>don't have ebay account
>live near the ghetto and craigslist isn't ideal
If i make an ebay account, will someone even buy from a new account that has no previous sales?
what do?
>don't have ebay account
>live near the ghetto and craigslist isn't ideal
If i make an ebay account, will someone even buy from a new account that has no previous sales?
what do?
Take it to a pawn broker
I'll possibly buy it if it's a good deal, what is it and how much?
>i7 4500U
>256 GB SSD
>3200x1800 13.3" touchscreen
>convertible hinges
>bought new in 2014
trolling or they will actually pay decent money?
Probably not but if ebay and craigslist is out then you don't have many options do you?
Buyers have way more protection than sellers so you'd have a shot
I can do $300 on it, it's a few years old and used.
what are my risks as a seller?
lmao get fucked
thanks user but no thanks. maybe if ebay fails ill come back and we'll talk
That's not what you say to a potential buyer, I was going to say $450 but I don't think I want to deal with you.
Since you're not a big shot seller ebay would be more likely to take the buyer's side if they filed for dispute
Just make sure you take a lot of pictures including one with a legitimate time stamp with the laptop on in case it happens. I've sold 1 thing before selling a 500+ graphics card and it went smoothly.
What's your bottom dollar?
>If i make an ebay account, will someone even buy from a new account that has no previous sales?
Sell 2 or 3 cheaper items first, building trust.
this was my response einstein
probably 350ish. think I can get closer to 5 though
is this really necessary?
thanks for the advice user
>is this really necessary?
Yes, trusted accounts get more bids.
Also buying items increases your total positive ratings. Pay quickly and the seller might note that in his review.
I'll give you $350 and you cover shipping and paypal fees. You get to avoid all the inconvenience of selling on ebay.
>pay via paypal G&S
>OP doesn't ship it until I pay
>If I don't receive my item within 30 days or it's not as described I get a full refund including return shipping
welcome to [current year], grandpa
if ebay fails ill come back
You're not even near a nice neighborhood? Arrange to meet at a McDonalds or Starbucks, or some other public place with high visibility, and in a nice part of town. If they say they can't meet there, then the kindly decline their offer to buy and move on.
my neighborhood is nice and i've done it before but i gotta have like neighbors come by and scope him out with me.
everytime its like some tyrone, white van, sheeeeeiit nice house senpai
>meeting at your house to sell craigslist stuff
full blown autism. go meet in a public place with lots of cameras. some police stations even let you do it in their parking lot.