Is it bad to turn off my PC by making it overheat by removing the cpu cooler...

is it bad to turn off my PC by making it overheat by removing the cpu cooler? I dont know how to connect the front panel connectors and my psu doesnt have a switch

the current state of Sup Forums, everyone

No. I do it all the time.

I really hope this is bait.
If it isn't, Sup Forums is basically below a normie shithole.

no. it's fine. keep doing it.

Why would you remove the CPU cooler? Just unplug the fan cable and open up prime95.

So you're the reason Intel stopped soldering their CPUs.

Just try bridging random pairs of the front panel connectors with a screwdriver until you turn it off

>I dont know how to connect the front panel connectors
How about read the fucking manual?

>people taking the bait seriously
Even if OP was a complete retard he could still switch it off at the outlet

Can't you just fucking click shutdown pc

It's all good just make sure to cool the cpu with a cup of water right away

I'm figuratively laughing my literal ass off

That's too easy though

Just short the power switch connector with something metal.

Just Plastidip the screen black and peel it off when you need to use the PC.
God I hope this is bait, it probably is, but there are people that are actually this fucking retarded.

just poke around in the PSU with a screwdriver.

>using the ACPI botnet

Laughing uncontrollably.

CPUs wouldn't have overtemp protection if you weren't supposed to use it.

>tfw you realize that all the power switch on the mobo does is to cut power to the cpu fan
My god!

Why is everyone falling for this 0/10 bait.

Just throw some water on the CPU and it will cool down.

Water is a inefficient coolant. Just take off the cpu heatsink and blast the heat spreader with fresh piss.

>Implying he inst too dumb to not realise

Master race reporting in

Use a screwdriver to short power button pins on the mobo

Piss evaporates too quickly, use Thinkpad user's tears instead for a Superior Cooling Experience(tm)


Wait, how do you turn it on then ?

if u remove the cooler nothing will happen. try removing the heatsink as well, nothing will happen now either

>not pulling the motherboard header
Look at this scrub.

by putting the cooler back on

try throwing it on a arc furnace for a faster shutdown

Just pull out the CPU or RAM at that point

That won't turn it back on.

honestly, I do this myself every time I need to turn off my desktop, as its probably the best way to do so since failsafes have been implemented at the bare metal level to ensure that nothing gets ruined/destroyed when there is extreme overheating due to no heatsink, I've tried to convince people I know to adopt this as their primary way of turning off their desktop, but they really aren't very smart so they just try to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and then proceed to leave it up to the software to handle it

*sigh* I'm glad at least OP knows whats best for his machine

love it