go around that simple change? also hello adnos shill.

visual basic custom site viewer

>do you realize how easy it is to go around that simple change?
I shouldn't need to.


kek memories

either, palemoon, waterfox or ungoogled chromium. i cant decide which

Tbqh, unless you've already gone full tinfoil hat no amount of anti-botnet protection will do you good. Something will always slip through and moreso if you're already using Windows.
This crusade against muh botnet (and SJW-owned software) is the most retarded Sup Forums obsession.

Chrome. Cause I have the same chronology, auto compile and bookmarks on every device and i can have open 87 tabs at the same times without any problem.

What is the difference between Nightly and Quantum? Both of them seem to be in Beta.

FF57 and 58 are both part of Quantum and they're in Firefox Beta and Firefox Nightly respectively. The difference is that Nightly is one version above Beta but less stable/more bleeding edge, and Beta is one version above the official release. Quantum is just a name for all the new updates they're releasing starting with FF57.

Then why are people suggesting Quantum and Nightly over FF to preserve privacy when they're just the same thing now?

No the official release is still on 56, it will get the Quantum updates once it gets to 57 but it doesn't have it yet.

I don't use Windows but is Nightly really a good option since it has telemetry that can't really be 100% disabled?

>apparently opera is also a botnet.
For some consolation know that it's a chinese one and thus probably won't ever affect you, unless you start wrecking China's shit.
>tfw you want a favourite browser but you're pretty indifferent to all of them

Fuck Brave is infuriating to use.

Firefox > can pre-load video's but seems a bit slow compared to Chrome for me. Chrome on the other hand just bored me after all these years, wanted something new, so now for the last 3 months i've been using Opera. Works just as fast for me. I like it.