Why am I so fucking shit at coding

Why am I so fucking shit at coding

Pajeets can learn this but I can't.

What the fuck is wrong with me

dumb animeposter

This will probably fall on deaf ears, but try learning how to learn first. Coursera tutorial is a good start. Also fix your procrastination problems and be consistent; you're literally learning a language, so you have to use it everyday. It is use it or lose it in this case.

There is 0 procrastination don't give me that. I try every day

Need to learn by doing not reading bullshit book you dick mongling megaton faggotron

It's simple: you're fucking stupid and barely have the brainpower to do basic algebra.

Coding is definitely not for you. Look for something that requires a little less brainpower but still pays good like being an electrician.


Get some amphetamines

nice "i'm 17" meme you got there

I'm literally trying to code right now
How would algebra help me? I'm trying to split up a string

fucking pleb, that's the cover for a critically acclaimed japanese album


Nice projection you got there

Programming requires high understanding of advance math like calculus to be able to piece together algorithms to eventually make a million-line program work.

M8 just accept your fate and get a trade like everyone else.

You're trying too hard

Calculus isn't even required for computer science majors

Why do you think most don't get jobs after that or barely last a month in a real one?

I told the sheriff that you wanted to make the city explode.

But they do?


You know what to do.

No they don't. People go into college to make mommy and daddy think they're not gonna be losers in life. They do the bare minimum and often skip class to go smoke drain cleaner with their shitty hippie friends.

Then they barely piece enough extra credits to barely graduate in the end and end up as incompetent dipshits who can't actually get jobs done in their own field.

Collages take note of this and have now made college a business where they rarely reprimand you for being a dumbass and rake in millions in profits.


Holy shit user.

Literally the same shit.

Well the Indian race is simply superior. Our brain has morphed itself into intellectual perfection over the past few millenia, so it's really obvious as to why we're incredible.

It's only 2.19% gay!

>How would algebra help me? I'm trying to split up a string

There's [X] characters in a string
You want to split the string half way.

Y = (x / 2)

basic algebra

But I don't want to split in half....

i can't think of a single language where this logic works

Please be more vague, you stupid attention seeker.
I'm biting I don't care.

split as in make it an array of characters? because you don't need to: a string is a array of characters

some people just can't
do other things with your life

I just want to make the string of numbers into separate inputs of numbers

How do you measure that?

std::string var = "test";
std::string half = var.substr(var.length() / 2);

If it's a string of numbers, just use it as a normal array typecasted into an int

What language are you using? This should be fairly simple

>If it's a string of numbers, just use it as a normal array typecasted into an int

I don't know what that means. They 100% can't be an array I want them as separate inputs

You can’t split the string itself (talking about java, not sure about others) because the string type is immutable for security reasons. You need to use substrings to modify a string. Keep in mind it doesn’t change the original.

did the math and research.According to Wikipedia, the average length of a penis varies from 5.1 to 5.9 inches. I went for a safe 5.5 inches for an average. The average radius from the core center of the penis to the skin on the outside is .75 inches. From this we can roughly find the volume with pi timed radius squared times height. This comes around as the average penis being around 9.72 cubic inchesNext I found the volume of the average human adult male. I had to first find the weight, which according to Alex Schlessingerman's "The Physics Factbook" is 70kg or 154 pounds. Weight is found by multiplying an object mass by the force of gravity, 9.81 meters per second. After taking gravity out of the equation, the average mass of an adult human male is 7.14 kg. I then found the volume by dividing this number by the average density of a human, according to Wikipedia, 985 kg per meter cubed. The volume of the adult male was then found to be .0072516316 cubic meters. Utilizing the volume of the average penis I found earlier, 9.72 in cubed, I get .0001592828 meters cubed. This means the penis is 2.19% of an adult male's volume.Assuming a lack of testosterone or female hormones makes the person a female, balls ignored for ease, fucking a trap is only 2.19% homosexual.

Please tell me this is a copy pasta

Please don't tell me you actually did this

I honestly hope i'm falling for bait right now