What do you guys prefer for normal daily use?
Favorite Desktop Environment
Xfce or a tiling manager
gnome. unironically liking the sweet super+click window cylce
Does anyone use budgie?
KDE Plasma. Aside from the high-ish RAM usage for a desktop environment, I haven't found much wrong with it.
KDE overall, XFCE is a very close second and the one I'd use for a very light setup.
>the year we live in
>using desktop environment
why? just use window manager and install whatever you prefer.
KDE Plasma.
xfce with compiz wm
XFCE is my go to default desktop, it just werks and is really comfy.
Budgie's not far behind, KDE isn't too bad.
Windows Shell :^)
>the year of our lord 2000 +17
different strokes for different folks.
I'm not a fan of twm and this one time when I've decided to build my own DE from openbox - I've ended with a fucking LXDE anyway.
I use Mate a lot, but GNOME and KDE are pretty good too.
I use cinnamon on both arch and gentoo. Saw it on my girlfriends mint laptop first end fell in love with it
Xfce > KDE > anything else
Mate is the best
KDE if you like features, xfce if you like minimalism, dwm if you really like minimalism and don't want a DE.
I am, on Solus. So far, I'm really liking it. It justwerks, feels good, looks good, and doesn't function/feel like a hobbled together piece of garbage like every other fucking desktop environment I've used. I know a lot of people swear by XFCE, and I do really like it when it works, but honestly I've never had anything but grief with it on every machine I've tried it on. KDE is -almost- there for me, but it still has a couple of aggravating little issues (like absolutely painful window resizing) that keep me from wanting to use it.
My main complaints about Budgie are its GTK base (but the devs are planning for a switch to Qt) and the fact that it's a bit barebones (especially the file manager, although if it had a tree view side pane ala Thunar I'd be sold), but otherwise it's really solid.
KDE Plasma 5
XFCE for older systems
LXQt for really old systems
I just use i3
I'll use KDE when it stops doing those weird glitches where the text gets corrupted or disappears from the start menu
Or just cinnamon
aqua uwu
how did you get openbox running on your shitty mac?
i didnt, thats my laptop
>no lewd
umm i dont post anything lewd
i3 if I'm going to be doing a lot of terminal work. Cinnamon otherwise.
it literally says OS: Arch Linux
btw shame on you akari for not installing Sup Forumsentoo
ew no ty
I have never really used KDE... Im going to get it.
Looks nice, feature rich and customizable and you get thumbnails in file picker
However its really fucking unstable
I just wish they dedicated the next 6 months to bug fixing
Xfce with i3
KDE is professional and beautiful!
The Konqi character design is licensed CC BY-SA Tyson Tan.
Literally garbage.
>the most user-friendly and GUI featured DE
U wot? It's light, but light != minimalist.
There's no reason whatsoever to use anything other than XFCE or Plasma
the gallium os setup of xfce is actually quite comfy.
K D E !
Aqua, obviously.
KDE plasma. So many possibilities, so much customization, such great everything. It's glorious. It needs less than 20-30 to tweak it into looking and behaving like every other DE.
Which dock is that?
Latte Dock
It utilizes the style of your Plasma theme
It's the most customizable DE out of the box and very feature rich.
Neat, I'm using openbox but I'll give it a try
Glad to see so many KDE users
Reminder 5.11 drops on the 10th
for me its nanoOS
Here's my ranking of DE's so you know where I stand:
Xfce > Cinnamon > KDE > Mate > Unity > LXDE > dog turd > Gnome
Here's why Gnome sucks:
>Gnome doesn't feel like native software to me. It feels like a web page interface or Java applet.
>I want a traditional desktop interface, not a tablet or mobile. Windows 8 went with the tablet meme and failed. Ubuntu went with the mobile meme and failed. Gnome went with the tablet interface meme, it'll fail too.
>Gnome routinely removes useful features, they totally neutered Gnome Files / Nautilus. We now have to use file managers from other projects like Nemo or Caja to actually have some functionality with a fucking basic file manager.
>Gnome treats its users like retards, even more so than Apple.
>Huge fucking title bars that take up most of my laptop screen space.
>You can't move the fucking clock which is stuck right smack dab in the center of the top bar.
>doesn't function/feel like a hobbled together piece of garbage
That's pretty funny because budgie is entirely made of hobbled together garbage. It's pretty much a bastardized gnome 3 with arc as the default theme and extra shit hacked on top. That's part of the reason they really need that qt rewrite. Also I'm curious what problems you had with XFCE because it works great for me.
I just can't stand how KDE looks, I like the fact that they actually allow customization and features but it's just so fucking ugly no matter what theme I use. Also it's kinda bloated and I hear the wayland version will depend on systemd.
Have you heard about their latest shitshow? They are claiming that tray icons are legacy and have dropped support for them in Gnome. Also they decided to remove the api from GTK 4 because fuck users and fuck people developing for other desktops.
Gnome 3
>tray icons are legacy
how the fuck am I supposed to know if my internet went out or if I just lost the connection to the router?
and what the fuck are they going to put in that empty space?
Right now I use fluxbox, which is buggy with the sakura terminal, but really dont care so much I just have a bunch of terminal windows, pdf reader and web browser
GNOME. They had a rocky start since 3.0 but they've matured quite well, while other DEs are either stagnant or shooting themselves in the foot like KDE.
GNOME. It's not hideous like KDE and becomes better looking with customization, unlike KDE.
Oh they won't get rid of their own little status icons. Just ones for other software like transmission, mumble, steam, etc. Only blessed gnome software is allowed of course. In the gnome teams (aka red hat) minds you should only really run software that has gnome in the name or originated at red hat.
it's like kde, but not a buggy piece of shit
It just werkz and I like how easily customizable it is. Also it has TRAY ICONS :^)
>matured quiet well
Are you joking? A lot of the recent versions are extremely prone to crashing.
I wonder what you do with it that makes it crash so much.
I use it with Arch and it Just Werks.
I'm really pleasantly surprised so many people have answered "Plasma". On that other chan whose name we're not allowed to say, the meme du jour is that you have to have a MINIMALISTIC WINDOW MANAGER setup, and all DEs are cancer.
Awesome wm, heavily modified
I tried using crazy non-blessed software in the form of an audio player called audacious. Crashed gnome pretty much hourly on fedora 26. I have sense switched to Gentoo with XFCE and I have no crashing problems.
Said other chan is full of edgy teenagers who are too contrarian for reddit but still incapable of resisting peer pressure in any form or thinking for themselves so they just go with the memes.
Fedora 26 doesn't support audacious, just tried to install it on my Fedora laptop.
I just installed it on my Arch laptop and it seems to work fine, I will keep it running and see what happens.
I don't see any bug reports for it in the Arch distro, nor in the Audacious bug tracker.
Was using i3-gaps and bspwm for a few months before I realized anyone who uses a tiling WM is objectively wrong. In my use-case at least it was rare for me to have more than one full-screen window per virtual desktop.
That said, KDE.
I unironically like OS X, I've been using it and Nextstep/Openstep since forever. If you're talking about open-source DE, XFCE is the best one going now. But you should really just use Windowmaker instead.
Fedora doesn't support multimedia software, neither does OpenSUSE without 5/6 third party repositories enabled.
It may be an RPM legal issue
The best DE is KDE, best WM is i3.
KDE Plasma
Well i like both cinnamon and KDE and i like KDE customize options (so many nice themes) but also i love hoe cinnamon comfy is.
I cant decide which one to have on my mint after 2020
came here to post this
XFCE is the best.
i3, it takes a little time to taylor it to your needs but once done you can achieve some mad productivity.
KDE or Xfce.
>KDE makes me nauseous
You know what makes me nauseous? 300 character-wide text boxes.
still using XFCE
looks nice. can you post your screenfetch?
been trying artful aardvark for a couple weeks.
I use WindowMaker because I'm a poorfag with a T60.
Arc-perso si just default arc i edited with a darker border because i don't use compositing.
Without the drop shadow windows get mixed up when they overlap with this flat theme. you can't see where one window ends and where the other begins
>flat design
gnome as de
i3 for wm for minimal install
How do I get a file picker with icons in Chromium?
I use KDE.
>anyone who uses a tiling WM is objectively wrong
Not counting how you can use emacs or similar for multiple terminal windows
>using all these old DEs
2K in packages
Lighweight and stable. Love it
It's in constant active development unlike xfce
Isn't a jumbled mess of redundant settings like kde
Isn't bloated and gimped for no reason like gnome
Isn't as lightweight as lxde but is more lightweight than xfce while keeping more features
Really my only gripe is that I prefer thunar to caja, but since thunar isn't strictly limited to xfce... Got that shit on mate too.
i don't have much things installed these are mostly libraries and shit
there were already 1500 packages installed with the defautl xubuntu install