>Correct C++ Hello World fails to compile with GCC
>Correct C++ Hello World fails to compile with GCC
Post your hello world.
What a moron
using namespace std;
int main() {
g++ you imbecile
Why does gcc manual then say you can compile C++?????
There's GCC the GNU Compiler Collection.
And then there's GCC the GNU C Compiler.
That's retarded.
Anyway Im a retard also because I skipped the part in the manual where it says gcc doesn't add C++ libraries.
this is the power of sepples posters. i hope you posted this to stack overflow.
>using namespace
>no endl
Flush your buffer, and only use specific symbols, and compile with g++, because it's the same binary as gcc but it runs differently if invoked under a different name.
How the fuck can you mess something as simple as this
g++ is just gcc with the -lstdc++ option added.
gcc with -lstdc++ lets you compile C objects and C++ objects together so long as the C interacting definitions are extern "C"
nt main(int argc, const char* argv[printf("Hello, World!\n")]) {}
It's a code monkey problem. Everything except MATLAB is for code monkeys and can be outsourced to pajeets or similar kind to implement the ideas engineered by the white people, the ideas explained in academic papers and prototyped in MATLAB.
I like how jews call themselves "white people" when they want to deceive other whites, then call themselves "jews" when they want to enrage the niggers.
I really like it
Yeah, totally blown the fuck out! You should spread the word about this awful piece of software! Make sure you post this on Stack Overflow, Reddit, and anywhere else you can think of.
You might even consider politely mailing this news to RMS himself.
What do you mean compile C and C++ objects? You link them together no?
>code monkey
>I drag boxes with a mouse tho