What's the best color scheme for your GNU slash Linux terminal?

What's the best color scheme for your GNU slash Linux terminal?

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dark grey on bone white
anything else is just autistic

White text, black background.

If you use anything other than black on white or white on black, with standard ANSI colors or derivatives thereof, you're an edgelord and belong with the winblows fanboys

Gray text black background
White is too high contrast

Green on Black background master race.

What ever color the terminal is. OP never said terminal emulator, so I assume hardware terminal.

woah shit you are cool and funny

Let's be honest here
GNU/Linux is the only OS that has no practical value whatsoever. If it stopped existing all of a sudden one day, no one would care.

Professional content creators use windows
Office tasks and desktops are on windows
Gamers use windows
Servers run on windows

IT, sysadmins use MacOS
Content creators, designers, creatives in non-software based fields use MacOS
Phenomenal emulation

Tech illiterate pajeets who copy and paste commands into the terminal act high and mighty because they wasted days ricing their OS into an unusable piece of shit purely for screenshots.

>hurr durr I'm not poor
Getting free software and praising communism isn't the way to prove that.

Find me ONE reason that validates GNU/Linux's existence
PROTIP: You can't

>If it stopped existing all of a sudden one day, no one would care.
That assertion is patently false, and you know it.

poor bait

grey background + light blue characters


Linux is running on so many servers idiot, also its stable and open source. And without it there would be no android, linux based smart shit (iot) like smart tvs that use linux, and research labs/quantum computers. Kys with this poor bait your disgusting me sage

No one would care. Servers are moving away. Google is moving to FuckCIA. Apple never gave a fuck.
Get over it nerd the biggest proponent right now of Linux is microsoft, how fucking embarrassing LMAO

muh bro

im haxxzing into the matrix XD
taking the redpill! trinity my love ill be there shortly *puts on trench coat*


better terminal color scheme

Black with Amber text is just so pleasing for the eyes

Solarized. Dark

>sysadmins use macos
lol no

this genuinely huts my eyes if I look at it

digiz ov truh

I only use ssh

mine, obviously

wow, it's shit.

for u

could be a bit lighter

basic white girl shit, pumpkin spice terminal

my ni/g/ga

>Linux runs on so many servers idiot

How's the 5th grade treating you ?

when you spend as much time in the terminal as i do you want to attract as many white girls as you can

companion thread

White on black with around 10% or 15% transparency.

serif font, black on light beige


black on white.
Best scheme since 1981.

Remember to optimize your images next time user.

got a link to your png smaller program?

by the way, i have a gif to webm optimizer (specifically for 4chins)

google webmbro. there's a mac version as well


Remember to optimize your images next time user.


>Tfw I use bright green on black because neon green is my favorite color but it makes me look like a l33t h4x0r


Remember to optimize your images next time user.

and how? Is this a hyper autist or a robot?

you may not like it but this is how perfection looks like

>muh preferences waaaaahhhh

an attention whore

next time ignore it

mine natrualy

Reminds me of legacy fortran



Standards exist for a reason. If you're using the terminal for what it was meant for, you'll quickly realize that your special snowflake colors just hamper visibility.

You do you... just saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

if everyone in the world was like you, it would cease to progress.

>Those comment colors
Just blind my shit up senpai

i get wat u mean :(
suggest another colour

solarized light

Some type of orange, even dark orange would be better

My eyessss

use inconsolata

That's fucking disgusting. Barely legible. Also what's wrong with
nnoremap r :set rnu!

you fucking autist?

Progress is only possible through adherence to established standards.

>"I'm gonna make a car with square wheels! Fuck circles!"
>"Anyone who doesn't like my idea is against progress!"
This is you.

forever style

im using pragmata pro

1. its completely legible
2. thankslol

I didn't realize people had such strong feelings about colors

this right there

I don't have strong feelings about how you configure your terminal. If you want a special-snowflake color scheme with poor visibility, you do you.

White text, white background

#000000 text #000001 background