Tfw just downloaded a shitload of malware by accident

>tfw just downloaded a shitload of malware by accident

What's the dumbest Sup Forums-related shit you've done?

>get drunk
>try to install ubuntu
>delete windows partition by accident

>retarded teenager
>install WinMX
>see matrix_reloaded.exe 48kb
>think to myself shit thats incredible compression and i havent seen that movie yet
>download and run
>spend the rest of the night reformatting and reinstalling Windows 98 (SE)

piracy taught me more about IT than college

>Not downloading a shitload of malware on purpose

ahhh the good old days of downloading 30kb mp3.exe's off napster

>brother is stationed in a different country
>picked up a shit laptop from one of his friends or something with a bootleg win7 install and a fuckton of viruses
>asks me if I can clean it up
>try the standard shit with a remote access client
>walk him through a clean install over the phone
>download a win7 crack and apply it to his pc
>next day he calls me
>pc now has megaAIDS
>try another clean install but I guess it was a rootkit
>try every rootkit fix under the sun, nothing works
>he literally ships the laptop to me, 60 bucks later
>turns out it's some hp shitbox from 2003
>throw it out
>he ended up just buying some other dell shitter
>at least it was new

From recent memory:
>bought Atom tablet with winblows 32 for mom
>wants to install Mint on it
>wifi/BT/sound/battery driver doesnt work
>Fuck it, let's dick around
>sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
>deleted half of windows partition because it automounted on boot
Fortunately I made a backup couple months before doing this

plugged a pci card into a running p3 system

it fucking worked

absolutely amazing

was running freebsd at the time, no sparks, no problem, it was like i had inserted a pcmcia card

wild shit

>install malware intentionally
>damage my keyboard trying to force a meme
>put USB killer into expensive macbook, be surprised when it works
>stick same USB killer in my car's USB port, be surprised it works

Tried to install linux once.

I'm still wasting my time on this site after all these years

EverythngApplepro has done all of these, u probably look like this

>go to clean keyboard
>drop it and crack the casing

>be 10 year old on msn
>friends sends me message "LoL! Check out this hilarious photo of you!"
>open link

I deleted system32 on a Windows 95 computer to free up some space for games. Back in the day I also disassembled a PSU so that it would fit in a shoebox with the other components. My cousin got zapped while trying to turn the system on, but luckily it only gave him a scare. Also blew up a CPU/mobo on some random system while randomly shorting pins on the microcontroller of a PS/2 mouse. I was trying to power an LED.

Oh, and as an unnecessary Sup Forums-related cruelty I took an obsolete Pentium 2 or 3 system to the woods with a friend and smashed to bits.

>first build
>thought MOBO was DOA and misread warranty (I had bought it 3 months before and didn't see that replacement warranty was longer)
>bought a different MOBO
>bent 20+ CPU pins when it came out with the heatsink
>I'm now fairly certain the 24-pin cable just wasn't plugged into the PSU correctly
It's fine though, I bent the CPU pins back and the new MOBO is a better one anyway.

>try to install Debian
>delete MacOs partition and recovery

Oh man, how I miss that protocol.

I also tampered with my XMPP client to make it a MSN like experience.

went on Sup Forums

>be me, young kiddo
>have a dell optiplex pentium 4 HT machine
>even bought nvidia 6200 for the windows 7 aero effects (agp)
>was a good machine
>dived into linux at a young age
>i like to tinker with the machine because its fun
>dell psu has a switch for switching between different voltages
>didn't know what it meant so I changed it from 240 to 110
>plug everything in
>loud bang and smoke comes from back of computer (psu)
>sweating bullets as im scared I brought down other components
>press power and nothing
>one psu later the machine works perfectly fine

lesson learned


installed proprietary and free nvidia drivers at once and broke my window manager
had to reinstall completely since i had no clue how to fix it

>try to install some stupid comic reader recommended on the installgentoo wiki
>it installs a ton of unwanted programs and ad extensions

>he doesn't read installers
Underage/third world detected.

I actually read it and was pretty sure I was safe, but somehow it still happened.

You didn't read it very carefully then.

>install linux
>then install windows
>grub delided

Everything on this thread is due to not doing things carefully.

Fair enough.

buying 7700k

>try to install openSUSE
>delete windows partition by accident
>no backup

What's wrong with it?

Too fast... It's like adding a rocket to a tricycle. It's excessively powerful

>try to install Windows 7
>3 disks in the system
>check, double check, triple check I selected the right disk and proceed
>Windows installs MBR and bootloader on the 2TB data disk, installs its actual data on the Linux disk, and leaves the disk I selected untouched
It's only looking back in retrospect that I figured out what happened and how I could have got my data back, but I learned several valuable lessons that day. Primarily not to install Windows.

>I'm a retard
>but the fault lies with windows

>be me
>consider getting Vega
>minute 1, order a Vega 64
>open it up and install it, hoping for 1080Ti< performance
>it's hot garbage
>am now stuck with Vega
fuck you AMD.

Go on then, tell me how I fucked up. I'll tell you how you are wrong.

>Dig out comfy ThinkPad X61T from closet to replace dead work laptop
>Comfy, mostly justwerkz
>Get fed up with wifi bullshit and install Lubuntu
>Shit it up with KDE and tons of packages
>End up having to reformat to clear everything

>What's the dumbest Sup Forums-related shit you've done?
started browsing Sup Forums desu, you fags make me fall for all the worst memes

>tfw fell for the android and ios memes
>tfw you could have been using a blackberry this entire time
>blackberries ackshually just werk

Plugging pic related into my phone and computer at the same time.

I have no idea what you actually did, so there's no way to tell. How you explained things it was apparently your fault.

the resuld is messed up charging circuits

>How you explained things it was apparently your fault.
Windows installs its MBR on the first drive it enumerates. If you have a disk plugged into SATA_0, and a disk plugged into SATA_3, and select the SATA_3 disk during install, the Windows installer will blow away the partition table on the first disk regardless. Maybe 10 changes this, I don't know.
At the time, I had no idea this would happen, or even what a partition table was. Hence I could have restored my data if I had a bit more experience, but at the same time, it's not exactly intuitive behavior from the Windows installer. Microsoft doesn't seem to have documented it, either. I had to trawl forum after forum to find out where my data went.

fell for the HRT meme

they never advertized 1080ti performance you little shit

>change the root pw of a throwaway VM to 1234
>be on wrong terminal tab
>actually changed the pw of my laptop
>get rootkit over ssh after about 5 minutes

Was about 8 years ago.

>a-patch for MSN

>filtering the bitcoin threads during the coin craze

got a pop up in kazaa saying that my pc was infected and I should download this bulldog antivirus. so I did and it took over my computer

>deleted sys 32
>computer bork
>wat do

>Fully switched to Linux on home desktop
>Have 200gb of gayems on separate hard drive
>Install native Steam and Wine Steam
>Spend the whole day downloading more games I want to check out under Wine
>Decide to bind mount the games directory to native and Wine Steam instead of using symlinks for muh native compatibility
>Fucked up some Wine configs
>"meh, let's just start over"
>rm -r ~/.wineSteam

Are you ready to admit that you are a faggot?

coming here and wasting hours on a computer
>tfw could've set up gentoo with the time i've spent in this board

vanleemhuizen jongehhh kijk nu toch wat je doet

yeah you've not missed anything by not using gentoo


Girls can't be faggots, sweetie.

not that user here
I agree with you, but how can we be sure?

reinstall grub brainlet

mwoaaaah gertjuhh waarom heeft dat mevrouwtje op die foto geen kleren aan zo?

Just because you dress up as a girl doesn't mean you are one.



>install arch
> delete windows partition intentionally

Maar nee samson, dat zijn gewoon de nieuwe meisjes van K3.
Dit zijn enkel de fotos van de laatste fotoshoot vandaag.

Hey that's pretty neat to know, thanks user

>What's the dumbest Sup Forums-related shit you've done?
I remember flipping that switch on the back of a power supply to find out what it's all about.

mwoaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh gertjuuuuuuhh ik vind die heel heel heeeeeeel lelijk zo

>a month ago
>processor reaching 98 degrees celsius
>proudly declare it's the thermal paste failing in this 8+ year old computer
>crack open a foster's oil can (fuck sobriety)
>go down and purchase a fuckhuge syringe full of discount thermal paste (fuck quality)
>go back to office room, carpeted of course
>open it up, building up electrostatic energy (cause of the carpet)
>keep wiping my hand on the monitor to discharge electricity (fuck wristbands)
>apply thermal paste
>fuck up first time, bukkake the motherboard
>grab some coffee filters, wipe it off
>apply it more or less right
>put it back together, power it on
>60 degrees on boot
>open it up while it's running (on carpet because fuck logic)
>processor heatsink fan isn't spinning (fuck liquid)
>all I needed to do was change a setting in BIOS to get that fucker to spin
>comfy 45 degrees now

Maar ja Samson, daar heb je wel gelijk in.
>Klop klop
Ah, dat zou Alberto wel eens kunnen zijn. Laat mij eens heel heel even kijken of dat die roze vetklep is.


I bricked my 386 up trying to install windoze 3.1

I didnt put mobo standoffs on my first build

I still visit 4chin

I've used with btrfs for a year with critical data. Lost half of it.

put 2 CDs in the drive by accident (without looking)
jesus christ the noise

Hahahaha shit, its bad but funny

how did the first one happen? a disk thing?

browser Sup Forums and post on Sup Forums

fuckup some DOTFILE
my whole cli was messed up.
computed while high on weed.
the causal: "what happens when i do this"

I lost my data multiple times and still don't have backups.

Why do companies always price things ending with 99?

Makes them seem cheaper. Intellectually, everyone knows that the difference is negligible. But if you don't really think about it, something starting with 4 will seem a lot cheaper than something starting with 5.


>somehow did mv ~ /dev/null
>took me 10 minutes to realize i didn't type conkyrc
so no conky or home

I know that worked on me when I was 8

>clean friend's laptop full of Chinese spyware/adware/malware
>didn't get her nudes

The standoff thing reminds me of the time I didn't realize I could remove the CPU cooler backplate from the old motherboard (it was an OEM board and to me it looked like it was glued on) and install it in a new one so instead I drilled four additional holes into the case and glued standoffs into them to attach the CPU cooler.

I found the case again a few years ago and had to ask myself what the fuck I was thinking back then. Also found the old motherboard and sure enough, the CPU backplate came off without much trouble.

>be me
>stupid teen
>try to install hackintosh but fucked up a step somewhere
>won't load
>keep retrying installation
>computer heats up to 80, maybe 90°C
>hard drive components start breaking down
>throw HDD into freezer, attempt to save contents
>HDD only works for 15 minute increments before having to be frozen again
>warranty covers me with a new HDD

the greatest invention was the nudge button and i miss it dearly as no one else implements that anymore in modern online messaging service

You deserve it for using a shitty applel wallpaper

Fucking kek

i never lost my data and my backups are old

Did you even read his post? He selected the drive he wanted windows to be installed on but windows ignored his selection and put the bootloader on his data disk, and the install itself on his Linux disk.

Why were you trying to move your conkyrc to /dev/null instead of just using rm? If you had used rm it would have just failed because ~ is a directory.

[citation needed]

>tool used to activate Windows turned out to be malware
>get sick of this shit and just install Linux

>went on holiday
>before going I make sure to switch off/unplug most electrical devices
>switch off muh gaymur laptop (actually I just switched of the wall outlet itself)
>go on holiday, come back
>laptop doesnt work, doesnt power on
>send it to manufacturer for rma

The scariest shit is happening atm, I used to have a audio converter which I used a lot, I used it in trial mode until 3.0 was released and then you couldn't use it anymore without buying it.
This is a pic of what I remember the icon as, I can't find it for shit now, I can't remember the name and it never come up on Google when I search for related stuff.
I think it had "code" in its name, anyhow.
Because they stopped allowing me to use it I kind of got mad, so I might have downloaded a key gen which surprise, had a virus in it, I just trusted mbam a bit too much I guess, shit started downloading bloat ware and used my pc for mining until I removed it.
And ever since then I just can't find the program in question, and I have no idea why, are the Jews brainwashing me?

In my country you're forced to ""volunteer"" in high school so I volunteered with some of my friends in a community computer lab(no profit). So once one of my friends had the bright idea to insert a stick of RAM into a running computer.
Shit load of smoke, burnt the mobo, the stick of RAM and the PSU.

What did it do?

>boot a computer without a CPU heat sink
>98° Celsius
>99° Celsius
>-21° Celsius
>turn off computer

I got some malware that infected my system but also went through my hard drive and infected any executables it could. I reformatted but in a serious lapse of judgement I ran an executable from my secondary drive that had not been formatted, reinfecting my computer immediately after reformatting. This was back in the windows XP days.