Why is this shit allowed?

Why is this shit allowed?


well memed, my friend

Real programmers don't care about this and shit post on Sup Forums

But clearly you're interested. I suggest checking some languages you might interested in and fine some tutorials or books!

They didn't indent their function properly

>Real programmers don't care about readability
umm sweetie

Yes. Real programmers who program on haskel don't care about this because they don't have to use curly braces.

I (and anyone I work with) would have no problem understanding this.

>for if if if
It isn't. Tell the offender to read Clean Code.

this is why you put opening curlies on new lines

>right click
>"Format this document"
>it's fixed

Maybe it's time to stop using notepad++ and get yourself a real text editor.

That's not a Java problem


flat is better than nested
explicit is better than implicit

python philosophers got it right

switch to python,
out of sight out of mind

^ TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

how did you keep in control, user?

i would have tore him a new one

>python philosophers



>have to include whitespace anyway
>not used to delimit blocks

This is why python is superior.

>he uses a text editor that doesn't convert tabs and spaces automatically

What does his code even mean user!?
What is it doing to youtube!?!?

why python is better
far bettter

>touching the mouse