"Historically, the only successful approach has been to publicly hang Nazi leaders and imprison Nazi sympathizers." archive.is/hGCkz
"A common objection is that we should try to convince Nazis to not be Nazis. I agree. We convince them by killing Nazis." archive.fo/kSPoy
"I've now blocked all the accounts that follow Cheong, some chan accounts, gamer gaters, Nazis, and the red pills." archive.is/vJsKF
Blocks over 350,000 accounts, thinks he's not the problem.
Gavin Foster
what the fuck is npm?
Luis King
what rock are you living under? holy shit
Hudson Evans
people here only care about c, c++ and java. you're out of luck, op.
Benjamin Gutierrez
fuck off to Sup Forums
Carter Rogers
wew lad. upset?
Noah Edwards
So an immoral guy with horrible views that created/founded/supervises something that only furthers the decay of programming to make 'developers' even more worthless and less inspired, is an idiot? Alright, cool.
Dominic Diaz
Something webdevs use.
Josiah Lee
fuck off white virgin sexually frustrated trumpfag, go back to traps while complaining about le SJWs, inbred imbecile
Adam Peterson
go back to fap*
John Russell
Literally who?
Also, wasn't the Nazi thing like a few weeks ago
Alexander White
NPM sucks and can go die. Also take your political bullshit out of here and fuck off.
Ryan Morris
You made this thread already. And every single day you make Sup Forums threads. Fuck off.
Leo Ross
Some libtard fag says he wants to kill them
Hypocrite hillbilly
Jeremiah Cruz
Package manager for JavaScript. It's such a quality piece of software that packages aren't even signed and it used to have their SSL certificate *hardcoded* into the source. Death to webshits!
Isaiah Young
Jackson Walker
So what's the problem with mudering Nazis?
Who's actually butthurt over this?
Charles James
how is this technology related? also how in their right mind uses npm anyway?
Elijah Lee
the problem is that there is no such thing as a nazi
and you can just call anyone you want a nazi, then it's suddenly ok to be violent and agressive towards them
Robert Gomez
Could very easily be a photshop, albeit the guy has all the markings of a showflake.
Additionally, why should I even care?
Tyler Clark
Have you ever thought violence might not be the best solution to every problem?
Julian Green
>there is no such thing as a nazi Mental sickness
Evan James
>the problem is that there is no such thing as a nazi
You're not fooling anyone, virgin incel kekistani
Nolan Perez
it's not a shop, this really happened..
Isaiah Murphy
t. nu-user from plebbit SJW circlejerks
William Perry
Go back to r/donald you fucking inbred sack of shit
Noah Ross
>not realizing people calling out hypocrisy >being this dense
Lincoln Reyes
t. poltard from le based the_donald subreddit
Hypocrite redneck
Trumptards are schizo cultists
Ethan King
Exactly, that's why it's reserved for scum of the earth like nazis.
Jordan Bell
OP, you should be like me and just stay out of twatter and other social media garbage.
i dont know who the fuck that guy is, what the fuck all this nazi stuff is referring to, or why i should care about literally any of the drama people bring up on the internet all the time, or what any of it is even about
ignorance of societal drama bullshit is nliss
Jacob Nguyen
Leo Smith
> le r/the_dildo
Why would I go to a leftist reddit community? If anything YOU belong there, tone-policing SJW queer freak. .
Samuel Lee
Snowflakes can't handle the truth.
Angel Hughes
>nliss *bliss
Connor Sullivan
we stayed completely free from this stuff for decades, then the SJWs invaded and started harassing people and forcing politics into everything.
Cooper Powell
Your daddy Trump is the biggest triggered snowflake, also he's the biggest sucker of Jewish dicks
Carson Nguyen
When the fuck will you and your inbred cult realize YOUR kind is invited nowhere in the internet? Get a hint, inbred trash
Wyatt Diaz
This is not Sup Forums or r/the_donald.
Kill yourself.
John Gonzalez
Triggered doesn't mean hates your worthless sack of virgin fascism and your whiny bullshit, now fuck right off
Nolan Phillips
>there's a particular group of people that deserves death How exactly are you different from the Nazis anyway? Shouldn't you kill yourself too?
Mason Thompson
Andrew Ramirez
Rahowa, right? Killing all shitskins for the white american ethnostate? :)
Charles Ross
>Why would I go to a leftist reddit community? Reddit is leftist and so is Sup Forums.
>tone policing Yeah it's called CoC, Sup Forums has it too >>>/global/rules
Jonathan Sanchez
It was the solution to World War 2
Zachary Ward
>Who's actually butthurt over this? I since I am surely considered a "nazi" by him.
Joseph Morris
>when his argument gets reduced to posting memes
Isaac Smith
>Your daddy Trump is the biggest triggered snowflake, also he's the biggest sucker of Jewish dicks
lol, this user is not wrong.
>le inbred meme
Funny, you filthy jews are literally the most inbred race, so much there's even genetic disorders like Tay-Sachs that no other race has.
Luis Mitchell
>I-i-i am not a snowflake y-you're a snowflake
It would appear as neither snowflakes on the left or right are very aware on just how out of touch they are with the common man.
Meanwhile they are both getting fleeced by the grown-ups in the room, whispering 'there, there, have some more twitter/brain enhancement drugs'
Robert Ward
>Everyone that critizes my orange daddy is a meanie libtard, worship him or die
Where did you get that picture? from an inbred redneck facebook?
Liam Thomas
>It is okay for me to kill my political opponents GOOD FUCKING LORD
to you people WANT to start a civil war?
Nicholas Williams
>gets triggered >NO U ARE DA REAL SNOWFLAKE!!
Gotta love lefty logic.
Gabriel Kelly
Top quality deflection, redneck fucktard
Leo Cox
SJW pussies sure get triggered easily. You faggots should all go fuck each other to death.
Ayden Sullivan
>he's the biggest sucker of Jewish dicks DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE 60000000 BILLION??????????????????????
You are a sick fucking nazi to make these anti-semitic """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""jokes"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2
Asher Fisher
>"See this infographic from pol, rednecks aren't inbred, it's a jewish lie, in fact, everything that is bad for us it's a jewish lie"
That's why nobody takes you fags seriously. Schizo autist.
Kevin Campbell
>It is okay for me to kill my political opponents Isn't that what pretty much every nazi wants? Death of liberals?
Alexander Reyes
So are you a Nazi?
Brayden Ortiz
I actually had to google that but still don't know how that's relevant. Just because someone is an asshole doesn't give you any right to be an asshole too.
The WW2 as we know it was basically a very expensive damage control after the blind appeasement policy of England and France horribly failed.
Michael Gomez
Anthony Rivera
>/lit/ is bad Nice to see you recognize your intellectual superiors :^) Do stop making LE BASED JORDAN MEMERSON threads, though.
Jayden Hill
>to you people WANT to start a civil war?
That's exactly what they want. Hell, a leftist boomer just massacred a country concert full of "le evil white people" just a few days ago.
Benjamin Cruz
Says the white virgin who cries internally when he sees an interracial couple. lol.
Noah Perez
>internally make that externally
Lucas Garcia
No, I do not like Hitler, his Ideas or his methods.
No? The term "nazi" nowadays refers to everything from conservatives to alt-right. Most of these people do not like violence (like me) and would never want their political opponents hurt as a measure to gain power.
Connor Lewis
Go beg your lesbian roommate to let you sniff the pits of her #WITHHER t-shirt while you fuck yourself up the ass with a dragon dildo.
Aaron Richardson
Only good nazi is a dead nazi. Don't see anything wrong.
Austin Young
You mean the REAL internet hate machine? :^)
Nathan Hernandez
No, it isn't. Stop bring your political bullshit here.
Sebastian Bailey
You whack too much seeing le BASED redpilled MAGA tranny porn, closet fag
Xavier Martinez
The term "communist" nowadays refers to everything from liberals to alt-left. Too. Get over it.
>Most of these people do not like violence (like me) and would never want their political opponents hurt as a measure to gain power. Highly doubt that.
Joshua Cruz
>>Only good nazi is a dead nazi. >Killing people is okay if they hold opinions I don't like
Samuel Bailey
Trips are truth.
Jack Allen
Us oldfags right? I'm also have been here since the US Elections 2016, my favourite board is Sup Forums, /r9k/, and Sup Forums. Praise kek.