Edge browser coming to android and iphone

Well Sup Forums, you now have no excuse to not use the best browser available.

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It's interesting to have a browser with its own engine that is not WebKit/blink or gecko.

I just hope this finally kills off internet explorer for good, at least with public websites. It probably will never die when used for private intranet


You need to learn to read before posting kiddo

Oh boy now I can have two botnets on my Android phone!

This, there is hardly any competition in the webbrowser market right now. Your choice is Chrome/Chromium fork or Firefox/Firefox fork. Edge, despite its' marketing failures (why on Earth would they keep the IE logo), is a solid browser considering how young it is and it's something completely different. If it starts appearing on other platforms, because let's face it, it's hardly worth installing 10 for, it'd be interesting to see what sort of effect it has.

No thanks.

Edge doesn't have this problem

At least on a phone it won't constantly infuriate me having only "select all" and "print" in the context menu on blank space.

I'll check it out, but I doubt it will be more convenient than Via.

>windows latest

>According to a rumor
>No source

Good, so droid users can enjoy the crashes too. :^)

>Implying Edge isn't just IE again

There's nothing wrong with "IE" anymore. Microsoft fixed everything wrong with it (insecurity, plugin architecture, not standards compliant) when they released edge

Why did it take so long for microsoft to become competitive in web browsers?

That's wrong you retard, edge has better standards support, has extensions rather than activex, got rid of all plugins except flash, and is more secure than IE

>Microsoft fixed everything wrong with it
I have to work with it and it's still a pure trash.
IE supports addons too and most like edge is an ie fork.

Microsoft was always competitive in the early years as IE was free and included in Windows, while others you had to pay for. After that there was nothing that IE stood out for.

>I have to work with it and it's still a pure trash.
How so?

>IE supports addons too
They don't even compare it's nothing like what Edge supports

Saying that edge is a fork of IE because they share some code via the JS and HTML engines is like saying half-life is a fork of quake because it shares quake 1, quakeworld, and quake II code

Wasn't netscape free?

Yes I do. Edge doesn’t fully support CSS Grids yet.

It doesn't delete the cache properly (often needed for my job) aside being slow as fuck.
>comparing games to browsers
Good job. Technically a browser is a rendering engine and some 3rd party library, so it's pretty accurate to call it as a fork, no matter what ms advertisement try to say.

>and most like edge is an ie fork.
The rendering engine was originally a fork of Trident but they basically completely tore up the original codebase. The rest of the browser was built from scratch.

IE was king until the early 2000s, it was originally actually a very innovative browser. They just became comfortable with their dominant market position and stopped improving the browser which was when it became shit.
>inb4 assblasted netscape shitters or opera buyfags

Free for noncommercial use, businesses would have to pay to use it. Compared to IE which if you had windows, IE came included

>Trying to dismiss the analogy because you don't like it
All the legacy code has been ripped out of edgeHTML and it can do much more than IE ever could. It's completely separate from IE now

But Edge doesn't use IE's rendering engine, most of the old IE code was removed. At some point a fork becomes far enough removed from the original project that it becomes its' own thing.

So Safari is getting a new shell

Your analogy is just stupid, but at least you admit edge have relations with ie, despite i doubt you know what means legacy code.

>The rest of the browser was built from scratch.
Chakra was originally introduced in IE9

Last time i used a windows browser outside Windows was in the 90s on Mac OS 8

Hopefully microsoft makes edge open source

Chakra is the best JS engine around tbհ
Other than that though Edge is nothing special, its' only value is in the fact that it's something other than yet another Chromium/Firefox fork

What makes Chakra better than Firefox’, Chrome’s and Safari’s JavaScript engines?