Find obscure soundtrack I saved 10 years ago as mp3

>find obscure soundtrack I saved 10 years ago as mp3
>give it a listen, loads of sea noise and crackling; barely fucking audible
Can mp3 decay be reversed? Or even prevented?

No. Bit rot due to rotational velocidensity is permanent.

You should have used a lossless codec. But you didn't. And here you are.

I made a script that reads every mp3 in background every 6 months to refresh their data. I never experience those proplems

Convert to FLAC.

Poor fool. Maybe changing out your SATA cables for monster brand will help? Tragic.

>I saved 10 years ago as mp3
I bet its a youtube rip.

>le sarcastic ironic retardation like we're used to on leddit

mp3 brainlet detected

I use flac exclusively

Nice reddit meme.

>bit loss in a lossy codec is a meme

A nice reddit one. Lots of rage comics I bet on it.

I had to de-convolute my MP3s with Google Ultron.

>trying this hard to fit in



Nice try, hipster dumbfuck. All of my shit from the Napster days still sounds fine.

Stuff FLAC up your floppy white butthole for the rest of your life.

anime website but what do I expect

Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

What the fuck does compression have to do with the storage medium faggot?

start buying hi res 24 bit, it gets better over time unlike mp3 which just degrades

>taking the bait
>me taking your bait

I kno rite. I have a .doc from 15 years ago and half of the letters and punctuation has disappeared from the document.

Opus doesn't have this problem

thanks converting all my mp3s to flac now

OP, you have to re-encode your MP3s every 6 months in order for them not to degrade.

>storing your important data on rotational media

>He doesnt know how to clean up distorted data using statistics

>brings up reddit
>doesn't recognize the meme OP rolepays
How about you go back and leave us alone, if you dislike "retardation"?

I mean that will stop the decay if that is your goal

>complaining about things by being exactly the thing he complains about
You aren't the smartest person, are you?

You should have stored it on a cool, dry place OP

At this point I'm pretty fucking sure that you seriously think that mp3 bit decay is real.
>inb4 taking the bait

No seriously, you're retarded, I'm 100% sure you're not baiting at all, you're just THAT retarded into thinking that there is some sort of bit decay going on.

People use FLAC because it's lossless, not because the data is immune like you think hurr durr, but because you listen to the audio exactly how it's meant to be listened, and you can still convert it into whatever format you want with the best quality possible since you're using the lossless file as a source for the conversion.

Meanwhile if you use an mp3 and use it in a video and then you rip the video audio by doing another convert into mp3 of an audio track that was already used as an mp3 to begin with, then the audio quality gets worse with each convert, which is why ripping YouTube audio is fucking shit, you don't know how often a certain audio track has been ripped and embedded into a video.

I fucking swear, people eat up shit in this place at face value and spread misinformation as if they heard it from the pope themselves, not realizing that it's just a joke.
That's how the 30fps meme was born, that's how bronies were born, that's how LE MP3 DECAYS meme was born, and so on, and so on, I'm legit mad...

>mp3 decay isn't real
Uhmm sweetie I need a source for that okay

The burden is on you to provide information that it is real.

Can this happen with pics (jpeg, gif) too?

>another Sup Forumsermin asking stupid questions

Are you trying to trigger again?
Like he said, a "lossy compression" method does not mean that it loses data overtime, it means that hunks of data get lost when you convert from Type A to Type B, the data stays the same forever.


>not understanding R O T A T I O N A L V E L O C I D E N S I T Y
I bet you don't even keep your media on zip diskette

I keep my data in a Vacuum and access it with my Dark Matter Format for minimum data transfer loss.

Not the op but 10 years or so ago I would rip youtube music by connecting the headphone port of the speakers, (that were already connected to the computer itself anyways,) to the computer's headphone port. Then youtube ripping programs came out and I used that. Then youtube ripping websites came out and I used that.

It wasn't like it is today.

> find OP's mom
> she isn't as young as she were 10 years ago
How can I prevent it?

You can clearly see the ghosting with a spectogram analyzer

I'm jealous. I have to admit I can't afford that level of setup for my archives. But I think we can both agree that is a willfully ignorant pleb if he doesn't try to mitigate bit loss.

>not using quantum entanglement for data transfer
you have to try harder. this isn't Sup Forums.

>all of this flac & mp3 wanking
Deaf people deserve your retarded ears than you mongs using it

If I wanted loud clicks in my music, I'd listen to african tribal beats.
LS120 is the format preferred by true aficionados.

>data transfer
We're just talking about storage. Of COURSE you use QE for transfer... You should see my new tethering algorithm, I'm posting it on my telnet blog tonight, and I'll host the whole source on my BBS in the morning.

Zip is MUCH warmer than Super...