>Post a mini-review of your phone >Discuss upcoming and current models >Ask for help related to phones >Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone >PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits
Will the fucking V30 ever come to Spain? Jesus fucking Christ, the secretism on the launching of this phone is pissing me off.
Parker Wright
Should I get a Google Nexus 6P
Ethan Campbell
Angel Clark
Why not
Kayden Sanchez
Phone comparison tells me my Note 4 is pretty much just as big as the Pixel XL.
Should I dish out over 1k for this phone for an upgrade and just be set for another 3 years?
Xavier Nguyen
Does it have Gorilla Glass?
Jose Brooks
What is the recommended phones for Canadians,
Jaxon Ramirez
Kevin Hill
moto G5 for 155 bucks worth it?
Jeremiah Green
What does that mean
Henry Adams
>those tob and bottom bezels
the fuck, is this shit for real? and don't even have the fingerprint sensor on front fucking retarded.
Sebastian Cruz
any residual issues concerning the mi max 2
Carson Robinson
Really hoping the S8 drops in price again soon, but it's unlikely. Wish I could skip forward to the next phone release cycle. Still on a fucking s5
Chase Murphy
as apposed to the not google-branded nexus 6p
Matthew Russell
Gabriel Myers
No, it's shit.
No, it's shit.
Mi A1/Moto G5+.
Brayden Baker
Why is it shit? What should I get?
Dylan Barnes
Moto G5 or G5s?
Justin Morris
If you're willing to change the battery (battery is beyond fucked up) and disabling 4 cores because bootloops then yes.
Brody Bailey
G5S+/Moto X4.
Easton Walker
Just get a Note8 faggot
Angel Ross
If you're such a poorfag then finance the phone.
Liam Ramirez
Why does nobody buy Sony phones?
Bentley Price
Should I bother with looking into any of the earlier ones
Thomas James
I just bought one yesterday, it's supposed to be here a week from today.
Joshua Martin
I'm about to buy my first phone. Should I pull the trigger on a redmi 4x? Its on sale right now.
Ethan Watson
I'm getting the xz1 compact today. They're the only company that makes decent small form factor phones. Fuck phablets.
Benjamin King
>t. manlet
Ian Morgan
HK warehouse global by the way, for 140 USD will this make a bad first phone?
Juan James
I have the xa1 ultra. It's basically a phablet but it's a good phone
Leo Lewis
Yes, it's shit and you won't work in the U.S you dweeb.
Liam Phillips
What are thoughts on Acer Liquid Zest+?
Seems like a good phone for the price.
Evan Ross
At the moment it isn't listed on Amazon's. Hopefully it will be soon.
Parker Turner
global rom wont work in the us?
Noah Morris
In December of last year I picked up a Lumia 550 for $90 CAD ($70 freedombux or €60 Eurocux) as a replacement for my LG K4, which unexpectedly died on me one day. It was the latest in a string of sub-$150 budget Android phones that I've owned since 2013. I originally expected the phone to be a temporary stopgap until better Android phones came out in 2017, but almost a year on, I think I am going to keep this little guy. For the price, it kicks the shit out of anything in the Android space. Things I love about it:
>Can easily use Bluetooth keyboard, because it comes with MS Word I have replaced my laptop with this phone for note-taking in class >Camera produces some really good images and has good manual controls >Simple email integration, way easier to get up and running than Android, does not randomly break either >Super bright display with good colours and decent contrast, legible in direct sunlight >The interface and web browser are both snappy on a Snapdragon 210 with a gig of RAM, compared to the lagfest I had on Android using similar specs >Battery life is meh but it has a user-removable battery, so I just charge up both batteries the night before, carry a spare and swap it in if I run out of juice >IT ACTUALLY GETS FUCKING UPDATES, my LG was never once updated and for under $100 I now have something that has been getting quarterly updates since I bought it, and is now running the September 2017 firmware
I love this phone. It's the first one I've owned where I felt that it was worth it to get a good case. I also feel that Windows 10 Mobile is sort of like BlackBerry OS 10: a system that is vastly superior to Android, can do more with less, gets absolutely zero appreciation from the general public but has a very loyal following. The lack of apps kind of sucks but the browser is so good that I frankly do not need most of them. I'll be very disappointed if Microsoft goes the way of Blackberry and abandons this OS.
Isaac Parker
I have the 535, it looks similar. If it's the same phone it's fucking trash. Shit screen, no apps, shit system which lags on W10M, shit camera and overall shit experience on that abandon-ware pos software. I'd buy a E4 at that price desu.
Nathaniel Sanders
No, it doesn't have compatible bands. it has nothing to do with roms, it's the hardware. Get a Moto G5 instead.
Julian Edwards
>LG V30 is now available at Verizon and AT&T, pre-orders start at T-Mobile What's the display refresh rate? 60HZ? 120Hz? Couldn't find anything on this.
Christian Sullivan
Is getting an OP5 a good choice Just need something to replace my aging S5, anything else is fine as long as it's
Joshua Mitchell
Mi mix 2 Vs one plus 5 Or any other phone near that price range with a really good camera
Leo Jenkins
Thinking of picking up an lg g6 or a oneplus 5, my lg g4 is on the way out and I dont wanna pay more than £450, which should I go for?
Adrian Harris
OP5 is a good phone, it got lots of support. Only downside I can think of is that it's still too expensive over here.
Bentley Diaz
Ethan Torres
V30 seems good, but I never had an LG phone. Does it come with a lot of bloat or is it just stock android?
Lincoln Diaz
So I got the iPhone 7 Plus and what the fuck.
You can't send images and shit through a text message unless you have mobile data enabled. This is such bullshit. You can do it just fine on any Android phone, but iPhones just fail to send them without enabling mobile data. What kind of fucking bullshit is this? iPhones don't even have a quarter of the security holes that Androids do, but for some retarded and incomprehensible reason they can't do something as simple as send an image without your mobile data on.
Jacob Scott
The Global version has compatible bands for certain US GSM carriers
Sebastian Ward
No android phone has 120hz displays, neither do iPhones
Ryan Clark
What about 72Hz?
I wanna watch some 24fps content on this thing if it has a nice screen.
Grayson Rodriguez
Nokia 8, it's £499 but if you buy it from Carphone Warehouse it comes with a free Nokia smartwatch worth £120 that you should easily be able to sell for £50 or more.
Nathaniel Young
The fingerprint sensor is more logically placed on the back. Try and keep up.
Nolan Murphy
Gets stuck turning off and back on. Had it happen on my old one m7. Pain to fix
Connor Jones
Doesn't change the fact that those mile-wide bezels are ugly as all fuck
Dylan Howard
This is absolute trash advice. V30's ois sucks and the front camera is shit. It has only 4gb of ram compared to 6 in op5 and mi mix 2. Also v30 will be more expensive than the others
Gabriel Rivera
Apple products suck monkey dick. Fuck Apple
Isaiah Watson
Okay Pajeet
Cameron Cooper
Okay normie faggot
Adam Richardson
Spend the extra $45 for the G5+. Seriously. It's worth it.
Ayden Hernandez
Owen Miller
Is that Edward Snowden?
Ryan Morgan
Thanks for the dead honest spoonfeeding user, redditors have been spouting bullshit and i do not fully understand how cellular bands work yet. I guess chinkphones are off the table as verizon is the only functioning carrier around here. Personally the g5 is way too obnoxious looking for me. How do sony phones hold up? Or is it just not worth it to cheap out on a (first) mobile device?
Nathaniel Ortiz
iphone smasung pixel 2
So which is the one to have, Sup Forums?
Charles Martin
Hello Sup Forums. I don't care about phones but the time has come to purchase a new one. Usually I just pop into technology-black man's channel on jewtube to see what's new.
my question: He said the iphone X will be the best spec phone out and it's not even close. Is the hype real?
Jonathan Davis
Their low end phones are crap. their high end models are overpriced. You are even more limited with Verizon, Chinkphones won't work at all, you don't have many options.
Luis Powell
debloated samsung > pixel 2 > iphone
Ayden Adams
i want to buy a new smartphone between 200 and 300 euros so far decided between huawei p8 lite 2017, huawei p10 and moto g5 plus which one is the best out of those 3?
Levi Sanchez
it'll have the best cpu inside a smartphone but if you're a normie that literally means that facebook will open 0.12 seconds faster.
Oliver Green
I'm gonna pick up an S8 today...I'm sorry /spg/
David Young
G5+ for $200 is the way to go. I bought mine about two weeks ago and I'm in love with it after using nothing but iPhones since the very first one. It's my first Android phone and while the design of it leaves a lot to be desired, the fact that the fingerprint scanner can be used as a nav button is sick. Swipe left, back. Swipe right, recent apps. Tap, home. Double tap, Google Assistant. Long press, turns off and locks the screen.
Also, really decent custom ROM support if you're not afraid of voiding your warranty.
Luis Adams
what keyboard do you use?
Nicholas Evans
grats user
wish i had the money for it
Andrew Scott
Xiaomi Mi A1
Isaac King
It's been three years since I've given into the smartphone jew, does texting ever get better? My fat fingers can't fucking stop making mistakes unless I text at a snail's pace.
Nathaniel Taylor
Nice, sorry for the autistic screeching about its looks. I'll keep it in mind if i go cash strapped route. On the other hand, would it be a poor idea to settle for an xperia XZ?
Austin Gray
Don't think that'll work on Verizon
Austin Wilson
Kayden Morales
>not praising chinkphones GET OUT
Kevin Harris
So my Galaxy S8+ got stolen, I'd like to have a phone with a big and (AMOLED) screen. What should I get? Is the Note 8 even worth it?
Connor Ward
are there any Made in America(TM) phones?
>iPhone designed by an American company, but built in Chinkland >Pixel designed by Americans but built by Taiwanese and Koreans >Samsung designed and built by Koreans
Thomas Walker
You can use swipe, very fast, but only works with real documented languages, so I can't use it with my german dialect and writing in official german people are weirded out.
Or you can get a phone with a physical keyboard.
Japanese is probably the only language which works well on smart phones.
Anthony Cruz
Carter Hughes
What's wrong with the S5, still using mine, it works great
Owen Ward
>so I can't use it with my german dialect and writing in official german people are weirded out. Using swipe to write German doesn't work all that well even with high German due to compound words.
Anthony Nguyen
Can someone recommend me a special snowflake phone that will make me unique? I'm thinking about getting a Blackberry Passport.
Kayden Jackson
would be financial suicide since it's way cheaper to get someone to build a phone in korea than in america.
Dylan Bell
The little charge plug fell off a year ago, screen has a small crack which is really only a little annoying. There's not that much wrong with it besides the gradual slowing down, and it bootlooping at 10% charge if I open any apps. Sometimes I have to take out the battery and restart it a few times. I just start charging it before then to prevent it.
Owen Thompson
>my Galaxy S8+ got stolen so track it? google tracking, samsung find my phone, etc.
Robert Martinez
>due to compound words You can always swipe them independently. But touch screens just aren't made for typing.
Kayden Phillips
Samuel Powell
Why do you need 72Hz to watch 24fps flicks? Why are you watching movies on a phone? I think Android has been running on 60fps since Jelly Bean or Lollipop, displays are 60Hz across the board afaik. Only mobile device with a 120Hz screen is the iPad Pro i think.
Lincoln Thompson
LG G6/V30 HTC U11
Nathan Wright
Part of the reason why you think it is so amazing is probably because you're coming from the budget Android world. And the budget Windows Phone experience beats out the budget Android experience. I did not know how spoiled I was with my Lumia 650 until I used my mom's BLU phone. Holy shit is it ever bad. Even my brother's Motorola G4 Play is experiencing the usual Android slowdown, such that it actually feels laggier and takes longer to complete basic tasks (opening a browser, opening contacts, opening the phone app, opening the camera, etc) despite having a better SoC (Snapdragon 410 vs 212) and more RAM (2 GB vs 1 GB). All that being said, you still got a pretty bad deal. Also a Canadafag here, earlier on in November 2016 Microsoft had the 650 for only $100. So for an extra $10 you could have had a better chipset (SD 212 vs 210), camera (8MP vs 5MP), internal storage (16GB vs 8 GB) and screen (OLED vs IPS). I was kind of expecting them to price the 550 at something like $70 or even $60.
Pretty sure you will not find any Motorola for these prices, mate.
Logan Anderson
The formatting will still be fucked up. It will automatically put a space after the first word and capitalize the second. You can turn off the auto space but then it'll be annoying for non-compound words
Logan Bell
24 * 3 is 72
24 simply doesn't divide equally into 60.
If you want to avoid juddery playback, or skipped/cloned frames. You have to have your refresh rate divisible by 24.
120hz works as 24 * 5 is 120. 24 * 6 is 144 (which is why 144hz is used for higher end PC monitors)
72hz is essentially the smallest upgrade over 60hz that would actually be worthwhile.
Nolan Cox
human eye cant see more than 24 fps retard
Adam Peterson
How should I prevent nav bar screen burn in on my note 8 phone?
Charles King
kill you're self
Jose Sanchez
I'm thinking of getting the Moto Z Play (32GB) for 299 euromonies, but I'm also seeing the Moto Z2 Play (64GB) + Moto Mod JBL Soundboost 2 for 449.
Which of these is the better deal, considering the Soundboost is like 100 by itself?
Asher Gray
Avoid leaving your screen on super high brightness for extended periods.
watch videos and other full screen content occasionally so the entire panel is able to display various colors.
Carter Phillips
>Why do you need 72Hz to watch 24fps flicks? See what the other guy said.
I thought maybe because it's LG it would be 72Hz since all my LG monitors supported that mode and the difference between 60 and 72 is night and day, especially when watching anime.