Yet another superior smartphone. Wish they'd put a better CPU in this one tho

Yet another superior smartphone. Wish they'd put a better CPU in this one tho

Other urls found in this thread: blackberry

Thanks for telling me which phone that is, since I'm expected to identify one out of a thousand phones that look the fucking same for the last 4 years.

blackberry, how in the living fuck r they still alive lmao?

Software and licensing their brand name to a chink company

Apparently, it's the Blackberry Motion
But yeah, fuck gay ass OP

BlackBerry Motion

How fucking dumb are you? blackberry

>no proper keyboard
yeah i'll stick with my curve thanks

OP here I just realized I uploaded the wrong pic

Oh so it's a Z10?

Clearly not, we're talking about a new phone.

>oldfags stuck in 2002
>autists that claim they need to SSH into servers from their phone

Actual market:
>people with different preferences than yours

Yes, those preferences are outlined in my post.

>superior phone
>inferior SoC
So not a superior phone then. Got it.

I have been getting in contact with the BlackBerry Q10 and Passport developers. Asking if they will ever allow the open source community to develop with their hardware.

Meanwhile I don't fall under either category.

It's a fucking cellphone.

I doubt it, BB10OS is based on QNX, which BlackBerry' s been focusing on.

Oh hardware, maybe

Would've bought this if I was able to root it and install adaway.

Just give me an android Passport with more horsepower and I'll die a happy man.

How big is it? I am tired of tablets

>>autists that claim they need to SSH into servers from their phone

Are these plebs worse than phone posters, better, or equal?

>Wish they'd put a better CPU in this one tho

Define "better CPU" because the one it'll have is just fine for 99.9% of purposes that smartphones are used for. If you're going to answer with "BUT MUH GAMES" well then, you're in the small irrelevant and inconsequential minority that would buy a BlackBerry device for such reasons 'cause they ain't for fucking games, son.

I don't see how sshing into a server from your phone makes you a pleb, you have an Internet connected computer in your pocket, why not take advantage of it when you need it?

Don't listen to the nu-Sup Forums faggot.

This. Also, 625 is not bad in games, so eventually it can also do that shit

Oh good, I was afraid someone actually thought the Motion was better than the KEYone.

I guess I get it, it's a KEYone for people that don't want a keyboard. But if you don't want a keyboard, why buy a BlackBerry?

Considering it's yet another fucking glass slab, it actually looks pretty nice. I like the look of the physical home button. Would be cool if it were a fingerprint scanner as well.

I'll stick with my KEYone though.