What are the practical differences between VMware and Virtualbox? Which is better?
What are the practical differences between VMware and Virtualbox? Which is better?
Virtualbox is libre except for some additional components
VMware is fully proprietary
I've used both. VMware seems very polished, but Virtualbox can do mostly the same things.
If memes mean anything, Vinesauce Joel uses Virtualbox, and Terry A. Davis uses VMware.
virtualbox requires knowledge of VM's and a bit of troubleshooting. VMware is retard proof and is just the better VM imo.
Depends on what you are planning to do.
Linux desktop OS virtualisation works smoother with VBox
Everything else -> VMware
If running DirectX or OpenGL apps in your VM is a thing, then go VMware, its way, WAY better for that. I use it to run older games in all the time, works like a charm.
KVM is better than both. Second is virtual box and last is VMware. Try all 3 and you'll see what I mean
VMware is more enterprise. Businesses use VMware.
Use VirtualBox for home use.
VMware if you want to play vidya
VMware Player is a free version of Workstation with the enterprise features stripped out, its meant for everyday consumer use. If the guest is Windows it preforms way better then VirtualBox.
>last is VMware.
I hate to say it, (I got VmWare Workstation Pro) but, this. I have not been impressed by this product at all.
Redpill me on KVM. What is it and why haven't I heard about it?
Really depends. VMWare Wrokstation can be dicey at times if your host isn't Windows 7+
Linux Host / Linux or BDS Guests - Use KVM
Linux Host / Any other OS Guest as long as you don't need 3d video acceleration - Use Virtualbox
Windows Host / Windows Guest or Linux guest if you need 3d acceleration - VMWare Workstation
Windows Host / Linux Guest and don't need 3d acceleration - VirtualBox
Roughly I'd recommend it like this. They all have their strengths, just about using the right one for the job.
>why haven't I heard about it?
You're on Wangdows, si?
Virtualboxed Debian testing on a Fagbook Pro
And Xen is for?
Throwing in the garbage , all of xens advantages have already been ported to kvm
A quick glance at Google appears to indictae KVM isn't supported by Mac OS.
Isn't VMWare deprecated? I thought they abandoned all their consumer products.
You sure? I still hear that Xen scales up better.
Looking up KVM. Apparently It's related to QEMU? I tried that on my Mac and it sucked. Maybe the lack of the KVM thing is why.
>Terry A. Davis uses VMware
it kinda taints the purity of TOS that he used proprietary tools to make it
vSphere is where it's at
Nobody cares for anything but ESXi
Indeed. As for Joel, he made this masterpiece if you haven't seen it
Used to be the case that changed a while ago , only reason to still use xen is if the hardware doesn't support KVM I.e legacy hardware
You need them both. Qemu does hardware virtualization kvm does software thus for best you need both
Yeah I guess since it's MacOS, I ended up using only the QEMU part, making it slow as fuck
which one is good for using internet connecting inside vm?
Data centers.
For desktop usage this is mostly correct
It does worry me since 3d support with no hardware passthru is top fucking notch in Workstation, way better then VirtualBox. Lets me play old games that need XP without issue.
Its a great product if you doing Windows on Windows.
who /egee/ here?
Holy crap, VMWare's website is super difficult to navigate. Which software is the one I should download. There are like 20 different options...
VMware Player is the free one
Oh, yeah? Which one of these is that? lol
Personal Desktop, user.
Terry doesn't give a fuck about FOSS. He may be schizophrenic, but he is not autistic
Come on brainlet it's not hard
KVM easily defeats both of them at I/O
You guys were calling it VMWare Player, but in order to get what you want you have to download VMWare Workstation? I mean, I'm no expert or anything, but maybe just put a free version in the free section so people aren't confused with the 8000 options.
KVM and Docker are better
VMware is not meant for brainlets
Sup Forums is also not meant for braindead, retarded, stupid cuck-niggers, but here we all are.
>Sup Forums
you have to go back
b-but Linus told me slash geeeee was the AMD supremacists' hate machine
Way back, to when it began...
Sounds like KVM is like the go-to option for GNU/Linux virtualization.
It's the autistic option no doubt
KVM is somewhat supported in VirtualBox, so there you go...
Ah, cool. so the choice is between Virtualbox and QEMU?
Use them all and decide for yourself. Stop asking to be spoonfed.
Yeah, pretty much. I run VirtualBox for non-gaming emulation, and then when I want to game I switch to QEMU/KVM with VFIO. Near native performance, and I get to run any version of Windows I want.
VMWare's best options are hidden away from retards. But I agree.
VMWare. All their virtualization products.
Just pirate it. They have enough enterprise sales, they don't care about home users pirating it.
VirtualBox works, but that's about it.
Have any of y'all gotten Intel graphics to work on KVM/QEMU with VFIO? I read on a blog post somewhere that support for it has been added recently out of the box but i cant seem to get it working.
How come people don't know what KVM is?
People "reccomend" it here, but they have no clue.
>inb4 people respond like KVM is a virtualization software in itself and not just a Qemu extension usually
>inb4 people think KVM is Linux and Qemu specific
Dude what the fuck, come on.
I literally googled "VMware player"
Clicked on the first result
And the download is on the bottom of the page.
You're not even trying.
I've only ever used Virtualbox and it werks for me.
Generally true though KVM has decent Windows guest drivers now:
This pretty much.
Knowing about something doesn't mean anything. I use VMware despite knowing about kvm technologies, it could easily be a matter of platform support, interfaces, technical support, integration with other products, etc.
But how are you going to act like a smartass on Sup Forums then?
Better is subjective. At scale, VMWare is better. For simply testing on a home machine, Virtualbox is easier, but fuck Oracle.
I use Hyper-V, because I can build a VM on my workstation and push it to dev / test / prod if needed. And since all of my home stuff / stuff at work is 2012 r2 or 2016 datacenter, I get AVMA.
If you use a Linux host and don't need great software emulated graphics in Windows or are using GPU passthrough for best performance, use KVM/QEMU (or libvirt/virt manager which is an API and GUI for it). KVM/QEMU is severely superior to virtualbox for example in terms of CPU and general performance, but the virtio graphics drivers suck dick on Windows 10.
Running software graphics on Windows 10 guest I'd recommend VirtualBox if you want to be free(er), or VMWare if you need the best performance of the two. KVM fucks them both, or is at least on par with VMWare, but as mentioned, virtio has shit graphics drivers in Windows 10 on KVM/QEMU unless you go GPU passthrough.
KVM is better
I did the same thing and got different results, so maybe the boitnet wanted to lead me astray.
I feels ya. I wish for the days of search not being per-person tailored. It fucks up so much of the searches I do.
>I wish for the days of search not being per-person tailored.
Me too.
Me three.
Vmware for professional, productive members of society.
Virtualbox for NEETs
And this logic is why you are not working in tech
Virtualbox is free. Generally fine on a computer made in the last few years, but struggles on much older stuff.
VMWare charges for each update, at least on a Mac.
VMware is better, VirtualBox is free.
Isn't Hyper-V superior to both?
VMware Workstation used to be their bread and butter. Now that's consider basic-tier shit and all their money is in licensing ESXi to datacenters everywhere.
Wait, there's VMware on mac? Last time I checked they only supported Windows and GNU/Linux
>He doesn't have 5+ vSphere hosts and 100s of VMs
Where the fuck do you work, KFC?
they outsourced it to pajeets, virtualbox is complete abandonware though
>kvm does software
you're a fucking retard
Then how come it still has updates every once in a while?
Clean up your tabs. Or at least group them by category per window.
I think the fact that he's a retard is a bigger concern, as well as the fact that he's running Windows 10
You clean up YOUR tabs.
>in a VM
it's called fusion something
>Uncle Jobel uses Open Source master software
why is he so based as fuck?
He also uses zsnes, and I think OBS
Vmware is for professionals, virtualbox is for startups
Since when was terry foss oriented? He's just trying to build God's operating system
I like Virtualbox. It's stable, and it just works. With VMware it seems there's always some problem waiting to happen
VirtualBox use KVM acceleration
How is GNOME Boxes?
this is a thread, either contribute or don't
my vote is vb, its just too easy to not screw up anything but qemu is more free
>Everyone keeps saying how good KVM is
>QEMU is more free
I'm sold. Just wish I was less of a brainlet so I could understand it's weird long-ass commands.
It just works
What about Docker
Yeah, agreed.
I know, right? lol
Never heard of either, actually. Now I am interested!
Actually, I have heard of GNOME boxes, it's pretty meh from what limited experience I had with it.
As for docker, it's an enterprisey service thingy, and that means money and not a lot of control. Probably meant for business and development as opposed to personal use.
>KVM is better than both.
Does it already have hardware acceleration for graphics?
Hyper-V is alright and its a lot cheaper, but in enterprise VMWare is the king
I use Xen, but KVM/qemu is a close second. I run windows in a VM with a GPU passed through.