Not keeping all your braces in one tab

>not keeping all your braces in one tab
Why even live?

Other urls found in this thread:

You need help.

What happens when you write a longer line?

You don't.

My brain can't handle whatever the fuck you're doing. Why the fuck would you do that you retard.

>Why the fuck would you do that you retard.
You reaaaally want to be writing Python instead of whatever the fuck you're writing at the moment.

Don't be mad you asshole. OP obviously has some sort of mental disability or suffer from some mental condition like OCD or something.
Programming like OP is like shitting oneself in public or having some sort of seizure. Being mad won't help anyone. It's likely a result of something more serious.

>not liking legible code
It's your loss user

You mean "illegible" right? Or have you never programmed in a language that uses braces and brackets?

When you use braces and brackets they are very important to know what scope everything is in. And if you do like OP then it makes your code unreadable.

>not indenting right to left


I unironically like this style of coding.
Good job OP
this is shit, unless you are arabic

jesus christ

Shaking my head.
Why not just use jython?

>this is shit, unless you are arabic
Better than OP... at he embraces the fact that it's shit and dunks himself in the rediculousness of the coding style. OP mixes normal indentation with absolutely insane brackets and braces.

I wish all languages had forced whitespace indentation.

Reminds me of the weird as fuck indentation scheme Urbit has

>public class
stopped reading there

>using a language with braces

Is it diarhhea or diarrhoea?

>tfw to brainlet too understand moldbug's revolutionary syntax

stopped reading there