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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
can someone recommend me a distro+DE that offers good functionality, feels pleasant, works well, and doesn't fucking break every 5 minutes? i.e. something that's actually polished? i really want to switch away from windows 7 entirely, but fuck, nothing ive tried seems to be able to match its raw user experience/feel, there's always a bunch of little fucking issues that irk me about every distro/DE i try out.
xfce has been fucked and broken on every computer i've ever used it on. KDE has actually been pretty decent so far, but it still has its issues and doesn't feel as good as windows to me. mate and gnome felt like shit last time i used them. honestly, unity has unironically been the nicest experience i've had so far, but it was too limited for me, and now it's kill. i mean fuck, is mint+cinnamon any good? im half tempted just to go with some minimalist meme setup just to minimize the amount of shit that can break or fuck things up
James Foster
Repost from other thread cus my bad timing. Any user have strong opinions on Nix and NixOS? I'm about to give it a VM test run.
Bentley Nguyen
I think the only other main one you didn't mention is the lxde one.
Juan Anderson
Solus+Budgie I know it's a meme on Sup Forums but the distro is actually comfy. It got native support for snaps a while back, for the faggots complaining about the repo being too small. But you won't see them in the Software Center until it's done being updated, which is likely a few days away. For now it's all command line.
you'll have a working base system in minutes >skip last step of installer (don't select additional pkg groups) reboot and install what you want, for example: apt install i3 lxappearance pcmanfm arc-theme breeze-icon-theme >ib4 ubanto autistic screeching / ~1gb; ram usage less than 100mb
Recently switched to Fedora 26. Whenever I use Firefox it searches quickly but take a while to load pages.
no problems searching using different browsers using firefox 56.0 as well (was also slow pre-update)
any ideas?
Henry Peterson
Same issue here. Switching between tabs takes ages - white screen with loading icon for several seconds. Scrolling through longer threads and opening pictures is a joke. 2 days ago my browser with 5 tabs was taking 1.9GB of memory. I've already tried tempering with greasemonkey but no luck here. Solved memory issue but still speed is a joke.
Isaiah Robinson
Reposting: What's some neat DE similar to Gnome with minimalistic approach? Manjaro Deepin worth checking?
unironically Unity I know that Cucknonical pulling the plug on it but it's the only DE besides Xfce that I don't fucking despise Xfce is still my go to tho
Connor King
Logan Jones
Should I auto-remove this/things? Is it safe? I'm using Ubuntu 16.04
Xavier Kelly
yes. By default every sane distro keeps old kernel versions installed, so if the new one is fucked up or doesn't work well with your hardware, you can just reboot and select an old one from grub. If the new kernel works just fine then it's safe to remove the old versions and their kernel-headers'.
Luis Myers
>systemd no thanks
Christopher Lewis
Nicholas Barnes
Hunter Davis
hi ^_^
Cooper Mitchell
Need a stable, non-rolling OS to combo with i3 on laptop. Bonus for good resources and repos. Wat do.
Zachary Sanders
ubuntu minimal
Aiden Miller
Ubuntu minimal installation, then install i3
Ryan Walker
Check your current kernel version, you can remove other versions safely.
Justin Ramirez
Tyler Clark
Apparently my headphones are extremely shit. The left and right only fit in their designated ears, yet the left earbud plays the right audio channel, and the right earbud plays the left.
Is there any easy way I can just swap the left and right stereo channels?
Searching the arch wiki seems to show one example for a 5.1 setup, but it also says that it's "bad practice".
Xavier Morales
If you're OK with a "hardware" method, just buy or make a stereo channel swapper cable/adapter.
Nicholas Sanchez
I'd like to be able to solve in software so I don't have to spend more money or wait for shipping/getting off my ass and going to the store. If I was gonna buy or make a swapper, I'd just buy new less shitty headphones.
I am desperate. How do I properly create a patch for a simple file?
I used diff -u old_file new_file > my.patch. Now when I try to apply it, it says it can't be found. I tried "-p" values from 0 to 10 and it doesn't work. The top of my patch file looks like this
--- evdev-fallback.c 2017-10-04 15:33:36.608491581 +0200 +++ evdev-fallback-new.c 2017-10-04 15:46:14.424521664 +0200 @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Do the filenames in the top matter? In which directory am I supposed to be when I run the diff command?
Nathan Collins
>In which directory am I supposed to be when I run the diff command Root directory
Christopher Carter
is this the brightness icon?
Jaxon Rivera
no its the 'run to nuclear shelter' icon
Leo Russell
Looks like it is
Nicholas Price
I'm asking a serious question here, user
it's a square and there are no horizontal rays drawn though is that okay?
Adam Wood
Why not? it is just an icon.
Landon Watson
but if it's not meant to be used as a brightness icon, I can't use it as a brightness icon
Carter Russell
Just got my first Ubuntu server set up
what should I use it for lads?
Oliver Torres
you set up a server without knowing why you set it up hmmm
Oliver Perry
This works perfectly, thanks!
Liam Clark
Blake Morgan
I have ssh and transmission working gimme some ideas
Ian Roberts
I think you need to use these
Isaiah Bailey
forgot pic
Ryan Turner
man diff man patch
Evan Johnson
but those look even weirder what is it about them that tells you they'd be better suited for brightness icons that the one I circled?
Robert Smith
Xavier Edwards
looks like a small sun and a big sun, like my brightness keys on my keyboard.
Liam Parker
those 4 things around the circle look nothing like sun rays
Lucas Adams
That design is minimal
William Walker
Postin from Win7 and Office Comp, wait'n or vmware to dl so I can use devuan
Oliver Gray
ok nice blogpost faggot
Camden Brown
I won't tell anyone if you don't.
Kayden Brown
Caleb Hall
stop hating my feelings lol
Camden Morris
This thread was clean until you came.
Juan Moore
I really feel like my computer has become personal again when I boot into a linux distro. Do you feel the same?
Luis Bell
i think you're overthinking it
Sebastian Stewart
But, too bad there are backdoors in the CPU.
Caleb Sanchez
What's a regexp to search for .doc and .docx files for the find command?
Oliver Brown
find . -regex '*.doc\|.*docx'
William Lewis
Benjamin Cox
The current directory is default.
Benjamin King
find -name *.doc*
Ryder Morales
but user that expands to shell globs
Kayden Watson
the * after doc?
Josiah Anderson
Caleb Sullivan
This, seriously.
Use PDF if you need to send it.
David Morris
>compile browser >just finished >new browser release out just now >compile browser >[...] Gentoo is shit.
Landon Bailey
wow it's almost as if you've never used gentoo >what is binary packages
Brayden Green
Use a package manager
Logan Harris
u know that heavy packages have binary versions?
Gabriel Scott
>using binary packages >on gentoo It's just like people use Gentoo just for the logo?
Isaiah Lopez
I am trying to build software with meson.
>meson build_dir should do the trick. However it fails, because it cannot find one dependency. The dependency is only used for performing checks during the build and if I pass "-Dtest=false" it works. How do I see the available options before building? I tried "meson configure build_dir" but it doesn't work.
Oliver Myers
if someone has the issue of compiling big packages being too slow, using binary versions of some programs is perfectly valid
Carter Carter
if someone has the issue of compiling packages, he shouldn't use gentoo
Landon Evans
compiling big packages such as firefox or libreoffice is completely different. these often take lots of time, and to not use gentoo only because of a couple of packages makes no sense. the binary distrubutions exist to be used, so if someone has a slower pc it's not viable to build massive packages
> What are you trying to do? make a webpage with everything you use daily and touch the links with your fingers?
Hunter Bailey
I'm late, but friendly reminder not to trust Canonical (Microsoft) with your OS if you value privacy/security.
Justin Jackson
I'm trying to resize partitions on a live CD but I'm getting an error that says I need e2fsck version 1.43. I can't seem to update it on the live CD though, apt-get update fails for some reason so I can't update e2fsck to the newest version, I'm not sure if this is just because you can't install shit on a live CD or what. Anyone had this issue?
Anthony Perez
the livecd will probably be a read-only environment. perhaps make a chroot?
Andrew Butler
could you explain further? What's a chroot?
Evan Jenkins
Not necessarily a web page, just instead of the traditional desktop interface I wanted the win8/10 interface for what'd basically be an email machine I'd also use for media and drawing.
Jordan Gutierrez
chroot for 'change root' - you make a new environment which is seperate from the normal root. here you can probably install the software and run it
Jordan Bennett
I want this on a t shirt
Aiden Perez
Please help my dudes >don't touch thinkpad in a long while >pacman -Syu yesterday >reboot today
starting version 234 :: running early hook [lvm2] :: running hook [udev] :: Triggering uevents... :: running hook [keymap] :: Loading keymap...done. :: running hook [encrypt] Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/matrix/root ... :: mounting '/dev/matrix/root' on real root mount: /new_root: no filesystem type specified. You are now being dropped into an emergency shell. sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
John Richardson
hmm this is a common problem the cure is to install a good distro i personally recommend ubuntu!
Eli Harris
you shitter i thought this thread was for actually getting help not shitposting in kind words
Camden Moore
You are literally being given the information in that prompt on what is wrong and what to do
I thought you Archfags knew your shit
Justin Gutierrez
i haven't gotten into my system in a long time, i'm used to having it all set up and working
Brayden Fisher
you got used to 'just werks' on arch uhhhh-huh.
Wyatt Flores
Debian Sid is a better Arch than Arch, tbqh
Xavier Clark
what is "matrix/root"? Im assuming you've got some sort of lvm setup since you're pulling in lvm2 hook? Show us your fstab