ThinkPad Retro LAUNCH

Lenovo is launching the new Retro ThinkPad which will feature the classic keyboard, among other things.

>October 5th. 11AM EDT. Facebook Live. We open this bad boy. It may or may not be one of our party favors #ThinkPad25

Other urls found in this thread:

Classic keyboard is the only thing going for it.
>No 4:3 resolution
>No chance in hell you can libreboot it.

What else?

It's just bad, don't even bother

>Pricing and Availability:
>ThinkPad Anniversary Edition 25 is available in limited quantities in select countries.
>The price will be $1899, and the product will be available on and through business partners.


not buying/10

I can't wait to watch this thing crash and burn.

>The price will be $1899

How do they even figure that this thing is worth $1899?

I'm done with thinkpads. Party's over boys.


that's double the model it's based on

>Special edition product meant for enthusiasts

Choose one

I'd rather pick none than fall for this scam shit.

>tfw no mouse gf

>No chance in hell you can libreboot it.

Why can't you libreboot, couldn't the devs try to make it work?

ITT: NEETs with no money

>Special Edition
>Limited batch

Lenovo is legit doing a small run of product for a small minority of users (Basically Sup Forums and /Tech/ )

nah senpai il just buy a 20yr old IBM one instead because am autistic

You can buy 10 legit thinkpads with $1899, wtf are they thinking

>blocks your path

It shouldn't be a special edition. That's the point. There's a huge market for GOOD thinkpads.

It just goes to show that Lenovo doesn't do any customer research at all. They just copy Apple and hope all we go well.

Everyone does. The entire tech industry is just about copying whoever's currently in the lead. It's """too expensive""" to do user research, so instead they say (paraphrase of an actual statement by the team) "Look at competitor X! They're doing Y, which is proof that users want Y!". This is also why everything everywhere in the tech world is absolute dogshit now. Everyone cuts corners because everyone else is cutting corners therefore that means users like it when you cut corners (can't possibly be that they engineered a situation where there is no alternative than to bend over backward or anything, no siree, the consumers have spoken!)

>hype up retro thinkpad among the autist userbase
>turns out it's an overpriced limited edition T470 with the retro keyboard and nothing else retro about it
/tpg/ btfo by lelnovo again

Its LITERALLY a T470 with 1 (one) modification, the keyboard. For $1,900. Wow. ThinkPad enthusiasts wouldn't pay for this. What they would pay for is modern internals and display in a Tx20/Xx20 chassis.

An X220 with a 1080p minimum IPS display, Kaby Lake CPU, M.2 SSD WITH extra 2.5" bay and more modern I/O would be fucking sweet. You could still use most of the panel spares from the older machines bar the base because of different I/O ports.

this on youtube

Welp, guess I'll be getting an X62 or T70 then

Nice. I wonder if they'll keep things from this special edition in newer systems.

>625 pieces in all of Europe

what the fuck

big reason memepads are favored is their price point, not because of collectors. At this price, it might not even be called a thinkpad.

what the fuck are they thinking?

jesus christ, lenovo. get your shit together. this price is so far from reasonable. who the fuck is going to buy this shit? you guys had an opportunity to bring at least a decent keyboard back into the laptop market, but you did this dumbass shit instead? what MBA grad crawled up your asses and said this was a good idea?

>Tx20/Xx20 chassis.
>not T60 or X60 chassis with 4:3 master race display


So 200 in 3 years. I'll wait.

Sorry, no. This is not a business model but a collectors' item. Get a T470, get a classic keyboard for it from Ali.

No sane company is gonna buy a special snowflake tool for their business.




>dual core

>classic keyboard for it from Ali
what, people make those?

I mean, there's going to be some parts available for that laptop, whether it can be installed or not is an open question but I think it may be compatible with the usual T470.

number of available laptops is in the low thousands from what I've read

probably more like 3789 in 3 years

>whether it can be installed or not is an open question
the guys in the lenovo video said that the palmrest and keyboard can not be retrofitted, but some people will certainly figure something out like always with thinkpads

absolutely this. how can they be so idiotic? this thing is going to be one of the longest running jokes on Sup Forums for years to come.

Aren't they using the same flimsy chassis the T470s are using? They won't even last 10 years.

How much are you being paid to try and sell this impulse buy bait?

yes it's basically a T470 with fancy logos and a new keyboard

I don't see how a T470 chassis won't last decades.
The covers will go to shit but a metal chassis hidden inside?

Just because something is light doesn't mean it isn't strong.
Being light also means less force gets acted on it when you hold it by the corner or accidentally drop it.

Can't grip it on the back hinge with one hand
Judging from hinge design, no way to get a protruding battery to have the above option/feature
Can't take out the storage media in a sata drawer with 1 screw
Touchpad is too large, no physical buttons
No ultrabay/odd
No fully rounded palmrest Like the **20 models

It's absolute garbage.

..also according to one review...pcmag I thinklight. WTF?

*breathes in*

They threw away all the blueprints for old ThinkPads to save $50/year in storage costs.

>Citation needed

it was obviously a joke you stupid moron shithead

I wonder how long I'll keep using my X220. It seems like no other laptop on the market can even compete.

>you stupid moron shithead
Well you're clearly a witty and humorous person who is just loved at parties.

>not just buying a T70 from superior chink company

T70 for 800
cheap and for enthusiasts

I can buy two fucking T70s for 1899 and build a rig with the left overs


>purposefully acting retarded because youre shilling too hard

>ThinkPad X



the matebook x is twice the computer for half the price

>Blown the fuck out
>Shilling stops