What do we use for torrenting anime now that nyaa is down? I stopped watching anime since we lost nyaa and was getting confused with the whole cartel thing so I just stopped for awhile. What is the current best site for torrenting anime?
What do we use for torrenting anime now that nyaa is down...
>and was getting confused with the whole cartel thing
Have the Cartel started making animè? What does Cartel mean? You mean mexican drug gangs have involved themselves in otaku culture or something? Or do you mean cartel like in the De Beers Group.
Ey kawaii ese holmes
"animè" made by the Mexican cartels are not REAL animè.
have you not seen /nrg/? fuck off lurk moar
>still watching anime
> not watching anime
nyaa.pantsu.cat and nyaa.si are replacements based on nyaa's database.
that is so 2015, right user?
>now that nyaa is down?
Seems to be working just fine.
This but si is owned by the cartel, but who cares.
Most seasonal shows are done HS now, so you can also just get it directly from their site.
What is the cartel thing? It's been a long time since I checked these threads.
IPFS torrent searchengine wen
I miss nyaa.
Both nyaa.sI and pantsu.cat are alive tho
Who cares? At least source code is opened unlike this shitty website
>he isn't on animebytes
Lmao at your life
I just got crunchyroll. Pay for your entertainment faggot.
>nyaa is down
What are you talking about? Nyaa is working alright. It just got moved to Nyaa.si
I haven't receive any invites tho
You been living under a rock nigga? We've had so many Nyaa mirrors pop-up since it won't down, that they're practically flying out of weeb's assholes.
>ever watching anime
youth sins
use IRC noob
What is this "nyaa.si is owned by the cartel" meme? What does this even mean? I highly doubt Mexican cartels have an interest in Japanese culture.
Allegedly the anime cartel is a combination of several fansub groups, that are working together to prevent certain other fansub groups from uploading their content to various torrent sites. I have no idea if this is actually happing, but that's just what I hear.
Right? anime is for normies.
It really is
all I see normies talking about these days is dbz, attack on shit and all the other meme shows
apparently jayden smith also has an anime? or something
I'll still watch the old stuff once in a while like gundam wing and azumanga, but the normies have taken over pal.
lurk moar
>being so new that you don't even know about the demise of nyaa.se and the war between nyaa.si and nyaa.pantsu.cat
Also these much spoonfeeders when he's not even asking on the right board is saddening
>the war between nyaa.si and nyaa.pantsu.cat
Gonna need a quick rundown
Mostly just autism on both sides.
>no spoonfeeding!
>proceeds to spoonfeed
its up
>being so new that you actually believe a "war" took place between the cartel's actual working and successful site and Sup Forums's latest "freedom" blunder
Let me guess, you made the logo, right?
It was already too late, what difference did it make after they had already been posted three times?
I'm more curious as to why anyone cared that they were posted in the first place. There wasn't actually anyone here who didn't know already.
Remember to optimize your images next time user.
>he hasn't received any invites to anime bytes
Lmao at your life
ok thanks for a reminder, here is the optimized version
Thanks for showing me your optimized version.
sorry that was the wrong pic uploaded, here is the actual optimized version
Free of drama
Y'all motherfuckers need Sup Forums