What plugins, extensions, addons does Sup Forums use at this point in time?
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What plugins, extensions, addons does Sup Forums use at this point in time?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Using plugin's
>Not writing your own in nodejs
Absolute state of Sup Forums
Why would I need more?
I'm staying on ESR because of Classic Theme Restorer
uBlock Origin
Used to use NoScript but got bored at enabling scripts individually for every single website.
The new UI is perfect, you don't need CTR.
>The new UI is perfect
I've been using it and there's fucking lines where you can see behind the browser and other annoying shit. Luckily they didn't disable userchrome.
webextensions pls go
use Ublock Origin -> advanced settings and export your filter
Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.
windows 10 is the problem
Ok, should I go HTTPS Everywhere or Smart HTTPS?
I never understood the difference.
tor uses httpseverywhere so I'd recommend that, also
firefox 55.0.3 frozen and pic related extensions. frozen too.
Honestly, using anything more than an adblocker and httpseverywhere is overkill, but I figure why not, considering none of these extensions hinder usability or performance.
preparing for 57. ff is so much faster when only using webextensions. gonna restore my previous profile with like 32 add-ons now though, because i miss them.
HTTPS Everywhere
been using the same plugins for the last 2 years, pretty much all you need atm
lmao, this is why you stick to 55?
>rick and morty
user, I have bad news...
does ft deep dark work on nu-firefox yet?