Is this a meme or solid ?
>let's run an instance of Chrome that uses 2GB of RAM for a text editor
How is it not a meme?
I prefer ionic.
If a mobile app framework spun up an instance of Chrome and used 2GB of RAM on your phone I'd be very worried user. I think you're confusing it with electron.
it's not just chrome, it's chrome + node server
>tfw your average anti-electron shitter is so clueless that he doesn't even know what react native is
makes sense
it's not a meme
it's a good way to create an app that works on ios and android that looks and feels native
when your app starts making millions of dollars you can hire some swift devs and some pajeets to write native versions if you want
its a solid meme you niggers
>i'm only going to release my app for ios
>i'm only going to release my app for android
>I'm going to write my app once and release it for both android and ios
pick one
And more specifically Atom.
>millions of dollars
Native isn't that expensive. For some things that can only be done in native code and thus require writing plugins, native is even simpler than hybrid.
>create an app
you have to go back
Pajeetscript does not belong anywhere outside of a browser.
I use Ionic, dunno feel like react native seems much more native and cleaner.
Its not that expensive but its still expensive, and takes more time.
Webdevelopers are shit but cheap. Web technologies are shit but you can build them realtively fast.
Hence the womyn empovering and shit. Teach someone to webdev, make webdev technologies and frameworks. Hire webdevs, reduce cost, get the product out fast. Ita gonna be garbage and ducktaped but its gonna be out.
The rest of us engineers can just watch the world crumble.
>takes more time
There are things that can only be coded in native (NFC, Bluetooth, camera,etc). If you insist in coded such apps in web shit, better your framework has a large collection of already proven plugins, or you end up creating a Frankestein. Such abominations take longer to code, either by bugs in plugins written by kids or by sheer incompetence in writing the native part.
>you can build them relatively fast.
JavaScript sucks. Doesn't even have proper classes. The amount of boilerplate is insufferable.
>I'm going to write my app once, but it will run terrible on both, Android and iOS
>There are things that can only be coded in native (NFC, Bluetooth, camera,etc)
>NFC, Bluetooth, camera
There are plugins, they do work. I am telling you, it does take faster to make an app in hybrid because its javascript and its cancer.
Javascript sucks, its pure cancer and an abomination but it doesnt change the fact that you can duct tape an app in a day. Much faster than native building an app for both platforms.
And hence because javascript is more forgiving, you can hire shit webdevs for 50k instead of native developers for 80k.
Tbh, that phonegap, it runs a shotty webview and an app inside of it. But react native renders native elements and behaves with native performance. Only the business logic is writen in JS, and thats fast enough.
Go be a retard somewhere else
>t. fizzbuzzlet