I don't need it.
I don't need it
kek, enjoy losing your shit on a rebuild
I have 5TB which is plenty for now. Could find a use for 12TB though.
I have trouble filling 2TB and this shit sounds like a meme
Literal garbage
Also, I have 10 TB helium-filled WD Reds.
>WD Red 5400RPM
>Not Red Pro 7200RPM
Enjoy your unreliable drives and slow performance
I don't get how these storagelets live. I guess Netflix and liking compressed 4K or some jive fag shyte.
What a pleb.
>NAS storage
You must be over 18 and have a tech background to post here, user.
Higher capacity means significantly reduced MTBF. Anything above 3TB and you're risking your data.
You're better off with 2x6TB or 6x2TB.
>pointlessly high rpm when they're going to be in RAID anyway
>dont watch tv anime or movies because im not a pleb
what do you fill this shit with?
>Implying you have a tech background when you live in your cunt whore mother's basement
Your mother's cunt whore basement, that's where you live for the rest of your life :^)
what the fuck is raid, something you do in wow in your cunt whore mom's basement you permavirge nerd?
helium is for childrens' toys and inhaling to make your're voice sound high. sounds like a marketing gimmick that will fail. no thanks.
But I do, user.
it has been around for a while, user. pcworld.com
helium is much lighter than air, allowing thinner (and hence more) platters to occupy the drive. this is why only helium-filled drives have the highest storage capacities. putting these same platters in a regular air drive would subject them to too much turbulence.
why not make them even thinner with a vacuum drive, you might ask. helium, like air, still plays an important role in cooling the platters and the drive heads during operation, something which would become a problem in vacuum.
food for thought!
because I have more than 12TB and more disks = more IOPS
We should put this Helium stuff in SSDs.
come on user, stop answering to baitposters
other than hoarding hd porn and gaymes you don' t need one now and won't need for years to come
i will not consign a lost soul to ignorance in cynical preservation of my pride, user!
I'll just restore from backups.
I dont need it. Im literally only using 270gb total with everything i have desu
Are Seagate drives okay? I've read somewhere that seagate drives have higher failure rates compared to other manufacturers.
Reasons why children shouldn't be allowed here.
5400 RPMs are more stable as storage than a 7200.
They're slower but if your filesystem has RAM cahcing and CoW you don't need to worry about speed.
best milf ever.
>tfw you can't tell the difference between shitposts and retards
>tfw le reddit frogjak
8 TB reds are the way to go right now but I would find a use for this I'm sure.
You're halfway there, newfriend
Enjoy your drive corruption
>why don't you have 11tb of free space
>>Tfw tfw tfw u cant tel wat a shitpost is
They do.
Enjoy losing all you data.
Seagate? Not even once.
Enjoy your heads failing prematurely because WD are fucking idiots that think HDD should park heads every 3 seconds.
>enjoy losing your shit on a rebuild
>what is 1 in 10e15 URE
>what is multiple layers of parity
Just a friendly reminder: Helium easily dissipates through a one inch thick steel container.
How exactly do you expect these wonder drives to hold their helium for a reasonable amount of time?
More importantly, the gas inside the drive is used as a cushion to maintain the flying height of the heads and prevent them from crashing into the platters. Having a vacuum in there would make the height far harder to maintain and head crashes far more likely.
No even once.
Why buy a storage device with a limited shelf life?
seagate comes with grear data recovery insurance $9/year, they wil retrieve data, put the retrieved data into band new portagle HDDs and gives you warranty replacement of failed drive. Tell me WD does that? Will Hitachi does that? HGST? I didn't think so.
>getting a company to have access to all your information and you actively pay for it
good job
The Human eye can't tell the difference between 5400 and 7200 rpm.
>i only use a text based operating system and write white on black
fucking PLEBS get off my Sup Forums REEE
>whizzing noise intensifies
no thx, I'd rather have my single platter WD Blue 1TB HDD paired with SSD for my silent build
Beacause Seagate.
i hear WD is starting using it for their 14TB drives aswell.
the human eye also cant see the difference between 1TB and 12TB, this whole thing is a meme perpetuated by the helium industry.
Because I haven't filled my 500gb drive, why would I need 12tb
you mean to say you have such a low testosteron level...no porn?
I can watch porn over the internet
I only play a few games
I only watch anime and movies with my friend so we do it on the internet
I don't listen to music much so I don't download it all
>I only watch anime and movies with my friend so we do it on the internet
ironic weebs are the worst
But user, I got 18 TB of storage...
t. Retard
t. WD shill
Good post. Also, helium drives wear out the platters much slower than regular air.
t. Retard
I've been using one 8TB Ironwolf for a while and it works. I'm.going to buy a Toshiba 12TB soon, and a Ironwolf 12TB next year.
Fuck those WD shills, I'm never getting another WD drive after they got exposed for shitting up the reviews on Seagate drives on Amazon etc.
cuz I have 100tb
How's it ironic
>drive failure after 6 months
>buying seagate
pick both
oh im laffin
Because I barely have 100gigs of data, not counting programs, which add another 200 or so gigs.
>Gee I sure do love bad sectors
>i wish i could afford enterprise class disks
Do you know how many 1080p rips of Star Trek: The Next Generation there are out there? About a gillion.
Do you know how many 1080p rips of Star Trek: Voyager there are out there? One.
Do you know how many 1080p rips of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 there are out there? One.
Someday soon, high quality rips of the latter two won't exist. I don't want to live in a world with no reliable and high quality V or DS9 because my DRM software (also paying for DRM'd content, kek) no longer works or because my streaming site's license of that content expired (paying for streaming compressed content indefinitely, kek).
Pic related is already over your storage usage.
That's because Voyager and Deep Space Nine weren't shot on an HD compatible format. They shot on tape.
Really? What, TNG wasn't? It preceded both of those. And tape is upscaled to high definition all the time (look at remastered old movies).
I figured it was because they weren't as popular. You have TNG running, and then you put out two *more* Star Trek series at the same time, one with a female captain and one with a black captain in obvious SJW pandering (but back in the '90s, when it was cool). Oversaturation + fishy agenda can shut shit down.
(Related, Discovery continues this trend with a black female captain because of course fäm.)
Because I'm not a data hoarder weeb.
>videos libraries measured in GB
I have single movies which are larger than your entire TV show
I have 32TB RAID0 made from. 4x 8TB WD Reds.
Been going strong for 6 months 100% uptime. No fucks given.
>high quality
user, I
Why the fuck is that file so large? I think the biggest thing I have is like 30 GB
I don't know what's bigger:
>your balls
>your wallet
>the amount of empty space in your brain
because I'm not google and I don't need to store everyone's rectal scans "just in case"
I was considering the Enterprise Capacity 12TB as an upgrade.
What's the difference?
The price?
You're just jelly of my sustained 600+MB/s write speeds.
>Really? What, TNG wasn't?
TNG and TOS were shot on 35mm film.
Voyager and DS9 were shot on 4:3 tape.
Ah, and film is an analog image that's somewhat scalable while tape is digital.
That must mean that modern content will never be remastered to 80K in the 2050s.
I should also add the TNG effects were then later done on tape, hence why when they remastered it they redid all the effects. Using the 35mm film and new effects.
There is no HD for Voyager or DS9, just low def tape.
Yes, 35mm works really well with 1080p and can do 4K pretty well.
70mm works very well with 4K and can do 8k prettt well.
With the tape that Voyager and DS9 was filmed best you are getting is 480p.
If I had 12tb of data worth saving it'd probably be important enough that I'd want to back it up so I'd need at least 2 12tb drives which would cost a shit ton of money.
6tb drives are only $200, so $800 for the 4 drives needed.
you realise porn is available for free every day online. why would you store a video you will watch once or twice and forget.
why not?
4K files are large
no its not
porn sites go down
torrents go unseeded
file links die
not everyone watches generic porn from youporn.
you're way too normie to even grasp it.
how many platter does 12tb have?
its fucking scary to have 16 platters spinning meaning 16 times more failure than 1tb drives
>watching pornographic content
How often do you watch suicide squad to justify this?